Portraits of the evening

in #photography5 years ago

On Friday night we have a charity event to go to. Sounds like we are fancy. We are not. However my wife does look pretty good when she makes an effort, which generally only happens when other people are going to see her. I don't count.

She went to the hairdresser today and that is another thing that I ma not going to calculate into Steem and I didn't ask the price, just to make sure. She doesn't go very often so I can't complain too much but, I also cut my own hair because I am not going to pay for something I can do myself poorly, but well enough.

She found something she wanted to wear too which was reasonably priced considering except, it has to have the pant legs taken up as she is short. I am short and I can even say that. Her mother will do the alterations tomorrow morning so it is ready for Friday. It is dark blue but I liked the look of the images in black and white.

We also have her nephew's graduation party on Saturday (different dress) so it is going to be quite a full weekend as we have to help set up on Friday afternoon, go to the charity thing in the evening and then I will be taking some photos at the graduation on the Saturday. Thankfully, someone else volunteered to do the people pictures because while I would have done it, I am glad I don't gave to considering my energy levels after treatment.

I like taking photos of my wife and daughter as not only do I get to practice, I also am able to get pictures of people for my posts. I like being able to use people photos but since I only use my own images, the selection is very limited, but I still prefer to use them even if they aren't perfect for a post or as "engaging" as if I found one online better suited.

The reason I like to use my own images is that it makes a post more mine as it requires me to use more skills than just writing. I find I take more images to as I am always looking for new material and in so doing, it creates a feed of inspiration as I get new ideas for posts from the images I take. Because I write mainly from my own experience and observations, I find that my images become a catalyst for thought and memory of things that might have slipped through the cracks once upon a time. If you are ever stuck for content, try using images to light your creativity, even if you don't use them in your posts.

Well, this was meant to be just a set of photos yet I always feel like I should add some words, and I tend to let writing get away from me and end up with more than people want to read. I think these words might be read as they appear between pictures of my beautiful wife - which reminds me of another post I want to write, but that can wait until tomorrow.

[ a Steem original ]


It looks good to see pictures are original and I also prefer to have my self taken pictures rather than get a professional picture from online. I think pictures with life-related blog just grab attention and bring readers. If it is business or information related, It is a different case.

All the best for her, your daughter and you.

If it is business or information related, It is a different case.

Maybe not as most businesses use stock photos of people to connect with customers.

Your model looks satisfied with her choice of attire for the charity function you'll be attending.

However my wife does look pretty good when she makes an effort, which generally only happens when other people are going to see her. I don't count.

This is regrettably common in marriages. It's the flipside of the security marriage is thought to provide. The entire point of the institution is to make ending it difficult which is why people tend to stop being on their best behavior. Our culture would benefit from some type of realistic discussion of what long-term relationships are really like and how their pitfalls would be best avoided.

Yep, she really likes it. I still have no idea what I am going to wear yet. I will wait until Friday to start the search through the closets. :D

Heh. I seriously need to watch my weight be cause otherwise I'm going to have to go shirt shopping come a function I have to attend and that requires a suit to be worn.

That is my issue at the moment. I think I need to lose about 5kg to get into the loosest of my suits. I don't think the odds are good by Friday.

Sorry but this thread is making me giggle :D

I should do the "@abh12345 bread diet"

A loaf lasts me a couple of weeks, you will be hungry :)

5 kg in 24 hours.... :D

That's a tall order even if liposuction were an option.

And they look very natural. I'm glad it's like that between the two of you. I hope you had a beautiful evening.

We did and probably more fun than the event on Friday :)

Nice captures man!

Cheers mate. Hope you are well :)

Nice pics dude..she looks very natural and relaxed.

Have fun at the event and make sure you tell them all that the best charity they can give to is steemitadventure!

I will see if they will raffle a night with you.

The pictures of wife and child are useful as the times where I've upvoted but not commented has been because I didn't understand the post and upvoted the picture XD (I'm still unsure if that makes me a terrible person or not) The contrasts between dress and skin ensure that these were going to look fantastic black and white :)

Have fun at the graduation and the charity event and hope the treatment doesn't/didn't wipe you out too much :D

I don't think that makes you terrible (because you are voting on me)
They are okay in colour too and there are some I will use for other purposes but the b&w were better, as they usually are.

Should be a nice enough weekend and I will try to rest up but, very little chance of that :)

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