The wonder of error

in #steemchurch6 years ago

I am sure that if I did an online survey at this time and asked them to "Like" the phrase "I also like to fail", no one would give a click. I'm wrong? At least I would not. I do not like to fail, I do not like it when I'm wrong, it's more, it caught my attention and corrected me immediately. I am severe and demanding with myself; I do not like to realize that I did not take the necessary measures to not make a mistake and when I hurt someone, I feel even worse. That's the way I am, although I do not like it many times (most of the time, the truth)


Since I am like that, I often think that God works the same way with me, it is as if he thinks that He moves his head negatively nodding for what I did or did not do. And in all the years of knowing Christ that I carry, even this idea appears as a ghost in the moments of trial or difficulty.

For the same reason, I had to learn to look at the positive side of my mistakes and mistakes. Yes, there is that side. Although it is VERY hard to believe and sometimes to find.

Many times I have asked myself why we continue to be wrong if it causes wounds in our soul and heart, I answer immediately that from those experiences, we form our character and prepare ourselves for life. But I think there is more, and that there is a very positive reason why we continue to "screw up", as they say in my country.

One of the ways in which God shows us His love is through forgiveness and the grace he pours out on us, right? When we feel that kind of love, a steamroller can pass over us and we will be able to face it and get back on our feet (much thinner, by the way). However, for me, there is something wonderful about being wrong. Yes, you read well. I wrote WONDERFUL. Let me deepen this.

When we live a long Christian life, we often naturalize the opportunities and possibilities that the gospel gives and that at some point impacted our lives. When this happens, the gift of eternal life and all the guarantees that Christ gives us become a "pack" that we seem to acquire when we allow Jesus to live in our hearts.

What happens when we fail, when we make mistakes and regret having done something contrary to God's plan, is wonderful. And it is, because we remember how fragile we are and that NOTHING differentiates us from people who do not have a personal relationship with Christ. Nothing but the cross ...

In those moments, when we feel deeply sorry, when our heart hurts for having failed God, it is where we must have our eyes wide open and observe the world with the same eyes with which the Father looks at us, those eyes of love and not of judgement. Those eyes that are capable of accepting us completely and of separating what we do, of what we are. Never forget that also sin, error, is a way of approaching the forgiving heart of God and return to enchant us, to fall in love. When we leave our "divinity" and see our human nature emerge on the surface we remember who we really are, what we are capable of doing and the immense "layer" of grace that God must place upon us so that there are people who love us, who Respect and even admire us for some quality or personal attribute.

The next time you feel you fail and you're wrong, think of it this way:

"The wonderful thing (although it sounds crazy) of sinning, is that I remember that there is nothing different between me and the rest of the people around me; only His grace, His unconditional love and His eternal forgiveness make me be tremendously blessed and move forward, because I know that at the end of the path He will always be waiting for me, although sometimes I will take the longest path, anyway I will arrive and He will wait for me".


Recognizing that we fail helps us grow.

Who does not admit their mistakes, stagnates in the process of spiritual and personal growth. Only those who recognize their failures can take the path of correcting them and moving on to new paths of change.
It is nothing new. It is a fact that has accompanied man through history. People, who despite incurring facts, words and gestures that attempt against others, never recognize it.
A simple analysis to this inescapable fact, King David did. He wrote "Who realizes his own mistakes? Forgive, Lord, my hidden faults! Take away your servant's pride; do not let pride dominate me. Thus I will be a man without blemish; I will be free from great sin. "(Psalm 19:12, 13. Popular Version" God speaks today ").

Every mistake leaves a teaching. we must assume our actions with humility and correct our mistakes. God bless you

When we come to the feet of Christ we want to always do things well, and we are more careful not to fail the Lord, but then come the trials, the faults that expose our sins, and I have actually learned that the trials come from God to push us to new spiritual levels, new levels of faith, it is important to hold on to the Word of God and meditate to learn, God says that to those who love God everything is good for them.

minha firma.png

We must learn from our mistakes and never to make them again and correct them, we are better than anybody, all is grace

Excellent message I can imagine King David when he committed his error of adultery and murder, nothing more and nothing less than the wife of one of his brave (Urias), his mistake led him to repentance and to ask God not to take away his Holy Spirit .
This publication has many teachings, reminds me of a sermon I gave in the Lord's church: extract lobueno from the bad, in a few words, take the best lessons from our mistakes. Blessings

Great post. they say that the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love.

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