Censorship and withholding information to drive blockchain adoption

in #censorship5 years ago

For the first time in what must be 2 or 3 months, I opened a news site without being handed a link. I don't read the news unless I find something elsewhere that directs me and after seeing something that jogged my mind, I thought I'd drop by the Australian and highly crappy, news.com.au to have a look.

I was surprised by what I saw.


I don't know enough about the story to go into detail, but it is a statement about the state of censorship of the press. These types of images were the front pages of every major newspaper in the country asking:

"When government keeps the truth from you, what are they covering up?"

A good question with answers that rarely arrive without leaks. While I am very critical of the press and believe that their agenda is corporate power, I do believe that the press plays a very large role in society and therefore freedom or restriction of the press has consequences.

Steem use 1 of 13.jpg

However, what I am more interested in with regards to this particular event is that it will be these questions raised, the publicity they get and the lack of adequate response that will drive more and more everyday people toward blockchain, crypto and ownership of information.

Once that starts to happen, demand changes.

It is a paradigm shift that must happen before any significant moves can be made toward a more equitable world, and a lot of that is going to be driven through consumers demanding transparency. Blockchain is not only going to give support to refine supply chain management, it is going to give the capabilities to track and search the entire process.

While a consumer might first be interested in what the farm to table life cycle of their steak was, in time that will turn toward demanding transparency of the supply chains surrounding the government's themselves. How many will be able to balance their books?

But, there will be other ramifications too as supply chain ledgers are applied across industries, as they will essentially discover the economic "black holes" where money just disappears.

I remember that there was a stealth bomber shot out of the air with using mobile phone signals to locate it. Rather than search to see where the plane was, they used the signals to triangulate by where they disappeared into the signal absorbing skin of the plane.

Blockchain could do much the same as well as discover the points on the supply chain as well as the movements of those resources by adding up what inputs there were, and seeing what makes it out to the transparent other side. We are a long way away from having the tech or the will to do this yet, but the public discourse is shifting.

How I see it is that while the corporations are looking for government loopholes to profit from, they continually undermine and create holes that we as individuals will leverage. We can see by government response to Facebook's Libra that they are looking to limit how much power one organisation can have in regard to currency, but can they limit a decentralised organisation with thousands of tokens? I believe they will try.

Blockchain and decentralised service can still offer users ownership without having to have a piece of sanctioned paper issued by an accredited body empowered by a centralised authority. Ownership is going to take on a whole new meaning in the digital realm and it will be driven by people like those who will pick up those papers and start investigating a little deeper, rather than blindly accepting what they have read.

The first question they should ask is,

if this is happening, what decisions did I make in the past thinking I was well informed?

Consumer decision drives this world and it is us as the purchasing public who is to blame for the state of play. However, how many decisions are we making without information based on known facts and how much is skewed in favor of an agenda that doesn't necessarily help us as global stakeholders. For example, you might think you know about the environment, but are your actions improving the world for those who will live on this earth?

It is too expensive to fix the environment so it is better to undermine attempts. Too expensive for who, because money spent is part of the economy, regardless of whether it goes to an oil or a clean tech company. Remember, the status quo always benefits those already benefiting.

These questions of the current state are gaining momentum and the persistence of those asking seems to be growing. With each a little more mass shifts their personal position and eventually the shift is made at the cultural level.

Whike the corporations are undermining the governments to replace them, the decentralised people of the world can piggyback and backdoor to undermine the corporations. The smthing that stops this from happening is our own ability to align and organise ourselves adequately and broudky enough to meet the power requirements. But, that time is coming through ownership of the internet gateways to value flows.

Information is the most valuable resource available on this earth and for the first time in history, we are building the capabilities to manage it without a centralised authority to dictate what we can and can't see.

We all play a role in the generation of information and the consumption of it. What we demand is what gets supplied.

[ a Steem original ]



My problem with any scarce or limited resources is that the powerful can control it.
Crypto with it's contained decentralisation can be purchased with unlimited FIAT, meaning that those that print the FIAT can buy all the true value items.

Agent K is an example of a whistleblower being targeted for revealing truth - government and people who like secrets being hidden for our safety believe they are doing the greater good.

George Pell case was gagged for the greater good.

Sometimes less is more?

Corporate Fascism collaborates with the propaganda. I had to sign a "I shall say nothing bad" when I left my last job.
Staff members sit like sheep in the slaughterhouse when other staff are "let go" lest they be chosen for slaughter to.

Some companies/government's image is so paramount that you can't find any bad/negative/critical news of many of them - only positive stuff for pages and pages or looped to appear like independent news.

For some reason your post squeezed these thoughts out of me 😄

Crypto with it's contained decentralisation can be purchased with unlimited FIAT, meaning that those that print the FIAT can buy all the true value items.

Only if those selling accept to sell. One of the major issues that has got us to where we are is that those who generate the inflation and create the debt cycle, use it to buy what is real and we sell it all to them for money. Crypto still requires demand and people willing to take it as payment for goods. Pouring all the fiat into a crypto doesn't mean it will be accepted.

Greater good is interesting once a narrow group decide what is good for the many.

Self-preservation is indeed a very strong censorship tool. Don't say a word, I g a ve a family to feed. There are better ways to live, I am sure.

Glad it got the mental juices flowing as that is pretty much the value of communication.

....It is a paradigm shift that must happen before any significant moves can be made toward a more equitable world,

Socialism is characterized by state ownership of businesses and services. Central planning is used to attempt to make society more equitable.

"....The primary concern of the socialist model, in contrast, is an equitable redistribution of wealth and resources..."

Capitalism is a market-driven economy.
The state does not intervene in the economy, leaving it up to market forces to shape society and life.


I Hope that helps.
Transparency is good. @informationwar @openparadigm @truthforce

Keep on attention seeking.


It is impossible for a tool to create an effect unless it is secure. DLT technology can only deliver sovereignty if it is able to be deployed, and since the internet is not secure, blockchains are not competent to do so.

We need fully decentralized access to communicate each with the other to effect voluntary government, commerce, and society, or all of those sovereign features of natural people are moot. We need mesh networks, or we use tools dependent on networks for their application by the permission of network owners. Without mesh networks, we are as free as they allow us to be.


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