Q&A: The Doctor is In (interactive experiment)[updated with answers]

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Please note: I am not a doctor of any kind.

Now, please undress.

For a little bit of fun and something different for me, I have always wanted to have a bit of an interactive series where I can speak directly with the audience. This is a little bit of an experiment post to explore and test some ideas and see what comes about.

Today's process and hopes are as follows:

  • Ask a question in the comments section (do not self-vote)
  • They can be humourous or humourless
  • Tonight, I will select the top three most voted to answer
  • I will edit this post and add the question and answer + add the answers as replies
  • The comments selected will get some kind of additional upvote from me later
  • I might answer seriously or humorously (by my definition)
  • The goal is to get to know one another, build better relationships, spread some love
  • I am hoping to see some regulars play along from home
  • Those who may get offended may be mocked for it
  • People will take part in the comments section and have some fun
  • Hoping people are very active and support each other with replies and small votes
  • No walls of text questions, ain't nobody got time for that
  • Stupid questions will be dealt with stupidly
  • If this goes well, i will make it a weekly thing with themes
  • Spammers will be dealt with by the community and if they won't, I will
  • This might fail spectacularly or, could be awesome; it is up to you.

The answer post will happen in about 7 hours from now.

(Doctor) Taraz
[ a Steem original ]

Support and resteems on this are appreciated but not necessary

The cheat sheet

Answers are hard to come by in this world but what really is difficult, is asking the right questions in the first place.

Here are the top 3 questions:


  1. Speaking of standing naked or stripping down to the soul, tell us, (Doctor) @Tarazkp, What is off-limits for you to share but, secretly, you wish you could/would?

  2. Question: If you commanded a Terminator who, from any time in history, would you have it terminate and why?

  3. If you had: STEEM 7,773,706.239 what would you do with it?



  1. Well @yahialababidi,

this is indeed an interesting question and one that I have considered several times. Being the immutable blockchain, find that I do indeed self-censor here but, it isn't for my sake, it is for that of my family. I would like to spend some time writing about my early childhood experiences with more detail but at this point, I do not because it will inevitably lead to revealing details about my brothers, two of which are here. It is not my place to share their lives, it is theirs but of course, our lives are heavily intertwined.

We had an interesting childhood filled with many ups and downs and parents who themselves collected a diverse range of experiences also. My artist father is an Indian Malaysian who moved to Australia in the 60s during 'White Only' policy, my mother was a blue-eyed, blonde, there is a 16 year age gap between youngest and oldest born from the late 60s to the early 80s. The various dynamics created a range of complexities that have fundamentally shaped who I am in the positive and the negative but to reveal my side, is to reveal much of theirs.

Perhaps one day, the stories will surface or at least, an edited version will as I think that writing about some f these things would be cathartic for me, interesting for the readers and perhaps, even useful for some to deal with a range of conflicts from their own past.

There is beauty in the struggle, greatness in the overcoming and triumph to be found in defeat. The stories we hold will all be lost to the winds of time and it is a shame that to protect our egos and save our reputations, most will never be told at all.

2: Aaah @galenkp, @galenkp, @galenkp (shaking head)

You know that I am a pacifist that would not condone such behaviour in another let alone myself but, since I must terminate someone...

I would of course be looking to reduce suffering for the maximum amount of people past and future and it is too easy to go with Hitler or Stalin, too passe and obvious. So instead of that I will go a little more laterally. I would terminate:

Henry Ford

The reasoning is simple, he not only fathered the most soul crushing invention the earth has ever seen, the production line, by optimizing labor force, he crushed the burgeoning electric car industry which had more support than combustion at the time. Yes, it might not have been too long after that someone created the modern production line anyway but perhaps it would have then been created in another industry and utilized by electric cars and battery tech to develop and reduce prices themselves.

How different would the world look if the combustion engine wasn't the cheapest at the time and battery and electric technology had been heavily supported for the last 100 years, I cannot say. But the chances that the world is in much better shape and advancements would have been made in all kinds of energy production would be much higher. A cleaner environment would probably be the number one thing to reduce suffering in this world as it would free up resources for more useful needs than just cleaning up our own filth.

  1. And @abh12345. Typical.

Given it for a day, I would vote myself and a few key friends until there is nothing left in the tank for maximum growth for future use. If it was mine though?

  • I would support several curation projects through trailing votes to be spread widely.
  • I would identify 10 or so key users with community in mind and delegate 200k to each under my rules 30/70 Self/community and have someone track usage and progress

That would leave me about 10 x $800 votes a day.

  • Obviously, 2.5 would be used to return some Maaasssive Gains! and Alt travel money back to the pool until an agreement was met
  • I would hire a couple of blockchain sleuths to find other large scale abusers too
  • When 'clean enough' I would heavily support the growth of community builders.

Then the witnesses:

  • I would do my best to bump those who are invested in Steem up the chart and minimize those who are powering down, moving platforms yet, happy to take the large rewards. Some people don't mind that but I see it as a lack of dedication to the long-term view that is open to massive conflicts of interest.

There are just so many thing but Helsing would definitely get a chance at freedom.

What do you think?

So, this was a bit of fun to do but I think it will require two posts to get enough views on the update. Next time I might try that.

  • I liked that people commented on others comments but, It would be nice to see more support on the questions you want at the top.

  • Also, these questions can be on any area whatsoever (I will nudge a fun theme next time) so they don't have to be about me. If you ask me to comment on something I don't know about don't worry, I will just make something up :)


Speaking of standing naked or stripping down to the soul, tell us, (Doctor) @Tarazkp, What is off-limits for you to share but, secretly, you wish you could/would?

Well @yahialababidi,

this is indeed an interesting question and one that I have considered several times. Being the immutable blockchain, find that I do indeed self-censor here but, it isn't for my sake, it is for that of my family. I would like to spend some time writing about my early childhood experiences with more detail but at this point, I do not because it will inevitably lead to revealing details about my brothers, two of which are here. It is not my place to share their lives, it is theirs but of course, our lives are heavily intertwined.

We had an interesting childhood filled with many ups and downs and parents who themselves collected a diverse range of experiences also. My artist father is an Indian Malaysian who moved to Australia in the 60s during 'White Only' policy, my mother was a blue-eyed, blonde, there is a 16 year age gap between youngest and oldest born from the late 60s to the early 80s. The various dynamics created a range of complexities that have fundamentally shaped who I am in the positive and the negative but to reveal my side, is to reveal much of theirs.

Perhaps one day, the stories will surface or at least, an edited version will as I think that writing about some f these things would be cathartic for me, interesting for the readers and perhaps, even useful for some to deal with a range of conflicts from their own past.

There is beauty in the struggle, greatness in the overcoming and triumph to be found in defeat. The stories we hold will all be lost to the winds of time and it is a shame that to protect our egos and save our reputations, most will never be told at all.

Thank you, @Tarazkp for your candid and full reply. I remember reading, with interest, of your father’s remarkable story and noting (on a superficial level) that you/your brother also have blonde wives :)

Protecting the privacy/reputation of family members or loved ones is, of course, noble and understandable. Yet, in their need to understand and heal, writers are often not held back by such considerations.

Which is why having a writer in the family might result in a scandalous, confessional memoir or (as I prefer) one can devise more subtle ruses, in the words of Emily Dickinson, to tell the truth slant.

Dark secrets fester and, in my experience, don’t really help anyone. What’s required, in such cases, is radical honesty and courage, tempered by compassion —three qualities that you amply possess.

Wishing you catharsis & liberation.

I think there are some paintings of my dad's that tell stories of life at various times in my family but, you have to have lived it to see it.

At this point, I am not ready to expose all but it isn't that I haven't processed it myself.

I hear you, timing is key. I struggle myself with what to say & how much. Other times, the truth just tells itself (even if it exits in masquerade...)

Would like to see your dad’s art—if you post it, kindly, alert me so that I don’t miss it.

Thank you for your wonderful response, I'm one of those that live in the awe of your wisdom, writing about what makes you you is what I would love to read no matter how edited it may be. Hahahah

You are just too exceptional, I think this generation is luck enough to have...smile

I'm longing for such day....

Thank you once more.

Ha, good question

Thanks, it's something I ask of myself (as a writer) emboldened by Roman playwright, Terence:

I am human. Nothing human is alien to me.

Question: If you commanded a Terminator who, from any time in history, would you have it terminate and why?

Speaking of terminators, I think @tarazkp is one of them. No human can write that quantity of dense and deep posts per day. Also, the t800 had psychology and other subjects in its database

Eek, as a passionate pacifist I shudder to consider murder, even the assisted sort. But, I guess Hitler might be an obvious one, and others of his ilk...

Haha, as a “passionate pacifist” you’d be ok to murder Hitler.

Phew... Idjut that I am, might lose a night of sleep over it... But, not too much more :P

Sounds legit.

I would send the terminator to deal with Hugo Chavez in 1992 hahahaha

Aaah @galenkp, @galenkp, @galenkp (shaking head)

You know that I am a pacifist that would not condone such behaviour in another let alone myself but, since I must terminate someone...

I would of course be looking to reduce suffering for the maximum amount of people past and future and it is too easy to go with Hitler or Stalin, too passe and obvious. So instead of that I will go a little more laterally. I would terminate:

Henry Ford

The reasoning is simple, he not only fathered the most soul crushing invention the earth has ever seen, the production line, by optimizing labor force, he crushed the burgeoning electric car industry which had more support than combustion at the time. Yes, it might not have been too long after that someone created the modern production line anyway but perhaps it would have then been created in another industry and utilized by electric cars and battery tech to develop and reduce prices themselves.

How different would the world look if the combustion engine wasn't the cheapest at the time and battery and electric technology had been heavily supported for the last 100 years, I cannot say. But the chances that the world is in much better shape and advancements would have been made in all kinds of energy production would be much higher. A cleaner environment would probably be the number one thing to reduce suffering in this world as it would free up resources for more useful needs than just cleaning up our own filth.

Now i didn't expect that as an answer! Nice one though. As someone who has worked on an auto production line I'm speaking from experience.

Hmmm, what a wisdom?

If you had:

what would you do with it?

And @abh12345. Typical.

Given it for a day, I would vote myself and a few key friends until there is nothing left in the tank for maximum growth for future use. If it was mine though?

  • I would support several curation projects through trailing votes to be spread widely.
  • I would identify 10 or so key users with community in mind and delegate 200k to each under my rules 30/70 Self/community and have someone track usage and progress

That would leave me about 10 x $800 votes a day.

  • Obviously, 2.5 would be used to return some Maaasssive Gains! and Alt travel money back to the pool until an agreement was met
  • I would hire a couple of blockchain sleuths to find other large scale abusers too
  • When 'clean enough' I would heavily support the growth of community builders.

Then the witnesses:

  • I would do my best to bump those who are invested in Steem up the chart and minimize those who are powering down, moving platforms yet, happy to take the large rewards. Some people don't mind that but I see it as a lack of dedication to the long-term view that is open to massive conflicts of interest.

There are just so many thing but Helsing would definitely get a chance at freedom.

Yes, typical 😊

Sounds like a plan - I'll take the stats and the 200k, with a max of 30% self.

The options are unlimited, it's a platform changing amount.

yeah it is. enough people curating with that amount and steem looks very different.

A happier community. I have a few guys tell me they are looking to buy in - it's not the price putting them off...

check discord, I have a Q.

Do you think they will ever redo the "reputation score" seems to me to be broken what do you think

Probably not. Something else is required for sure and may come via an SMT.

That would be nice
I seem to be playing catch up all the time . That will change in time

What a man with community in mind!

I'm waiting for the day you would contest for the post of the steemit president... Lol

I have some ideas. Would like to hear what Dr T says.

I would like to ask you what your drive for discipline is, how you got it and what keeps you there. You seem naturally passionate about your life views and your hard working attitude. Is that something you worked towards or were you always naturally that way inclined.

I am a procrastinator at heart and I have to force myself to do a lot of things I don't enjoy for work and in life in general. I have become tired of coasting. At the moment, we face many personal challenges a home that just keep crushing us down but, perhaps if one day that pressure releases, I will have a chance to actually benefit from the work. currently, I don't.

I really like this idea. It is a chance for us to use your knowledge!
So my question will be: what is according to you the best approach for a red fish to get to minnow level? Feel free to use me as use case! Because I am a poor red fish, investing fiat into steem will not be allowed as answers, just like spamming or begging :)

Edit: will undress later, I am now at the office :)

The solution is to #engage. You already do it so you'll be a millionaire soon #not.

Still engagement will help. It is not that it is the only road to success! But it will help for sure. Just like being interactive and genuine.
We, red fishes, need to be feed by the minnow, dolphins and higher because we forget to feed our own species!

Post some extraordinary contents by making use of the platforms utopian-io, D-tube and D-live. Engage with community. It is not impossible to become a dolphin purely through content creation although it takes some time. I have many such examples to show you!

Very true! But you need to engage and interact. If we only would write quality posts but nobody knows, you will only have a slim chance to get discovered and will get none upvotes! It is the combination of writing quality posts and comments! Like we are doing now :)

I think you need to do more than just content creation to become a dolphin. Minnow, maybe.

Yes. As you rightly said in your previous comment, engagement is the key.

listening intently and will take down notes

engage and be patient I supose. Support the community, be a community thinker, and write good stuff too

Well, this is interesting an Ask Me Anything with Tarazkp.

If you are to run a charity project how would you do it without your connections now, your SP and it is as if starting from scratch?

My question is what is the latest info about you daughter’s visit to the hospital? What I really want to know is how to have fun?

I can't answer the first part of your question, though I hope for the best. As for the second, fun might be our natural state, if we are present to the small things in life (because, there are no small things, really). Tickling you & making faces :P

I think I would love to know about this lovely being too.
I have been asking about her in most of my comments under his posts, I hope he is able to give answer to this.

She is at home and doing okay but with a fever, it is hard to tell what is what with her. After the cancellation, we are now waiting a week or two for a new MRI slot.

What I really want to know is how to have fun?

Do not care about having fun, just do something and pay attention.

Why don't you post naked pictures of you on the blockchain?

Why don't you post naked pictures of you on the blockchain?

So @enn0 you are like me. There are certain kind of words and sentences that you just can't get past. Everything after that is just gibberish. Like: "There's ice cream in the fridge but you can't have it." or "Now, please undress. something something something."

So my question to @tarazkp could be: "Why am I naked right now?" but I'm not asking that 'cause

Stupid questions will be dealt with stupidly

So I got nothing.

It seems I did read and understand what I read after the naked thing.

Why am I naked right now?

Easy, he asked you to.

There are no easy answers.

The answer can't be who asks or who is asked. It has to be something to do with the holistic universe doing what it needs to do in order to things happen as things should happen.

Like: getting tangled with someones clothes lying on the floor, the sandwich in the stumblers hands gets thrown out of the open window where a witty seagull quickly snatches the sandwich and scares a flock of jackdaws in the air. That makes an old lady in the taxi very scared (because she just saw Hitchcock's Birds for the 30th time) and she screams so loud that the taxi driver accidentally accelerates and drives over a pedestrian killing him. Later the police find out that the pedestrian is... was an infamous serial killer.

UUU uuu uuu!!! I DO have a question @tarazkp!
If someone uses the phrase: "infamous serial killer" is that killer like a really really really bad person or does two bad things (infamous + serial killer) make it good like double negative is positive?

Indirectly in the image attached to the post :)

That it is the best answer you gave :)
Just great! And reading a little bit above this that you don't care about fun! :)

Not a bad answer actually.

Do you want to increase the burn rate?

@dickpicsTarazkp could be his secondary account

The horror!

I just have to answer this one again.

Why don't you post naked pictures of you on the blockchain?

Maybe he has. We just don't remember it and can't see those posts because it was so traumatizing.

What were your biggest successes or failures?

To me, every success are big so are every failure.. Asking about the biggest one is just talking about his preference in all of his success and the one that weigh him down among his failure.
But trust me, our doctor is just too difficult to be broken by situations....lol

Biggest success is hard to say but, I have managed to make it this far in life which 20 years ago was far from a certainty due to health issues. I am not successful at much otherwise but I do have the tendency to survive somehow.

To capitalise on my strengths by allowing my fears to settle for mediocre. There are no guarantees but, I should probably be in a better situation than I am in many ways. I should have taken more risks.

Hello Doctor Taraz. What would you have done differently on Steemit knowing what you do now. Basically when you first started if you could go back and start again. Buying Steem at 7c doesn't count either. A proper answer.

Besides buying in, I would have spent more time off-site engaging and much more time working out how the technology worked and its capabilities. The more you learn, the more you earn. I would have had an app by now and with 7 cent steem, a good base to make it successful.

When you say an app. What kind of app?

can't say, just in case I will get a chance to develop it.

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