Dog walk diaries: they grow so fast

in #philosophy6 years ago

Viski and I have been kicked out of home which at this time of day has confused the dog a little as it is a few hours earlier than normal. It is for the best though as someone is coming to look at buying some of our daughter's clothes that no longer fit. There are many.


I am more of a bare minimum shopper generally but must admit that at times I do buy my wife and daughter unnecessaries. However, due to the extremes of weather there are also a lot of must have items. The difference in clothing between +30 and -30 is large and, expensive. The colder the weather, the higher the price and, layers are needed.

In Finland though it is common to book a flea market table for week and over the last few years, child specific ones have popped up. My wife however has organised through Facebook groups people to come and have a look.

In some ways this is a pain but, it is also convenient in others. There is also the compelled to buy something effect. If someone has gone to the trouble to drive to a stranger's home, they will generally purchase and often, over-purchase items. It is an effect of the sunk cost fallacy.

Most people are predictable as we tend to behave in very similar ways depending on our backgrounds. This makes us easy to sort, easy to target and manipulate to elicit desired response. Humans are highly gameable and often the less someone believes this to be true, the easier to manipulate.

This is why news and media targeting can have such effects as of they can make us believe our position is good, they can suggest to nudge our direction and if we see others act similarly (which they conveniently provide), we will take people like me do this approach.

It is clear to see on places like Amazon and Netflix, but it is also present in the news media and of course, politics. News and politics also use the people like them do also so as to contrast good against bad and of course, we are good, they are bad.

Although people may not like to admit it, with enough points of observation anyone's behaviour can be predicted and the more we adhere to suggestion, the more predictable we become. We think we have a tailored feed for us as individuals but in reality, we are put in a box with others deemed similar, and pushed wherever they choose.

Well, soon there will be a little more space in the cupboards to fill with more unnecessary while justifying it as needed.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


Hi Taraz. You probably got kicked out as the missus is going for the best price and you would buckle. Should have got actifit put on your phone.

lol. most likely that is the case. I tend to sell too early :D

I have actifit but haven't used it much.

As always, excellent reflection, @tarazkp. Especially because it's part of a perfect analogy: how predictable people can be. Hence the statistics governing market research. Of course there is one variable, but that percentage will be minimal compared to the sample. I have seen studies in which they put a group of people in a space and they can begin to act according to certain rules and the environment. Although it is hard to imagine ourselves as equals to many, there is no major difference in our actions, expressions, even our way of dressing! Ah, girls always like to have things even if we don't need them much! hahaha. Beautiful day.

It is social proofing behaviour I figure. Put people together and the mob soon forms.

Ah, girls always like to have things even if we don't need them much! hahaha.

And it is a man's like to keep trying to provide perhaps.

Yes, as humans we do tend to deny our fallibility. Our behavior can not only be predicted but in a controlled situation it can be mapped to frightening exaction. From there the prediction becomes a mere matter of having a large enough data set.

In ancient cultures, the kings were afforded the highest place of viewing for more than one reason. To understand human behavior to the point were it can be predicted has been done for a long time. Just because we cant do it, is probably one of the contributing factors for denial of the fact that it has been done to us ( at least to some extent)

I find behaviour interesting to observe and perhaps in another life I might have studied it and become one of those asses who manipulates people or perhaps, one of those who tries to get people to see they are manipulated. I ma unsure which :)

Hello friend @tarazkp, greetings, I think there are countries that require more clothes to wear than others, where the weather is warm; here we buy what is strictly necessary, of course we would like to buy and buy but it is impossible to do so. However you live in a country where the climate varies so you have to have different garments.

Indeed behavior is predictable and folks in marketing use this in their alga rhythms. As for me I love buying as mom and pop three day in home estate sales. I guess Target and Walmart do not make money on me LOL.

I want to tell something
" Although people may not like to admit it, with enough points of observation anyone's behaviour can be predicted and the more we adhere to suggestion, the more predictable we become. " it is a truth that's why we know what our dear ones need because we observe them. We know when they are angry or sad what can be the reason for that.

One more thing I noticed and I agree with it as @tarazkp sir said that "We think we have a tailored feed for us as individuals but in reality, we are put in a box with others deemed similar, and pushed wherever they choose."
I want to give my example when I went to MacD
They didn't asked me that I need coke or not they asked me that I need a small coke or large coke.And I said a small one if they questioned that you need one or not then I had simply refused that I don't need it. They made me to buy it. It's human psychology.Trust me its 100% works you can try it as well but change the object or your family members will think why you are trying to sell coke at home.

If we were not so predictable I doubt large corporations, politicians and the media will be able to screw us over like they do

Indeed. One thing I learned while dating, don't be like other men.

So you were guy with the traffic cone on his head at the speed dating. It all makes sense now!

Speed dating? Never tried. Most men think they are clever while most women can pull their puppet strings and make them dance :)

You got a 41.92% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @tarazkp!

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