In one day, two house fires occurred in Bireuen.

in WhereIN3 months ago


The fire disaster occurred in Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province, two house fires occurred in one day, precisely on Friday, 21/6/2024.

The first incident occurred in Geulanggang Teungoh Village, Kota Juang Bireuen District, a semi-permanent house was burnt down and its contents burned down. The accident occurred at around 16.30. WIB.

Meanwhile, the second disaster occurred in Term Mesjid Village, Term Bireuen District. One permanent construction house unit was damaged due to fire at around 22.45 WIB, Friday, 21/6/2024.

Fire disaster in Geulanggang Teungoh Village.
Bireuen firefighters (damkar) struggled to extinguish the fire at the late Nuraini's house which caught fire on Friday (21/6/2024) afternoon.

According to information, initially residents in the area saw fire appearing in the house. Some residents immediately helped put out the fire and also immediately reported the incident to the fire department.

Receiving information about the fire, not long ago three fire engines from the Bireuen City Main Post, assisted by a fire engine from the July Sub-district Sub-Post, and two Kuta Blang Sub-District Sub-Post fire trucks, were deployed to the location.


Arriving near the burning house, officers and residents immediately took action to extinguish the fire. The flames that had risen high were immediately doused with water. Likewise inside the house, firefighters struggled to hold water hoses to extinguish the fire.

The front of the house is of permanent construction and there are a number of rooms. Meanwhile, the back of the house is semi-permanent construction and made of wood. So the back of the house was destroyed by fire, including one of the warehouses where goods were stored.

As for the front, only a little remained, everything else was burned down. Apart from the house, the trees around the house were also burnt and turned black. After the fire died, officers cooled it down because there were a number of other residents' houses around the house.

After extinguishing the fire, firefighters and residents also collected fallen zinc to make it easier to extinguish the source of the fire.

Kasmawati (45), one of the late Nuraini's children, said that the house left behind by her parents was occupied by her older brother, Husaini Abdullah, along with a nephew named Riki.

Meanwhile, said Kasmawati, she also occasionally spent the night at the house. His mother died about five months ago.

Before the incident, Kasmawati came to the house to meet her brother Husaini and he asked if he had eaten. Because he hadn't eaten, Kasmawati brought food for Husaini, which he ate in the dining room at the back. Husaini also asked to buy coffee, then Riki went to buy coffee and gave Husaini the cigarettes.

A few moments later, residents saw that a fire had started. The flames instantly spread throughout the room and everything was burned to the ground.

"At home, Bang Husaini lives with Riki, while I also often go home to my parents," he said.

"Whether it caught fire or was burnt, I don't know for sure, my brother is sick," said Kasmawati.

According to Kasmawati, whose house is about 50 meters south of her parents' house, her brother has been ill for a long time and is currently outpatient. Husaini, according to Kasmawati and a number of local residents, has been ill since childhood, namely mental retardation.

In the house, he said, there are many things, starting from cupboards, the bed is still new, there are also lots of dishes and other items.

"All the things my parents left behind are still in the house, now they're all gone," he said softly.


Fire Accident in Term Mesjid Village, Term Bireuen District.
One permanent construction house unit in Panjang Mesjid Village, Panjang District, Bireuen Regency, was damaged by fire at around 22.45 WIB, Friday, 21/6/2024.

The house that caught fire in Tgk Term Hamlet, Term Mesjid Village, Term District, Bireuen Regency belonged to Juliadi (35). Temporary suspicion is that there is an electrical short in the plug connected to the refrigerator.

It is not yet known for certain how the incident started, suddenly residents saw that there was a fire inside the victim's house, specifically in the refrigerator. At the time of the incident, the homeowner had left for a while.

Initially, a number of residents saw the fire and immediately tried to extinguish the flames. Apart from asking for help from the fire brigade, residents also immediately took out the burning refrigerator in the kitchen.

A few minutes later, three fire engines from the Bireuen City main post and two fire units from the Kuta Blang sub-post arrived at the location. Conditions at the location are safe, major disasters have been saved.

As a result of this incident, the refrigerator was damaged and the plastic/fiber ceiling was damaged by the heat of the fire when the fire occurred.

Juliadi said that he was not at home at the time of the incident, while his wife and children had also gone for a walkselling at a kiosk in a neighboring village, namely Lampoh Rayeuk Village, Panjang District, about 3 km from his house.

"Receiving information from my nephew, I immediately went home, when I got home the fire had been extinguished by residents and there was also a Bireuen fire brigade," he said.

The house is shared with his wife Fitria (35) and two children, namely Hanif (5) and Mikail (3).

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