STEEM: Another 4 Billion People Arriving Due To Technology

in #steem7 years ago

Over the last few months I detailed a number of different factors I believe all will lead to exponential growth on this blockchain. There is so much going on with apps, SMTs, and the move towards decentralization that we can see a future where STEEM is a central part of people's online experience.

The next 5 years is really going to see a radical shift in the world. Right now there are 4 or 5 initiatives which are receiving huge amounts of financing. These initiatives are all designed to blanket the planet with mobile/broadband communications.

We presently have only about half the world's population online. Projects such as SpaceX, OneWeb, and SAS are looking to resolve this. All seek to use satellites to provide services to the rest of the world that presently lacks digital communication.

This is one of the most important aspects to the next decade. The fact that half of the population is cut off from the world's knowledge base means that many more are going to be joining and enjoying what humanity has already accomplished. At the same time, these people bring with them a wealth of creativity and ingenuity that is presently missing. In short, we are doubling the potential creativity simply by doubling the number of users.

Imagine what this can do for a blockchain like STEEM. My article this morning posed a potential scenarion 10 years down the road. Imagine how many more people are eligible for that if we see the entire worldwide population online. It is safe to say those people in rural Central America and SE Asia would like social networking services too.

When we say the sky is the limit, it really is. There is no cap on what STEEM can be worth. People believe some of the figures tossed about are absurd. That is because they are looking things with reference points that are known aka the equities markets. This is nothing like that. We are talking about revolutionary technologies (blockchain and crypto) which are going to alter how society operates.

How much do you think a blockchain that is at the core of what a significant percentage of the world's population uses is worth?

Every single figure related to anything Internet is compiled with only half the world online.

Think about that for a moment.

This is a situation that will be eradicated in the next 5-7 years.

By 2025, you will see more than 6 billion people with mobile internet access.

I would saying being one of the first 1M people on here fits the definition of "early adopter".

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What I find most fascinating task is that many billions of people will do the jump from completely unbanked and disconnected from the finance world to super connected blockchains, this a first in the history of humanity that will transform the world as we know it.

I'm helping jumpstart this process by inviting my friends from Cuba. They both now have crypto currency wallets and are actively Steeming, despite the many problems they face to just be able to connect to the Internet. i'm so proud of them! They are true pioneers for a country like Cuba.

Check their channels out: @cubadetodo and @paquetedecuba. I've been giving them my full support to jump start them.

@cryptoeagle - enjoyed your post, I believe that some people will make the transition to digital currencies quicker than others. I hope too that crypto can change the world. I will check out your Cubano friends and hope they are of the same mindset as you and I.

Just last month I read about Venezuela starting a Petro-based crypto currency. I can't fathom supporting that regime & what they've done to the Venezuelan people. They literally have so little food now there- that in 2017 the average person there lost 19 pounds! Venezuelans -
Lose 19lbs CNBC


Venezuela used to have the largest economy in South America- now they are a socialist hellhole! There is no reason for that as they have something like the fourth most oil reserves in the world.

Ohh believe me, you don't have to send me any links to show me the hunger in socialist countries. I'm a survivor of the 90's special period in Cuba, my mother almost went blind for lack of vitamins and my father looked like a skeleton... it was really bad but we made it thanks god.

My friends are of a capitalist/libertarian mindset, otherwise they wouldn't be my friends hehe. They are just stuck in that hellhole surrounded by socialist zombies but are very entrepeneurial and resourceful

Thank you my friend! We will keep alive :D....and hope some day we all meet to play some snes MK2 ;)

Yes that is the truth...billions will have access to the a banking system, something they never had before. In the past they kept their money in a can hidden.

Gave them a follow.

These initiatives are all designed to blanket the planet with mobile/broadband communications.

Hasn't the US government been paying the telecomunications companies hundreds of billions of dollars over the last 10+ years to do that? And what have they done?

Elon Musk's proposals for connectivity are intriguing. And if there's a person who I think could actually make a difference there, it's the man who committed over tweet to do a millions of dollars deal for Australia...and they finished on time!

Steemit has the potential to be something great. We have to get passed the issues we've been having where people act in their own self-interests. I do sometimes. I think we all do. However, we can't have exploitation be the norm, or have it be ok.

One of the things that will probably have to change is the use of bid bots. I'm more comfortable with the idea of set return bots so newer users can get an actual boost. I think it's strange that so many people fault the airlines for overbooking their planes, yet it seems like they're totally fine with bid bots overselling the value of their votes. That's not a sustainable way of helping people grow...which helps us all grow.

These are just some of my ramblings. Feel free to disregard if you'd like. :)

Ahh, yes.. When you come to think about it, there's so many people without internet access, it's gonna be crazy when the whole world is connected to the internet or blockchain.

There are some obstacles to that, but yes, it will be very exciting to see what happens when we suddenly have millions more friends on here. One of the things we will need to do is make sure that we're acting in ways that teach them how to interact productively and properly. Don't want to teach them bad habits right off the bat. (Not saying you're doing that. I'm just saying it's important) :)

Fear monger :)

Do we even need a blockchain/skynet to power the AI robots? lol

Because of some efforts done by my government and one private company, the number of people who would access the internet on day to day basis has increased by almost 10 folds. There are now almost 10 times more people using the internet. It was all done by getting people addicted to the free internet they were providing.

I believe it is still not done yet. I think there are yet many more people that still donot have access to the internet. I hope in coming years this number would decrease gradually and we would be able to see many people joining this platform and other platforms.

Yes of course the future comes with exponential growth. For instance where I stay now, there was no internet connectivity five years black. But look at it now,.there's even 3g connection and all the people in this part are trying one way or another to get a niche in the digital world. The only thing I could advise people here today is to make good use of your opportunity now. Make a place for you now before the masses pour in. You might not stand a chance by then.

I'm curious if these initiative will be able to provide anything close to 4G. Because very slow internet will definitely impact how the people coming online will behave and what type of content they will consume.

whether it is called the satellite

It great introduction for internet.Very thanks for your description blog about satellite .Keep it up
Thank you

That is truly remarkable to think about. Half of the world is missing out on an abundance of knowledge, and we are entering into the tokenised life.

It's going to be a wild ride.

Very exciting to imagine what the world will look like in 10 years time. Especially with an older set of eyes.

This is one of those posts that is next level, it requires multiple viewings. Good job.

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