Dear @Dayleeo // 19th September 2k18 // well ain’t you a universal soldier or what!

in #dear-dayleeo6 years ago (edited)

well good morning my universal soldier, girls crushing that recovery time, i’m sorry that you went through so much pain yesterday with the procedure on the root canal, that’s crazy that it was a quad, that’s a lot of precision work for the dentist to do, no wonder it took so long to do — but you made it through, your pretty close now, just the pack and fill and moulding to go and you’ll be set, both sides done — the most important teeth done and dusted, biggest procedure you can have done basically.

take it steady today, the tooth pain is probably gonna be intense for the next twenty four hours or, get some tablets down you every four hours and don’t commit to anything too intense, i realise you might have work stacked up, be great if we can get our podcast done today but not a problem if not we can always record @teamaudio on thursdays and bump @productsense to the weekend — it’s not a problem.

i’ve been sketching this morning! i bought a pad a few weeks back and i’ve finally gotten around to it, pulling out some of those ideas from my brainz and putting it onto paper, depending on how recording goes today i might try and bring a few of these to life.

i think i got some decent sleep last night again eventually, it was patchy of course, wind blowing and up in the middle of the night for a little while — standard of late, body clock has been a bit strange what with the ACV doing it’s magic/work (i have no idea what it’s doing actually!) but it seems to be all good.

same old same old over here, mid week, another day of crushing ahead, as always lots to incrementally do, hf20 expected to roll out in the next six days so getting up to speed to get some additional course lessons out is kinda paramount especially because i keep seeing loads of youtubers i’d love to bring over to the platform, interested to see how resource credits work.

i’m not sure why but i’m pumped that you are stepping through the application for the visa, just planning for next years activities get’s me hype, especially if you can make THAT event (ssshhh) because they have a bunch of activity sessions we can book in on and also you can get some proper british pies and cheeses — it’s over three days as well so music and beers and plenty of opportunities for photos and video.

of course i’m well aware that i’ve gotta get my backside on a silver tube and get over to you, only half a day away after all right? did you have any crazy dreams again last night? i did but i’ve totally forgotten the context of it, all i know is the last three days have all been completely different. super odd, maybe it’s just reacting to the environment that i fell asleep in eh?

the way the months are flying by, it’s gonna be christmas time already and then fresh into a brand new year, next year is kinda the big one before the big transition period kicks in — will we be ready? who knows, we have to strive towards it right? it’s gonna be weird to see 2020 when that one rolls in the year after it. let’s hope the world has 2020 vision by then and we are actively trying to make serious changes in the world.

i finally hit 400 products last night, also 150k HUNT tokens, woot woot, and we are just getting started babeeee! — every time i hit some kind of mild milestone i just think about the times when we are back together again and we have our work sprints — that’s one thing that we have not done at full strength yet, once transport is fixed getting ourselves a short term gigabit desk somewhere in the nearby city should be a breeze. ready for super fast mocking up and pushing of videos — just back to back em :)

we’ll i think that’s me for today, just stepping through the usual tasks for a midweek, really pushing to get that course up to 4hr+ before the end of the week and i’m certainly gonna start planning out the other course as well, that should have come first before the steemhunt one but i felt that should be done first because of where things were at with steemhunt — i need to make a presentation at some point too, maybe i’ll stream that to @dlive — dying to stream some games together with you. we will get there.

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,


Da Mouser,


Morning darling rough sleeps last night but I guess that’s to be expected- I don’t remember for the life of me any dreams but I’m thankful to be here and to take a stab at some of the outstanding work and meal prep fingers crossed I love you thankbyou for writing I’m sorry you didn’t have one to wake up to I’ll make it up to u for tomorrow I promise 💕

don't be silly. health comes first. glad you had the strength to go and do what you did yesterday, keep turning up.

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