Kicking it old and new

in #palnet5 years ago

Well, this is new. And old. I like it.

This is my first post on to see what all the fuss of the future is going to be about. Yep, this is another block-step in the Steem blockchain toward where people are going to be in the future on Steem. That is, not on Steem. Well, on Steem but not on Steem. Follow?

This is what SMTs are meant for, to leverage the Steem blockchain to build communities around application that are tokenized to reward and encourage users to use. This is where the earners of the future are going to be and not just on, all over the internet. These are going to spread and they are not just going to be post and vote kind of deals, they are going to be widely varied experiences that cater for all types of uses and users.

To post on here takes Resource Credits as it also writes to the Steem blockchain and this is why it is important that ther are enough RCs floating about. You might have enough for Steem, you might have enough for some on PAl, maybe even a game or two, but once you are acting across dozens of applications for many purposes, you might not have enough.

This is where the Steem Power holders come into the game and delegate Rcs through pools that can be provided by the SMT/SCOT front ends so that their users can interact with the blockchain without having to own anything at all. They can then earn tokens that could be used to later buy a Steem account or whatever else is needed. This is also why it is smart (in my opinion) to collect a bit of Steem now as it grants access and usage to applications on SMTs for RCs and, the potential to add your own RCs to the pool for delegation, which will be an earner in itself.

This is very exciting news and I am looking forward to more front ends doing this and hopefully, combining forces to integrate their use cases in together to create compelling user experiences that can piggyback each other and provide utility for users.

If the EIP changes builds a stronger case for Steem Power holders and encourages powering up, what it will do is make Steem more of an investment coin that underpins the earning coins of SMTs. More Steem Power means more RCs and adds the needed stability to the blockchain the applications require to really scale. Remember that all of the transactions from a Steem perspective are kept free because of the witnesses and this gives the applications much more flexibility in their design and distribution mechanisms of their own tokens.

Here, I am not a Steem dolphin, here I am a PAL nothing.

And this is what is exciting for all of the users who feel they missed out on collecting Steem, as the applications can wipe the slate clean and give every user a fresh start to make a name for themselves. Of course, there is likely to be some legacy through relationships left over but, if looking at PALcoin as the earner, people earn what gets rewarded and, that is up to all users here and as they grow, powerup or sellout, their experience will change accordingly.

Get to it content producers.

[ a PAL original ]


What an astute way to look at it! We want to give a better starting point to Steemians, but how it will evolve will be based solely on how each shapes what they do with their PAL. There's no one or the other, but a chance to prioritize the experience that attracts you best. You've got a good grasp of what all this craziness could look like... There will be lots to come, with a visual refresh, and new ways to move around the platform. I'm excited to see you've tried it out. A good way to think of it is like a companion and expansion to Steem!

Everything you do here will be reflected on Steem interfaces as well; if you hold PALcoin staked, it's like powering up your Steem into SP. It will allow you to allocate rewards in both tokens while voting on content all over this front end, and all Steem front ends if the palnet tagged is used. Overall, we're just really excited to try to get people excited about engaging, sharing, and being social again. It's a big experiment that we're pretty stoked to be be a part of, so thanks for always thinking critically, and expressing yourself the same way~

I have no idea what will actually happen with it all, but I am hoping that the craziness gets a little crazier and blows everyone away with what it is actually capable of :)

and all Steem front ends if the palnet tagged is used

Will there be a slider that covers both tokens?

Overall, we're just really excited to try to get people excited about engaging, sharing, and being social again. It's a big experiment that we're pretty stoked to be be a part of

I think the timing for this is good and if the bulls run soonish, it could onboard many newbies.

i purchased 20 PAL staked them and upvoted you at 8% guess its not enough, might try upvoting myself at 50% edit. nope guess i need more PAL

"nope guess i need more PAL"

That's okay MATE.

I'm so excited about palnet that I even bought 1 palmm coin on Steem Engine to start mining palcoin.

I might do the same.

Interesting thoughts about fresh starts and clean environments begin to shape behind sleepy eyes...We'll see tomorrow, we guesses, Precious. Yes, we does.

we guesses, Precious. Yes, we does.

This made me laugh :)

I think I will keep writing and collecting steem in hopes it will pay off one day as I learn about this platform. Thanks for sharing @tarazkp

This will be a growing part of the power of owning Steem. Even if you don't use it :)

Looking forward to seeing how the impact of RC delegations play out! You are one of the few avid preachers of the importance of RCs and I think you’re spot on!

I hope I am correct and I hope that it all comes together at the right time.

Hi fellow nothing! I"m really curious how this pans out... I'm not fully getting my head around how it really benefits the STEEM system, but after reading your post, I think I have a better understanding... I do find it strange that I don't see my past postings and comments though (at least, not at the moment...)

In regards to your last line, I felt the same way when I tried SCT. Based on my observation, anything you post on SCT or in this case PalNet will show up on as well. It seems that post will only appear on PalNet if they were posted on PalNet.

I may be wrong so please correct me if I am.

it should be that way yeah. Later, the Steem interfaces can filter out other applications if they choose.

Yep... it seems to be the case... although, I am about to test the reverse... seeing as comments seem to be working from Steem, and then showing up on PALNET!

A top level post on steem won't show up here I think as it will not have the PAL ID (I am guessing) attached. The comments do because it is on a PAL post that has the identifier. could be well wrong though :)

A top level post works! I just did it!

posted from STEEMPEAK:


I thought it shouldn't here. Weird :D

LOL, I didn't think it would work either... but I thought I may as well try it.... this changes things!

@tarazkp and @bengy - Another observation is that since I am not a dolphin on these other sites, I do not have a vote slide. When I upvoted on SCT, the reward showed as 0 but when I viewed the same upvote on, the reward was a 100% upvote.

What is SCT?

An abbreviation I have seen used for I think that SCT is actually the abbreviation for token. It is built on the Steem blockchain.

Never heard of it :)
Lots of things happening.

think its mainly korean SCT

from what i got, you will not see them on palnet. here you just registered, kinda :D
i see voting here also is voting on steem with your steempower, so i voted for @tarazkp and gave him 0 Pal but if you look on steem i did vote with some steem.

and gave him 0 Pal but if you look on steem i did vote with some steem.

This was part of the SMT thing too I think where it is possible to vote with two tokens simultaneously, (maybe three?) Perhaps later there will be a slider that can have several tokens adjusted for.

Yeah... if this wasn't a blogging platform it would be fine to not have the history... however, I'm not sure that I like it... at the very least, it is a point of friction for those coming from STEEM. I guess editing on STEEM will also edit here, seeing as they are reading from the same source...

I think so. But I am unsure how it works yet so - "don't quote me" :D

I think so. But I am unsure how it works yet so.

@Tarazkp (PALNET, 5th June 2019)

Exactly. One for the history books for the grandkids to look back upon in awe.

I do find it strange that I don't see my past postings and comments though (at least, not at the moment...)

From Steem? you won't see them here. This will be an independent experience but because it posts to the Steem blockchain, it will be able to be interacted with on both ends.

This is more of a growing case of proof of concept I think but in time there will be quite different things like games and services built using the same tech on Steem. All will still need some RCs to act with though.

Yes, that is what I thought... that it would be a completely start from scratch, with no history carrying over from STEEM. Hmmm... I think that is a bit of a downside for me... but on the other hand, if it were for a game where I didn't want or need any past posting history, then it would be pretty awesome for a new user to not have to worry about rc!... and possibly not even know the existence of STEEM!

Most likely, some of the interfaces will also port history over at some point to but I guess the main idea is to build fresh communities without past getting too heavily involved.

Can you read this one (posted from steemit)? (hang on, I can't see your above comment on PALNET....)... oh boy, this could confusing real fast!

Oh, no... there it is... just slower...

Yep, I have been posting interchangeably to test things :)

I am always all in for ways to add to my tokens to my wallets! I will have to give it a try when back from vacation! Seeing plenty of posts on the platform already!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yep, I am sure that it will develop with some new tweaks by then too.

Yep, I am sure that
It will develop with some
New tweaks by then too.

                 - tarazkp

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

There is so much happening on the blockchain that it is wonderfully impossible to begin to keep up with it all!

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