Steem: First-Person Economy

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I was just listening to the clip from @theycallmedan's latest and I have to say, it makes me feel a little more bullish on Steem. For those who read me often, I am as bullish AF already on Steem and have been for a very long time as the potential here is enormous. And while I talk of risk and uncertainty, I actually quietly think it is far less uncertain than many believe and from my perspective, Steem's massive future is more an inevitability.

The reason I think this is because when it comes to being able to offer a highly engaging social experience coupled with a first-person economy - Steem dominates.

What do I mean by a first-person economy?

As I have said before, I see Steem much like a game and it is akin to a first-person shooter where the player sees through the eyes of the character in the game. On Steem, we are both the characters and the players and no matter where we turn, we have the responsibility of our avatar, our account.

Fuck middlemen.

In the global economies at every level there are middlemen banksters and governmental gangsters that are able to game the system and make the game unplayable for all others. They are essentially hackers who through their channels are able to use tools that not only gives them an advantage but decimates the chances of all others in the system.

While that is the only game out there, they are able to wreak havoc as there is no other option than to at least attempt to participate in the hope that luck swings. There is a new game in town now though and Steem is leading at the forefront of the small but growing pack of decentralised economies.

Here, we each have a first-person view of the world and one that replicates the behaviours of the walking world but breaks the strangle hold on access to the economic tools that are only available to some hands. On Steel, anyone can have a chance at building a foundation if they are willing to play the game and that means, learning the rules and learning that through human behaviour and supply and demand, the rules are always changing.

Perhaps if people spent less time complaining and more time learning, they would be able to keep up.

As I have often said and will repeat here again, Steem is the long game but unfortunately people get caught in the moment, failing at the marshmallow test. Rather than spend their time building social connection and stake, they worry about price and drama because it is that that gives them the emotional hormone kick they crave, like when attention is paid to an attention seeker.

People focus on the wrong parts of the system and it is very predictable because, that is where they have been led to look by their life experience. They feel they see behind the curtain but all they ever see is the pattern of the curtain that has been drawn closed the whole time thinking they are watching the show.

When it comes to centralised systems and platforms, they do not open that curtain because transparency is their downfall. It doesn't matter if it is a government or Facebook, once the mechanics behind the scenes is scene, they lose their power and control.

Yeah, I am bullish on Steem for more than this though as to me the lost compelling games in this world are the ones that have real-world ramifications and there is no stronger pull than the desire to survive and, the world is soon going to be plunged into economic disarray like it has never known before. The imperfect system people have tolerated due to lack of choice is going to rupture and bleed out. That value and the people who rely on it will fall somewhere and in my opinion, that is the blockchains and currencies that investors can rely on.

It is funny thinking about investors relying on crypto but even the largest out there currently are at the mercy of the middlemen bankers. Bill gates is worth 100 odd billion but, where does he keep his funds, who really controls it? The largest managed funds in the world at 5 trillion makes poor old Bill's capital look a pittance.

The blockchains are protocols, their numbers known, predictable.

People focus on the rich individuals but it is the collective wealth that dominates and controls the game. Instead of focusing narrow, we are instead learning and becoming the collective, and this is the collection phase, the value mass building period.

Are you building yours or are you still relying that the centralised world is your safe bet for a life of plenty?

Learn from the 3.5 billion people who have the collective wealth of the top 10 richest people and know, your chances are slim to none of getting out by playing their game. And remember that even those richest people are not the ones holding the real power in this world, they are just part of the smokescreen, the curtain that protects the crew backstage as the pull the ropes and set the stage to entertain us, not make us privy to their real world.

None of this is easy however, and the people who are going to benefit the most from the future are those who are willing to work their ass off in the uncertain times, buying into the development of their foundation while others wait and see, working laying brick by brick while others think them fools for trying.

In time, I will be proven right or wrong. If I am wrong, I have lost my time and investment in energy and money but.... If I am right?

There is no ceiling on Steem at this point. If you think you can get better terms, take it. For me, I like playing the game through my own eyes, but you can play what and how you choose.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone on couch)


Always preferred a strategy games.
But you right - fuck the middleman! )

Steem is the best of both worlds, there is plenty of strategy to be had here :)


I didn't know it was even possible for you to be more bullish on Steem than yesterday :)

I could eat a few marshmallows right now, but I'm certainly trying to save some tokens for later.

I always try to be better than I was before and today it was to improve my Steem bullishness. I wouldn't mind a marshmallow every now and again, not yet though.

I haven't watched his video yet but will shortly. I like you do believe in this project and have no idea where it is going to end up. I am hoping it will break us all away from the shackles that restrict us every day and that is one reason why I take it fairly seriously.

Life is a serious game and Steem is starting to become a serious player. It doesn't need to be taken seriously in order to succeed.

Very true it doesn't. I just take it seriously so I stay committed to what needs to be done for now until I can relax more later on. I enjoy it too much which helps more than anything else.

I take it seriously too but what I mean is, the project doesn't need to be taken seriously from the outside, at least not yet. It might actually do better to be ignored a little longer.

Your optimism is infectious

I haven’t seen the video yet but it is always a great motivation to see him move the community and seeing how he is acting to support it as well is telling. I try to hold back and be patient but I am so positive on this that I often think of ways to go “all in” but try to think more balanced given how early it still is.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am very bullish too and i have to curb my enthusiasm as I do not want to get too cocky on it. It is nice to have a few people here that not only talk but put skin in, Dan is one, you are another.

It always gives me a great deal of peace of mind when I hear Dan talking. People like that (and he confirmed so in one of his videos) sell at the moment they have doubts about the project. They are not here staring blindly, hoping for a better price, they are here because they believe - until they stop believing.

Anyway, yes, thanks for notifying me of his video, it was very uplifting - again :-)

They are not here staring blindly, hoping for a better price, they are here because they believe - until they stop believing.

In some way they are indicators of trends and when they sell, it doesn't mean disaster but it is worth having a closer look.

There are many well known instances on Steem of people technically gaming the system. I say "technical" because they must follow the rules just like everyone else. Yet the rules confer advantages to some over others that can lead to making the "game" unplayable for others. I see Steem as quite flawed, but interesting enough that it is really the only platform that I post to and the only platform I've bought into. I don't really care about the prices in the short run, because SP confers certain privileges., much as buying Robux allows my kids to do things on Roblox. So I see Steem, SP, and SBD more as credits on what I can do on Steem. If that pays off in the long run, then so be it, but I'm not holding my breath and won't be disappointed if it doesn't. I'm happy to participate in the experiment and have a place for original posts. I do wish the user interfaces and markdown was more advanced, such as providing support for LaTeX equations.

Proud member of #powerhousecreatives

So I see Steem, SP, and SBD more as credits on what I can do on Steem.

THis is part of the reason Steem will always have some value as it is bandwidth to move.

I do wish the user interfaces and markdown was more advanced, such as providing support for LaTeX equations.

Supposedly this will be more possible, at least on steemit with the separation of the wallet.

and know, your chances are slim to none of getting out by playing their game.

The steem system , as it stands is playing their game.

A reward pool that belongs to no one, and free for everyone to try and grab as much as they can - with the biggest stakeholders being able to grab more of the daily land grab that is the steem rewards pool.

I'm not citicizing your enthusiasm for steem, and the lucrative benefits it may hold in the future, but let's not pretend the ssytem is the one we are in.

Swap whales for central bankers, and minnows for laborers, and it's much clearer.
The game is built for the bigger to get bigger, and the smaller to scrabble for the scraps.

Again, that in and of itself is no issue - it has been this way for millennia, but pretending it is a free market,(as put forward) is incorrect.
A free market is a place of trade between owners of property.
The reward pool is no ones prooerty, ergo free market function cannot work.

It's a land grab / goldrush - not a market place.

(and this doesnt even bring into it the fact that the rewards are not your until the 7 day mark. This begs a very big philosophical question...

How can you ethically trade with property (steem in the rewards pool) that doesn't even belong to you?

Again, I'm not disagreeing with your optimism - I think it might be well founded, but I am pointing out that a system not based in ethical behavior, has never lasted.
(when all the steem has been produced, this model will change - but in the meantime - its a 'crypto land grab..')

Swap whales for central bankers, and minnows for laborers, and it's much clearer.

Again, you are only looking at it from a narrow frame of blogging reference and forget that the whales did work/ have skills too to get to where they are.

A free market is a place of trade between owners of property.

Steem is property. Again, you are only looking at the pool which is dependent on stake. the 75 million Steem on exchanges is available too.

(and this doesnt even bring into it the fact that the rewards are not your until the 7 day mark. This begs a very big philosophical question...

what is that?

Again, you are only looking at it from a narrow frame of blogging reference and forget that the whales did work/ have skills too to get to where they are.

So did the bankers, but it doesn't make it more or less ethical.

Steem is property.

it belongs to no one when it's in the rewards pool
That's my whole point.
It cannot be a free market - hence the land grab analogy..

Again, you are only looking at the pool which is dependent on stake. the 75 million Steem on exchanges is available too.

this is someones property, and that is a market.

Hmmm, while the price of steem is a good motivator and reward for those that put in great content, it should not been seeing as the only determinant to our activities on the platform.
Steemit has come to stay, we should all labour to see this becoming a reality even in the eye of those that do not believe in it yet.

Steemit is not Steem remember, it is just one of the many applications on the chain. Believe in it or not, in time it won't matter.

Yea, I know and I concur with your view.

People have no idea of the harm
People will blame the drug manufacturers that charge $5 and say nothing about the middleman adding $100 to the cost that they pay.

I want to be a middleman. Hahaha
More Bullish ? I have to see the post

Most don't only not know the harm, they don't understand the problem at all.

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