STEEMCHURCH: The Bible, book of books

in #steemchurch6 years ago


All human beings seek to know and learn in all fields of existence, there are always questions about this and about that, and when you want this to happen, it is important to have an open mind to the new that can be received from experiences and of knowledge of things, and this in the world of the Bible is no exception.

The Bible as we know it, did not always exist like that, but it was conformed over many centuries, sometimes you have the temptation to think, that it is just as we have it today, and few times we ask ourselves how it is gave this process of literary construction, because that if you have clarity, and is that the Bible is a great literary work of universal character, since many people in the world have read and appreciated for its literary value, even more so we its spiritual, religious, doctrinal and moral value.

The Bible defined as a set of books, where each of them contributes to the knowledge of God and his behavior with the People of Israel, from the origins of the world to the full revelation in Jesus Christ. Another much more practical and accurate definition is "the writing of the evolutionary capture of the happening of God in the history of the People of Israel and the Primitive Christian Community".

It was in the second century AD, Clement of Alexandria, the first to use the term "ta bible" (the books) referring to the set of books that already had, most of what was called Old Testament, and those of the New Testament, until now accepted by the Church of the first centuries. The term Bible was already used in the singular, in the thirteenth century AD, in the same way that it is still done today. The New Testament also refers to the Bible as Scriptures, which is also called Sacred Scripture.

Each of the books contained in the Old and New Testaments had their own process of construction, all starting from the Oral Tradition, after the writing by one or several hagiographers, who inspired by God, wrote the experiences of faith that lived the People of Israel throughout the Old and the Christian Community in the New.

As this process of tradition and writing took many centuries, it is also important to know the languages ​​in which the Bible was written, this gives us a cultural and historical context to know how was the process of writing. The main language in which the Old Testament was written is the Hebrew, which is a mixture of the language of the inhabitants of the land of Canaan and the Aramaic that they contributed, remembering that Abraham was an Aramaic wanderer, this language becomes in the language of the Phenicia and Canaan region. After the exile in Babylon, Hebrew became the official language of worship and literature. Aramaic, as it was already said, was also a Semitic language, which was initially spoken by the patriarchs from the time of Abraham, during the Persian rule to Israel, it is the language of commerce and diplomacy, but it became popular in Palestine after the Captivity in Babylon in the 6th century BC, in the time of Jesus is spoken in this language, a few writings in chapters in Ezra and Daniel are going to be written in Aramaic.

The Deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament and the entire New Testament are going to be written in Greek, because when the Jews were invaded by Alexander the Great in 333 BC, they were forced to use this language, in the time of Jesus as was said before. , was spoken in Aramaic and was written in Greek, this is called common or "koiné", that is, the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the letters of Saint Paul, the Catholic letters and the Apocalypse are written in this language.

In this way you enter the wonderful world of the Bible, for each day to have more knowledge and clarity about the book or set of most precious books for Christian believers, and thus enter into a simple but profound study of the Holy Scriptures, looking in it we can find the voice of God who speaks to humanity from a specific history of a specific people, but there in the Word of God is the way to know and discern the Lord's will for our lives. Let's continue on the road ...!

Hebrews 4:12

Certainly, the word of God is alive and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. It penetrates to the depths of the soul and the spirit, to the marrow of the bones, and judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

2 Timothy 3: 16-17

All Scripture is inspired by God and useful to teach, to rebuke, to correct and to instruct in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be fully qualified for every good work.

Luke 11:28

Blessed are they who hear the word of God and obey it, answered Jesus.


Keep yourself constantly reading the bible. This will be very helpful, and it will be a channel of blessing for you. we recommend reading @reliquary daily, an excellent way to read the bible.
firma 8.png

the bible is the voice of God, reading it we will discover the love of God

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