SteemChurch:Christian Themes For The Family - To Not Forget The Legacy Of God !!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

The Christian themes for the family, there are usually many, in this opportunity, we will talk a little about the value of the united family, the purpose that God has for the family and we will mention a series of verses from the bible, related to the family. So that they can be of great family help, to deal with difficult problems or uncomfortable situations within the family nucleus.

In the bible, there are many verses, where God inspires the family, to be united and in harmony, describes, as were the families of that time in Israel, also speaks of families that were destroyed, by adverse situations, and the families built with love.


Christian themes for the family.
One of the main issues in families are crises or family problems. From there we have in the bible as an example, a family that went through family problems.

José and María, they were a couple, who were planning to get married. When God had something different planned for them, because Mary was pregnant by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. Jose, who was not yet her husband, had to deal with what they would say about the other people, who thought, that Maria had been his wife, before getting married. In this way, despite this great problem, José never abandoned Maria, but in God they were able to face the difficulties and get out of their problem.


God's purpose for the family.

In the Bible a story is told, where God gives a series of guidelines to the people of Israel, when they finished conquering the promised land. And these guidelines were related to the family. God, I hoped that these parents, accompanied by children, would tell them everything that God had done for them to enter the promised land. The purpose of God, was that this parents, instructed their children in the word, and that the legacy of children of God was not lost.

In this way, God told these families: "Talk to each one of your children, tell them what I have done for you, and how you managed to enter the land that I promised you." You will not be able to imagine, when it cost God get these people out of slavery. So that the next generation, that would come to them, would talk about their feats and wonders. But it was so much evil, of a third generation, that they forgot all that, and went back to slavery.

The purpose of God, especially with the family, is to be able to speak to the following generations, about him and about everything he has done. It can not be possible, that there are families, where not even the smallest know, who is God, since they are never talked about in their homes. The purpose of God, to bring families to a religion or not, is never going to be discussed. The idea of ​​God is that at least the smallest ones have a knowledge that he exists and in reality.


What were the first families on earth?

One of the first families, on earth, were those of Adam and Eve. Here it happened, that his second generation, committed sin, at the moment that Cain, managed to kill his brother, named Abel. It happened that the third grandson of Eve, called Enos, was different, and began to invoke the name of the holy God. And in that way, a new legacy in the family began. If we can observe, it is really easy to lose the blessing that God has given, and in order not to lose it, we must move forward and not faint.

For that reason, we have to get time, to be with the children and talk to him about God. By reading the bible, we can also get, with the family of King David. Who gave him his legacy, of intimacy with God, to one of his sons called, Solomon. Solomon, I create a great temple to God, where he lived, for a long time. Of the same, the way parents should create in their homes, a temple of worship and praise to God, a time where God is spoken to their children and the following generations.

We must not lose, that legacy, that God has given us. It is unfortunate that the children are going to fall into the hands of the enemy, only through carelessness of the parents, who could not take time to speak to their children of God. Another example of family, which we can get in the Bible is the case of Job, this was a man that God called, as fair, since he did not sin in the midst of the problems that afflicted him.

His wife, on the other hand, was not as wise, as he was, since at the time of the problems she cursed him, to the point of asking him to die. Their children, on the other hand, were very similar to their mother, because when they died they got a party, while their father was suffering.

These children, are very similar, some today, wanted to live a pattern of life, where their father had to give them comforts and pleasures, and that is one of the reasons, that at the time of raising children, parents should agree on the values ​​that are being instilled in them. Children can not see two examples to follow, one good and one bad, they should see a single example of love and respect between the two parents.


Biblical advice for the family.

Deuteronomy 6: 4-9
Hear, Israel: Jehovah our God, Jehovah one is. And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words that I command you today, will be on your heart; and you shall teach them to your children, and you shall speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up. And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes; and you shall write them on the doorposts of your house, and on your gates Deuteronomy 6: 4-9

Reflection: how we can read, is one of the commands of God that we can speak to all, our generations, of the feats and promises of God. It is at all times that we must instruct the children in the love of God, it is good, that we can take time, to be with the children and to speak to them about God.

Deuteronomy 6: 17-21
Keep carefully the commandments of Jehovah your God, and his testimonies and his statutes that he has commanded you. And do what is right and good in the sight of the Lord, that it may go well with you, and that you may come in and possess the good land that the LORD swore to your fathers; so that he may throw your enemies out from before you, as the Lord has said. Tomorrow when your son will ask you, saying: What do the testimonies and statutes and decrees that Jehovah our God commanded you mean? then you will say to your son: We were Pharaoh's servants in Egypt, and Jehovah brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand.

Reflection: it is important for parents to keep the testimony before their children, God sends their words to the children, but it is also a great help when these parents take care of the testimony they have before their children. As a father, you can pretend, that a son does not blow, if his son looks at him lying to others. That father, when he asks his son to tell him the truth, the son will respond with a lie since that is what he has seen, for example with his father.

Judges 2: 8

But Joshua son of Nun, a servant of the Lord, died, being one hundred and ten years old. And they buried him in his inheritance in Timnath-sera, on the hill of Ephraim, north of Mount Gaash. And all that generation were also gathered to their fathers. And there arose after them another generation that knew not Jehovah, nor the work which he had done for Israel. Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served the Baals.

Reflection: in this passage of the bible, we can see the consequences, of this old generation for not having instructed their children, in the fear of Jehovah. What happened was that when the generation that had known God died, no one else remembered him. Since the previous generation, they missed the important point of speaking to their children of God. So that in this way the legacy would not be lost and neither would the children in perdition.

Genesis 4: 25-26

And Adam again knew his wife, who gave birth to a son, and called his name Seth: Because God (she said) has replaced me another son instead of Abel, whom Cain killed. And Set was also born a son, and he called his name Enos. Then the men began to invoke the name of Jehovah.

Reflection: in this case, we see one generation that, in passing the other, did not deviate from God's command and followed him. To the point, they did not forget God and those he had made with his family.

It is important that if we say to love God, we can also speak to our children about that love, we must learn to inherit principles and values ​​to serve God, and that the children can also do it. The people of Israel, upon entering the promised land, after many centuries, where they were slaves, God made them free.

Prayer of faith.
The prayer of faith is nothing more than that prayer, which God asks of you so that you can accept to let Jesus into your heart the son of God. This is a prayer, which brings freedom, peace, joy and much happiness to your life, from the moment you do it. You must also know that there is no prayer, greater than this, to receive Jesus in your heart. If today you want God to help you and give you wisdom to raise your children in love and respect, you should repeat this prayer:

"Lord Jesus, on this occasion, I want to ask you to enter my heart, forgive me and cleanse me for all my sins, and you have set me free. I ask that from today you help me raise my children, and not forget your legacy. Help me to have a united family, which will love and never forget you in the name of Jesus Amen "



God established the rules on which the family should function. And those who follow the instructions of God, reach a healthy marriage and a stable and happy family capable of leaning on the good and the bad regardless of their circumstances maintaining respect and love pleasing God in all things

Today was the day my beloved brothers have left me speechless with these messages full of knowledge and love, I had the privilege of growing up in a Christian family. From a very young age, family life revolved around God. Church, friends, fun, family life, everything was consistently lived through a Christian perspective of life. The time has come to begin to decide about matters of faith. Although there were moments of doubt and struggle, what helped me a lot is that my parents and the generation that preceded me had led me to a relationship with God through their teachings and their example.

As Solomon said to his son: "The good man leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren" (Proverbs 13:22, New International Version). We are in charge of instructing our children in the way of God, so that the integrity, love of neighbor predominates in them.


God made the first family who is the Adam and eve family in the beginning if creation he gave the authority to look over every sort if creation ,created by him.
The father us deemed with the responsibility as the head of the family who supersede over everything in his family about his wife and his children . he proves food , shelter and otherwise for his children and wife .
Women are given the responsibility to assist the husband and take good care of the children .
Mother's should speak well of their children.
Bless your childreen never course them.
A good chrustain family should always live on Christ. And always take part in the body of Christ

If we can truly learn and practice the things youbhave shared, the will always be unity in our families.
Learning to go back and see what the people in the Bible practiced to achieve harmony is what we must do today.

Thanks for sharing

This is a great teachings about family.
Family is what God established to build the world as everyone of us come from one family or the other and the development of church down to a nation is rooted from the family.

Though there is always ups and downs but we should not go out of the plans of God when things are not working out fine. We need to carry God along in our family journey and made him the Alpha and omega of our home and also show our children the way to life which is Christ.

It is good to know that our children learn more by our actions and behaviors than what you teach them. We need to live a godly live and show the example to our children and teach them how to ask God for all what they need and also depend on Him for provision and meeting all our needs according to His riches. We should teach our children on how to appreciate God always even when they don't get their needs met.

Family is a great place to be and it takes understanding to build with the help of God

A healthy and happy family must have something called understanding.
And everyone in the family should always know their respective roles to play as a member of the family.
That way as a Family ,they would be peace among the members of that family.

wooo awesome writing friend, you have left me shocked, beautiful

That is very nice one @taty17 people live legacies and buy the time we realize they are forgotten but the legacy of Christ was even there before his birth.

The devil has always thought it right to ruin the world by breaking family apart first because a Godly family save the world from sin therefore we need to hold the legacy of God ,by building our family upon the principles of God......
God bliss you for this mgs

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