
I hate to see when tourist disrespect of a culture they visit

usually, when I hear stories like this, it's Americans doing it.

Having traveled a lot I to hate that, yes I have seen many Americans do it, but also from some European Countries, and Asia, the strange thing is I do notice the similarity it seems to come from what is generally seen as the more well off countries

I love to learn about the culture of the countries I visit, and always knew that messing with ancient cairns was a no-no everywhere. However, it was during my first visit to Iceland last year that I learned about the confusion on some inland trails and the destruction of the fragile environment caused by unsuspecting cairn builders. The cairn building on the beach is probably pretty harmless, except maybe it draws attention to the greater problem elsewhere, and the Icelanders probably believe it is an eyesore on their beach. I often build and photograph cairns on the beach when I'm back in Scotland, but the tide soon washes them away!

Yes on the beaches here it is not an environmental or culture issue and I love seeing them, but more people would be like us and take time to learn a bit about the culture before visiting any place

... which brings me to a sore point I have with some of my fellow Brits who visit the USA - Orlando especially. They don't learn ahead of time that waiters rely on tips here in order to put food on the table. They don't get minimum wage, but if tips don't reach minimum wage, then the employer has to kick in. I always tip 20% for good service, 15% for OK service, 10% if it's terrible! I tell my friends and family that in the US you figure out if you can afford to eat at a place before going out by figuring in the tip. I learned of one family who visits Orlando often - and never tips! Rant over!

Ohh yes that embarrasses me when I see people from down under do that, I to tip 20% minimum, and the trouble was when I used to go back to NZ I forgot tipping wasnt done there and still did it

Haha. Me too! But now I know it’s just loose change!

well for me its easier I don't travel anymore

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