The loss of skill: The clouds are rolling in (CS:GO)

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Today I did something I haven't done in at least five years. I gamed.

I used to play a lot of Ghost Recon and then later, Battlefield and I was actually pretty decent at them. I remember one time one of my brother's who suspected I was hacking somehow set up a LAN game with his own PC's. Let's just say, someone got Pwned, and it wasn't me.

Today I played CS:GO, which is the first time I have played any of the Counter Strikes and after install, decided to do a little bit of the training course to get accustomed to the game. From the first moment, I sucked, I couldn't even move.... then I remembered I had to reverse the mouse. Phew.

Pretty much all FPS are set up with a similar array of key actions and it was much like riding a bike, it felt natural again although, a little wobbly. After I ran through the training course, it gave me an option to play against bots or find a game online. Bots? Really.. online.

I found a random server and gave it a go. It seems that only Russians were playing in this particular server, not that I was chatting anyway. I found the game to be one of those achievement based things where I must go through the ranks to supposedly unlock better items or something, meh, I just want to shoot a few people occasionally.

What I found was that I am getting OOOOOLD. It felt like my reaction times were a long way rusted and there may be no coming back from it. The other thing is that the style of game is a lot more run and gun than I used to play. I am sure that in time I will get the hang of that though.

Considering it was my first few rounds, I think I did okay and even got some kills. I am a long, long way away from where I was in dexterity level though and this somewhat concerns me as it is an indicator of my advancing years. I am a skills trainer and it is quite obvious that through a lack of usage, my skill levels have dropped significantly, at least in this area.

And that is the thing though. Even though my skills have dropped, since 'quitting' gaming all those years ago, I have started my own business, got married, had a child, spend a hell of a lot of time developing content and my skill levels in many other areas have increased dramatically. And even after all that time, I was still a middle of the pack player without knowing the maps or the way the game play and players behaved. Sure, there are benefits to gaming but, how much?

As I played, I could already feel my body assuming the gamer identity where I would be able to be lost for hours, days, weeks on end without doing much else. That is not my goal in life, there is a lot more to do. Luckily, my real life doesn't allow for gaming at night and my job doesn't allow for it much during the day. This was an exception day.

My plan is that perhaps occasionally, i will be able to meet up with @acidyo, @beercake and @rubencress for a game or two and a chat but, levelling up? Who cares. It was nice to have the break from writing though, I must admit but, I am not going to let it ever control my life.

What I also found was that while playing with a group of strangers, I was pretty much bored which was surprising for me considering a new game and the length of time since the last. I am pretty sure I would have a blast playing with familiars though so when the stars align, I would like to give it a go.

And that would be the benefit of me gaming, sharing a few laughs and getting to know some of the Steemit people in a wider capacity. I am quite sure that most of the time it would be me having my butt handed to me but I think I may even surprise a few people from time to time too.

So, with the Addicted Gamer inside fed, I can get back to writing. This was meant to be a short post.

[ a Steemit original ]

Oh, the picture is from St Petersburg in Russia.


What I found was that I am getting OOOOOLD.

Hahahahaha I know that feeling. The feeling of disappointment that comes with not being able to do what you used to so with ease before.lolzz

It's cool that you ventured into gaming and kept writing aside for a while....but I am happy with you statement "I am not going to let it control my life" . Gaming can be addictive and it takes a lot not to let it control you.

You could meet with @acidyo or @strawhat to put you through with the game coz they get to play it almost every night and are professionals in the game.

This was meant to be a shot post.

As usual you always find a way to crack me up. It was supposed to be a short post but common....It's in you to write and you can't quench that Fire no matter how hard you try and that resulted to a seemingly long post....hehehe

lol, that was a typo :D

But yeah, it can be very addictive as it triggers responses of achievement even though nothing is really getting achieved. It hacks the brain.

Well sometimes , those kinds of brain racking is good for the body. Writing is also a brainy excercise but not when compared to gaming.

Gaming can become hard if you take sometime without gaming, the cordinations with the gaming pads can be poor, Good you have started having some gaming, games like counter strike are not so bad after a longtime.
I had started doing some light gaming too, though i love the sports bit of it. We do compete in fifa, and it's fun how we take it seriously.

haha, I actually rushed into the post expecting one of your write ups

glad to see you also know how to have some fun

I will get back to writing soon enough... now.

i trust you too much sir... always a pleasure reading your posts... btw you are out of the hospital bed ... yes?

I am, it was just for the day.

ok, are you on discord? it's easier to communicate there than on steemit...

Hope you enjoy it , sound really fun to take a timeout and to play a bit every once and a while

Hey man, just let us know in the chat! We will gladly play with you if able!
I'm not that good at CS:GO either, so I won't have the right to complain :D
It gets pretty fun with all of us in a discord call. Be prepared for some well meaning banter :D

Lets go Taraz! We would be the Steem promoters on CS:GO!

The funny thing probably couldn't wait to play. Got hyped up knowing you had some spare time and was dying to get back into the action. I could tell from your post, that it just wasn't the same. You could take it or leave it. Like you said....probably because you were playing with random people. But maybe you've moved on. : )

Actually, I was thinking about posting instead, wasn't so enthusiastic, more curious :)

I stopped gaming a while ago too. It was caused by my computer needing more coddling than I felt was worth it. I had a gaming laptop and it would overheat if it didn't have a cooling pad. Blah, blah. It's crazy how much time you can waste away on games. I like this game (Steemit) much better. I'm still building relationships with people, still talking about life and interests, but I'm making money doing it. That feels more productive to me. That's one of the things that was always missing in least for me.

Your post brought a smile to my face. Its sure is nice to have so much in common with so many people. We all seem to go thru the same thing but at different times. We are so similar even though we let our difference keep us apart

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