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in #writing7 years ago

Ever get that sinking feeling? A feeling that turns thoughts that everything is going to work out into a vision that it is not? I have felt this way the last few days but I am not sure why.

There could be a few reasons for this that have cropped up recently but none that I would actually say is significant enough to provide the feeling. In general, I am fairly resilient to negative events these days, or perhaps I am numb. Either way, I don't react as strongly as perhaps I used to. But I am more sensitive to the feelings themselves.

I and my family have been suffering from the flu so perhaps it is just that my body is worn down and my mind is reacting yet if this is it, the reaction is not in line with my normal processes. Perhaps it is more than a little flu or perhaps there are symptoms that it causes that are outside of 'flu normal'.

We all react differently to various kinds of afflictions, like I have a friend who is very fit, a professional ice hockey player. If he gets even the slightest fever, he cannot stand up yet, my temperature can swing wildly with little effect on my other than tiredness and discomfort.

The feeling I have now is something akin to discomfort but I do not have a fever. If I had to describe it, it is like my skin is a size too small and I have to try and stay still but can't find a position where there isn't some kind of strange pressure.

But the physical indications are only a part of it, the mental is having effects too. I am less patient than normal and as someone put it in chat, 'a little on edge'. My humor is off mark too and I am struggling to pay enough attention. It is possible that I just need a good night's sleep as I haven't been looking after that so well the last few weeks (months).

I think there is more to this feeling than that though, I have a feeling I am missing something very important. Maybe it is just my intuition running poorly and I am getting false positives fed back to me, which is upsetting my mind and actions.

Who knows. Even though I want to get some work done, I will take the rest of the night off and work harder tomorrow. Perhaps a little distance is what I need, a recharge. Ever feel this way?

Talk soon,



My wife is a Spiritual Life Coach (among other things) and has long been tracking the ebbs and flows of her clients. Whether we believe in such things as "other" forces, she had hard numerical evidence that there are "ebbs and flows" in when her clients seek help, and when they don't.

In other words, in a perfectly neutral universe, she should get client calls at a pretty constant rate. She does not. And she just walked through my office and declared "I swear, it seems like everyone is ready to jump off a tall building, this weekend!"

Not saying that "means" anything, but I've noticed that I tend to go through "cycles" (about every six weeks or so) where my creativity ebbs and flows, as well.

My thought is that "little tiny stuff" affects us. We may not have the science to "measure" it in 2017, but maybe in 2117 we will... and it will just be yet another natural phenomenon, like tides, gravity and such.

I have noticed this cyclical nature also within myself but it has felt a little different. I took the day off and had brunch with friends and spent the day walking around outside with the family. After a half decent sleep, I think it has helped somewhat.

It is interesting how many things can affect a mood or a thought pattern. I am sure that one day there will be some discoveries that unlock some of this stuff.

@tarazkp I understand you bro. Send you a DM

Please explain a DM to a newbe?

It means Direct Message.

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I often think it is ok to take a day off... yet I feel guilty. Try to sleep. Try to shift youn mental focus. Teach your daughter something new. Take the time you need even though it seems hypocritical to say.

Thanks, I took the day off with the family and had a brunch with friends. It was nice. Let's see if I am able to write a bit later :)

Some sleep could help.

Everyone has the flu lately here as well. :S

I got 7 hours. It helped a lot. Thanks for the support as always and for the comment in chat. @m31 noticed too so I thought I better do something about it :)

I know how are you feeling, sometimes happened to me when i was really tired and stressed. Some rest will help you. Take care of you!

Generally I find that it is an incongruity in my vision, that causes these sorts of feelings. However many doubts I have my visions usually come to fruition.

I hope you and your family feel better soon mate and that you get to grips with whatever it is that is troubling you. Take care of yourself.

feeling a little better today thanks. Let's see how it goes :)

Hello there!
May I offer a few words - namely yes for sure lack of sleep and flu symptoms will not help your state of mind but bear in mind also that there has been some extreme weather on the surface of the sun and repercussions such as mood swings and headaches are just a small part of the knock on effect this has on our planet.
Our bodies are a bunch of electrical impulses and space weather is very relevant to how we feel so keep an eye on solar activity, The past 10 days have been especially active for this.
Good luck and I hope you feel stronger and clearer soon.

It is interesting to think about and wonder how much effect it can have upon our synapses.

I love that focused water from the first picture. It fits very well with this wonderful article. Keep going

nice picture.not easy to get the splash in focus.yea i like it

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