Streams of silver, rivers of gold and proof of brain

in #thoughts6 years ago

"Where do you intend to be in five years from now?"

This is not an interview, it is a prompt to think. It is a common interview question though and generally people concoct some answer that they assume the interviewer is looking for. I wonder if anyone here tells the truth;

"I intend to be a cryptocurrency millionaire"

How about you?

Up until that time though I don't intend to sit around twiddling my thumbs or waiting for the institutional investment firms to start buying in though, I have to earn. I was talking about proof of brain a little today but I think about it quite a lot. I haven't proved myself overly brainy both her or in the real world yet, that is what it should be doing.

You want to prove your brain on Steem? Start finding ways to connect Steem to the real world interactions and needs we have and make Steem a fundamental part of our on and offline experience. That would prove one has a brain wouldn't it.

I have mentioned in comments a few times in the last few days about this also. While people seem to think that the invested are passively being lazy, they tend to forget that in order to invest, one has to have money to do so. If you haven't noticed over the last few months especially, the people who are investing in to this blockchain aren't millionaire playboys with yachts, it is everyday working class people who have various degrees of economic suffering to contend with. Proof of brain in my opinion as they have been able to create a world where they have enough excess to invest.

Confining the proof to what happens on Steem alone is artificially limiting the ecosystem with a non-existent border. While Steem does have its own ecosystem, it is actually a microcosm of the larger world and, within the world at large. This is why it is so difficult for governance and agreement because, we are not contained.

Some people believe in this thing called work/ life balance and try to create a border between. It is bullshit - Work is part of life. Work and life are linked, each encroaches on the other and are intimately connected. You might think that you have been able to separate the two but, that is not the case at all as afterall, why do you go to work? The answer isn't likely, to work 100% for the company. People work because of personal needs and even f it isn¨t for money, there are other personal things they get out of it, camaraderie, recognition, a sense of purpose. Those things aren't needed to do the actual job as, a robot needs none of it, they are human needs.

I talk a fair bit about investment into Steem in various ways and people nearly always think it is about the money - Money is just a tool. Steem is just a tool. Silver and Gold are just tools. Sure silver and gold have practical apllication purposes too but, most do not collect it for those purposes. What they want is the utility of it and that is the trait to swap it for the things that we want and need.

While you may want a Lambo, I do not. What drives you is not what drives me to do the things I do, even if our actions are the same. This is the freedom of preference and that preference has very little to do with Steem proof of brain and a lot to do with personal views of the real world in which we live. WE each have to live our own lives though and while you might have more obstacles than me, I have obstacles you may never have to negotiate yourself. The comparison at the level of challenge we face is nonsense, just excuses.

We each have identical and equal chance in every moment to be our best, and we each have identical and equal chance to be learn and improve for the next moment. While our skills, available resources and our results can vary wildly, we are all equal in the possibility to take responsibility for our lives, even if we are terrible at the way we do so. If you are not willing to take responsibility for your own experience, *why should anyone help you? Are you a child? No? Do you want to be treated like one? No? Okay, start acting like a mature adult then.

"Where do you intend to be in five years from now?"

Work it the fuck out and then work out what you need to know and what changes you need to make in order to get there. Then, take the responsibility and start. In five years from now I may not be where I intended to be but, I won't be complaining as a victim of life. Our life is our own is it not? Start owning it.

Got a brain? Prove it.

[ a Steem original ]


Take my little upvote, hope you'll be a cryptocurrency millionaire in 5 years ;-)

And as you mentioned during SF3 closing dinner, SF8 will not be a public event :-)

Take my little upvote, hope you'll be a cryptocurrency millionaire in 5 years ;-)

Little upvote? in 5 years time that'll be worth... :D

And as you mentioned during SF3 closing dinner, SF8 will not be a public event :-)

It definitely won't be, especially if the development keeps going the way it is. New classes of user are coming in at all levels and in 5 years from now, Steem is going to be unrecognisable.

I hope you are well.

I'm well :-)

Work life balance for me is limiting the amount of overtime. I worked some jobs were they expected u at a moments notive regatdless of your life obligations.

I just hope to be free in 5 years. Free to quit my job move my family overseas, travel, work when and where I want. I know Ill always have to work, but proving I have a brain on a warm beach beats a cold office working for the man anyday.

Posted using Partiko Android

5 years... No debts and over 100k Steem with 75% of my liquid assets in cryptocurrencies! Easy questions for me!

Posted using Partiko iOS

That would be nice wouldn't it? Well, I have most of my liquid assets in crypto already but that isn't really by choice :D I am hoping that I can get clear in a couple years and then start building a decent position.

Best post ever for me, i am struggling like 30 years to find balance between work and life and there we go, easy, it is total bullshit :-)

But are you not bothered making up your next story while sitting at the dinner table with your family? Or better question: Is your family not bothered by that?

Posted using Partiko Android

But are you not bothered making up your next story while sitting at the dinner table with your family? Or better question: Is your family not bothered by that?

Yes and no. I have to work two FT jobs at the moment while my wife finishes her master's degree. I get a couple hours before my daughter goes to bed during the week and weekend days with her as my wife goes off to study. I write in the evenings (normally) after my daughter and wife go to bed. It is a little hectic around here the last few years but, this is the needs of the moment that take precedence.

My daughter gets a lot of time with her parents just not that much time with both of them at the same time. In respect to a lot of other people in this world, she is pretty lucky, even if it isn't ideal.

Feisty post Taraz, wonder who's been pissing you off :)

I don't want a Lambo either, but I do like the notion of responsibility for oneself and one's actions etc (possibly the only form of true responsibility). The blockchain supports this - we are all our own bankers here and there is no bottom-wiping password 'hint' service. I guess the blockchain lesson for humans (and as per my reading of your post) may be to start taking ownership of one's own feelings when they are triggered by the words/behaviours of others - thereby acknowledging the fundamental distinction between trigger and reaction. The trigger is not my responsibility, but how I react (or not) is! How many times (and in how many different ways) do people say "How could you make me feel like this?" Fact is, nobody and nothing can cause feelings - these are already inside. These inner feelings can only be triggered. Responsibility, for me, involves taking ownership of this dynamic, rather than seeking cheap/easy/comforting solace in blame.

As for where I'll be in five years, fuck knows, the landscape will be unimaginably different and I dislike interviews ;-)

The trigger is not my responsibility, but how I react (or not) is! How many times (and in how many different ways) do people say "How could you make me feel like this?" Fact is, nobody and nothing can cause feelings - these are already inside.

This. People don't seem to get it as they have been raised to be hyper sensitive to feeling victimised with no controls for temperance. It polarizes opinions and makes controlling the masses easy.

I agree. Who knows what will happen in 5 years but, can still aim toward it and adjust along the way.

"People........have been raised to be hyper sensitive to feeling victimised with no controls for temperance. It polarizes opinions and makes controlling the masses easy."

Succinct, and describes/explains a lot of human drama playing out everywhere, including on this puffing Steemtrain :)

I'll revisit this comment and reply to you in 5 years lol. 5 years

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