in #steemchurch6 years ago

The world around us is influenced by evil, by negativism, by hatred, feelings with which the enemy has been working through the years and is that many times we ourselves as Christians allow ourselves to be contaminated by the trash that there is in This world, because we let ourselves go without thinking that what we do is not going to be a child of God.


Your friendships that are not Christian have a great influence on your life because when you are with them you tend to do the things they do, so you let yourself go easily and little by little you leave the path of holiness, leaving aside the being a person of example, but that should not be so beloved brother, that the light of Christ be reflected through you, that others see in you a person who is an example, a person who acts as Christ would , that you notice in your way of walking, of dressing, of speaking, that you are a person who speaks with authority, with security, because you have the Spirit of God within you.

Out there in the world many want to imitate artists, want to see and act like them, because they think they are the most, but you as a believer should know that this is not for you, you were not born to follow the vain things of This world, you were born to make a difference, you were born to be a good person, a person that reflects Jesus in his way of life.

Beloved brother, you are a special person, because you are chosen by God to be different, not to be among the heap. You must be a person who has a positive influence on others, a person who is not ashamed to be a son and daughter of God, a person who does not get carried away by the currents of this world, you must influence those who do not You know Jesus, you must tell them about Him.


Acts 13:47
For thus the Lord has commanded us, saying, I have set you for the light of the Gentiles, that you may be for salvation to the ends of the earth.


Years ago a preacher moved to Houston, Texas.

Shortly after, he got on the bus to go downtown. When he sat down, he discovered that the driver had given him one extra dollar in the change.

While considering what to do, he thought to himself, "Oh, forget it, it's just a dollar. Who will worry about such a small amount? Anyway, the bus company receives a lot of the fees and they will not miss it.

Accept it as a gift from God. "But when he reached his stop, he stopped and, thinking again, decided to give the dollar to the driver by saying," Take, you gave me this extra dollar. "The driver, with a smile answered:

  • I know you're the new town preacher. I've been thinking about going back to church and I wanted to see what you would do if I gave you too much change. "

The preacher shaken down inside and said, "Oh God, I nearly sold Your Son for a dollar."

Our lives will be the only Bible that some will read, so DO NOT FORGET to be an example in everything you do.



If the disciples of Jesus are faithful, they have a lot of influence, they exert great force on others. But if they are not faithful, they are obviously under the influence of the world. Christians must change the world so as not to be changed by the world.
Jesus told a negligent church, "Repent ... if not, ... I will remove your candlestick", Rev. 2: 5


The word influence is not a biblical word, but we will see that it is a biblical concept. (Acts 25: 2 speaks of "the most influential," that is, the first or the main ones.)
According to Larousse, the influence is "Action that exerts a thing on a person or on something else: influence of public opinion, authority, importance: having influence in society." Influence is the force that man has to affect others. This force is exercised consciously or unconsciously.
Those who have a lot of influence in the world are, for example, the rich, the scientists, those who occupy high positions in government, authors, artists, athletes, etc.

Jesus Christ has had and has a lot of influence.

      A. He has had more influence than any other in human society because "In him was life, and life was the light of men", John 1: 4.

      B. He has exercised his influence through his life, his teaching, his death, burial, resurrection, and ascension to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.

      C. In the first centuries of our Christ era, the gospel and the Christians changed the Roman world.

The disciples of Christ have influence because they are the salt of the earth.
"You are the salt of the earth," Matt. 5:13
As salt exerts an important action in keeping the flesh of corruption, so too do Christians preserve the world of corruption.

As a Christian that is all what we should do "Our lives will be the only Bible that some will read, so DO NOT FORGET to be an example in everything you do"

Beloved brother, you are a special person, because you are chosen by God to be different, not to be among the heap. You must be a person who has a positive influence on others, a person who is not ashamed to be a son and daughter of God, a person who does not get carried away by the currents of this world, you must influence those who do not You know Jesus, you must tell them about Him.

One of the best ways to preach to people that don't like hearing God's word is through our lifestyles and character.
We are the bible that people out there are reading. We just have to live our lives to conform to God and live out the Christ in us

Emulating Jesus wherever we find ourselves is the greatest feeling we can have as Christians. It does not matter what the society or the world throws at us, we have to put God first in all our endeavours

As good Christians, we should always learn to be of good examples, good influence to others.
We should learn to influence their lives positively.

People will criticise you and they will always try to bring you down but you should be aware that they are waiting for your downward .
Also they may be comending you but deep inside them they are fake.
We should not be expecting positive things always make things happen the way you think life should be according to Gods word .
When you allow your self to applaused everyday you may end up not making it in life.
Always commit you life and everything you have in the hands of the living God.
You must he ready to loose some earthly things and be ready to carry the cross with him.
Those who have given their lives to him will always be there to stand for him always .
Many don't know what it means to be with Christ and stand in his ways and do his ways will , the love of God is only bound to those who put their whole heart in the lord and do what God expect them to do through him who made heaven and earth.
With God all things are possible

Splendid post!!
We as Christians must accept the mantle of evangelzation and understand that our reward is not of this world but of the Lord. And even at that, we must understand that it's something we must do without expecting a return

spectacular post, on the influence, we should not let ourselves be influenced by the enemy

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