Dog walk diaries: ready to grow

in #thoughts6 years ago

The leaves are falling and the trees are baring their branching hearts, there isn't too much left to show. It also seems that Steem liquidity is drying up on the market also which is hopefully a sign that the sellers are running low and the buyers are getting a little hungry. It is also likely due to the return of SBD to the system.

I have been buying Steem on the internal market with the SBD I receive but I think I will again move it it to Bittrex so that it gets counted on the Steem volume numbers. It isn't like I am buying huge amounts but every little bit helps.

As far as the markets are concerned, this year has been relatively depressing and for many, very long for a bear market but, it really has only been ten months. Ten months is a drop in the ocean, a blink of an eye on comparison too some things.

I feel that this extended market hiatus is engineered to shake loose coins from the hands of the impatient. And crypto being the playground off the young and reactive is plagued by impatience which gives late adopters a good window to get in with similar gains to the early holders.

When the next bull run comes, it is going to squeeze many out of their positions but that will be just the first small wave. The following drives will make those who for whatever reason couldn't hold a hand close, regretful. Seller's remorse.

Of course everyone has the responsibility to wear the consequences of their actions and all take the risks they are comfortable to take. Many prefer to take while available, since prefer to hold and see. The first position is guaranteed value, the second is the expectation of a higher future value that makes up for immediate loss of opportunity.

For me, there are many reasons I am a holder but one is that although or would make my life easier now, it wouldn't significantly affect my long-term position. I would still be in much the same place a year or ten years from now.

I feel that this is an opportunity to break away at least in part from the debt cycle and reliance on one economic model and take some control. In the likely event of another global economic collapse, perhaps this approach will give options also to my family.

I figure that is a large part of why we do this, options. Essentially all money does is give us a tradeable token to buy what we cannot or do not want to do ourselves. It buys is options and of course each decision we make comes with an opportunity cost. Buy, hold or sell. Choose this over that or that over this.

The buying decisions we make shape our experience and define or world as a whole as it is these choices that support or disenfranchise ideas. To break the current economic system is easy, we just have to stop using it and start using something else. We have that something else, we just need to fill it with enough users who believe it has value.

A slow process when most use it to buy into and support what they are trying to escape. It will get there though. Perhaps.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


That's Taraz - always with an eye for the future. I kinda like the fact that the bear market gives late adopters a chance to benefit hugely. It is now left to basics - do you believe in the technology or not, for most people

There is a lot of possibility here but of course it takes some risk aboard. I understand tha many need what they earn here but considering for most it wasn't an available source of income at all not so long ago, it would likely be better if they too a hybrid approach and used the bare minimum to survive and held at least some.

Agree with holding on for a better future for our families and the best thing is that we enjoy the journey of interacting and engaging along the way as we meet new people who we can learn from as well as learning new things. I am even enjoying my workouts using @actifit and my gameplays with @steemmonsters so the ecosystem is providing me with things to do to enjoy my involvement and earn some more along the way!

I never saw myself as someone who'd wait. If you'd told me two years ago I'd be waiting on this weird, "imaginary" coin to spew out rewards and to go up, I would've probably laughed. But then things change and you come here and it doesn't seem quite so impossible.

Some will stay, some will leave, same as with anything. But it's a pretty amazing thing, to even be able to say you're waiting on this to happen, something still mindblowing, though we've grown used to it and no longer view it as such. And the ones who understand that will surely stay. Like you :)

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