Gratuitous shots of my nuts

in #photography5 years ago (edited)

I thought I would take the plunge before my phone gets hacked and the pictures leak online - control the narrative and come out swinging on my own terms. I know there are several who have been anticipating and anxiously awaiting even a glimpse to whet the appetite and give more for the imagination to chew upon.

So without further ado - here are my nuts.


Walnuts to be precise.

I had my nuts handed to me for Christmas by my sister-in-law and I figured I would take some shots to remember the occasion, as it isn't every day your wife's sister grabs you nuts.



I took these images tonight and other than a quick crop on my phone, they are unedited. These are shot with an Olympus EM-1, a 60mm macro and an off-camera flash unit. The reflection is from the glass counter top on the living room cupboards.

When I have the chance (and the motivation) I like to try to get some shots of something pretty mundane and see if it is useful for something, which generally means as a header image for a post. I like the texture of walnuts and the fact they look a little like brains and I think I will try to take some more later.

I like how they look like little boats too.

The use of the flash is forbidden at night after my daughter goes to sleep, as it lights up the entire apartment, and it would be super annoying if I then have to spend the next hour getting her back to sleep.

This next one is titled, Kiss By Nuts.




I think the one below kind of has the feel of a boat on the beach of a calm lake. At least it does for me. When it comes to the interpretation of images, it really is in the eye of the beholder where different viewers will ascribe alternate meanings. I think that is where the value lays in photography as just like a work of art, it can provoke thought. I think that duck-faced selfies do not provoke much thought in the audience, unlike the people who take them who are oconstantly thinking about how they look and which is the perfect angle to bring out their boobs brains.


This next one might have been better with a little bit of bloody goop.



And well, this last one speaks for itself...

Interracial orgy.

For those of you who have a half decent camera (or even if it is a crappy camera), I do suggest playing around with taking photos of random things in the home and seeing what kinds of results are achievable. I also believe that if you are posting regularly, it is a good way to introduce more personal content in by using self-taken images to support. I know that many people like to grab the perfect image online, but in some way it depersonalizes the work and makes it more engineered and static. To each their own though of course.

Now that I have got my nuts out of the way, it might be time to see what lies beneath.

[ a Steem original ]



Love your nuts! 🥜😂

That's what they all say.

Do you live in a studio apartment or something that open plan there’s no doors on the bedroom? Or do you have a really loud flash?

Sex apparently gets lots of (relatively) easy lies so I guess that’s why people keep doing it because anything pay that is way too much effort? 😆

Have you had a good silly season so far?

Do you live in a studio apartment or something that open plan there’s no doors on the bedroom? Or do you have a really loud flash?

It is small, nearly all white, and the bedroom doors have glass panels over them so pretty much, the whole apartment gets flashed.

It has been an okay week, but this is the second night I am up with Smallsteps and I didn't get more than 3 hours sleep last night.

How about you guys, having fun?


dunno. Well, they are above the doors really. They were here when we bought the place and the 5 doors are 5 different sizes and none of them standard. It was going to cost us thousands to replace, so we didn't.

I think the reason they are there is because our apartment is on one side of the building which means no light comes in from the entrance "corridor" side. Having the glass there means that at least during the day, it isn't pitch black.

Clickbait lies...

Posted using Partiko iOS

I will become the boy who cried balls and when I do the big reveal, no one will click.

Cool ideas here and thank you for advice :)

glad I hit the follow... this had me laughing even before reading it.... nice fondled nuts man.

Cheers. It is good to have some fun every now and again - even if it means playing with my own nuts.

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