Holding back the sea

in #thoughts6 years ago

It is getting pretty busy around here lately as I had pushed client meetings backward to have space to attend SteemFest at the start of November and then with the interviews and testing for an unexpected work offer, everything has come together to clash. Today I have a doctor's visit that'll take a few hours and on Friday I will have another for my bi-monthly infusion treatment, with Finnish Independence day sandwiched between. This means, no client meetings for three days.

It is interesting what we can get used to.

I was with a client this week and they have a young child under one who hasn't been sleeping so well and has had a flu quite often. I remember those days, that was last night, and the night before. Although much, much better than the first year we experienced, we are likely now at a stage that most parents would generally have with a new baby when it comes to sleeping patterns and our routines are probably quite foreign to most.

I think we manage pretty well all things considered.

Sometimes I wonder if everyone thinks they manage well in life, regardless of what experience they actually have or, if everyone thinks their life is difficult, regardless of what experience they actually have. I try to look my own life somewhat objectively but in reality, it is quite impossible, although the feeling of being objective may be present. Feelings don't count for much when it comes to the reality of things but they are quite real in the influence of our reaction to things. Often, the things we might react emotionally strongly to, given time or perspective might catalyze no reaction.

The cause of the reaction might be no reason at all.

I am pretty sure that when I look back at these last few years, all of the emotions carried across the waves of various situations and events will not be present and instead, will be replaced with whatever lessons I carried out from them. I will look back at the difficulties with our daughter as cherished moments, the rush of work as foundation building and, the pressures of life as instrumental in helping me grow into whatever I will then be. It is easy to get caught up in emotion and believe it is living the moment but, emotion is a derivative of the past, not an awareness of the now, confusing the two leads to various forms of internal conflict.

We live in interesting times I suppose.

Thing are getting better and if we could truly experience life 50, 100 or 200 years ago we would likely recognize that while some things have worsened, much of life is fundamentally better. We are of course not without our challenges though which means, we can't stop at this station. I wonder what people do with their time, what a normal day looks like for various people around the world, what individuals do and what they think is important enough to spend their time on.

Time is the most precious resource we have yet the one we seem to value the least.

We don't have time for much, but with the time given what is possible to do can vary greatly from individual to individual, even amongst those with comparative backgrounds and skills. If we aren't spending our time doing something that we think is adding quality to our experience of life, what are we actually doing? f what we are doing we think does add quality to our experience of life yet our lives aren't improving, what are we doing? Maybe we like to play at personal growth and leave the real change up to the actions of others that will influence us in various ways to move. Perhaps we are just scared of losing ourselves if we change.

We all change, no one can hold back the sea forever.

[ a Steem original ]


I sometimes watch videos on youtube of people walking around in places where I have been. Instead, these films were made 100 years ago. And I step into those people trying to feel and understand how it was to be living back then. Of course I will never have the full experience, but it's enough for me to get something out of it. It's a very interesting experiment.

This is something I definitely need to try with intention. I have tried imagining what it might have been like while walking through but it is difficult to build the past with the interference of the present. Watching through images of the past could help. I would imagine that at some point, AR and VR are going to immerse is much more deeply into impossible experiences.

How did the interviews go? I am slowly catching up on all the lost time.

interviews well enough, the testing... unsure :D I will know more next week :)

I often say I need to write a book of my life given the ups and downs I reflect on frequently when looking back. However, the reality is I am relatively healthy as is my family, we have a home, food on the table, and the experience of watching my daughter have a great education with love from her family and friends is fulfilling enough to say it has been a great life no matter the path. While it can always change in the future, one must live the present!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I often say I need to write a book of my life given the ups and downs I reflect on frequently when looking back.

Another reminder of a post I have been meaning to write... maybe tonight. If I remember :D

I think there is something to be said about being grateful for conditions and living in the present is one of those things. If everyone stopped right at this moment and evaluated their immediate self, nearly 100% would be okay as they have the time to evaluate their immediate self. Of course, doing the evaluation would take them out of the present moment ;)

Indeed emotions carry over like stale baggage. Some we can deal with effectively...some not. What we can not ends up as ripples on those we touch. We are only human. For some it is an excuse to to do, For others it is legit and meaningful. Only forgiveness can heal the waves and ripples of life. Blessings @tarazkp

The excuse of emotion is one of the worst I think as it says, I am not going to control myself despite the harm I may cause. Emotional control isn't burying feelings, it is managing the reactions they may cause.

Time is the most precious resource we have yet the one we seem to value the least.

Ain't that the truth!
The only asset we ever truly posses, and one seldom used wisely.

Yep, I am getting better at it, but the time it has taken to improve is lost. It would be more efficient to instil it at a young age but instead we demand children do what we want them to do with their time.

I hope the infusion goes without side effects

200 years ago was brutal , we live in a good time but that’s what they said 200 years ago. Every generation is slightly better at least tech. Wise.

I think time is to complicated for us to comprehend. Maybe one day. So we ignore it until it runs out.

I like the last sentence a lot.

The infusion was pushed up to today (having it currently) so it will be a day of tests and treatments. Considering your case, I am not complaining. I hope you are well.

I am doing OK. They are confused on why LOL dumb asses.
It doesn’t really do any good complaining.
Sitting here because i cant sleep. But thats ok cause i’ll Sleep when I’m dead whaaaahahaha.

Have you heard anything about steemfest 19 cause I’d like to make that one.
Do you get tired after the infusion. You been doing that for some time. You stay well

But thats ok cause i’ll Sleep when I’m dead whaaaahahaha.

lol, no wonder they are confused ;)

Nothing about SteemFest yet, they generally leave it to the last months because arrangements are pretty intense from what I understand as are cost considerations these days :D

Do you get tired after the infusion.

Yes, it wears me out quite heavily but I have so many things to do I just roll with it.

Yes, it wears me out quite heavily but I have so many things to do I just roll with it.

I understand that. Always push yourself the alternative is to lay down. You and me, we dont roll over.
A kid who spent years looking out the window watching , doesn’t roll over. He rolls with it :)

I hope to make the next steemfest. Only thing that will stop me is the finance part not the health part.

I think if you feel like you’re managing then you are regardless of how hard or otherwise life is 🙂

Hopefully you will look back positively as you’ve described. Sometimes I feel that I’m going to glare back with some resentment at my inability to force my life into how I wanted it to be, but it’s really not that bad in the grand scheme.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sometimes I feel that I’m going to glare back with some resentment at my inability to force my life into how I wanted it to be

But then, the power of justification kicks in and we can make up reasons why it didn't work :)

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