Black and whites in color

in #photography5 years ago

Hands up, who wants to see a Panda?

oooh, oooh-- me! me!

We went to a forest-based zoo today (Ähtäri), which is about an hour away from the summer cottage of the in-laws and where they have added a panda exhibit, part of a breeding program for conservation efforts. the names of the two pandas are Pyry (the male above) and Lumi;

As you can see, they both look pretty randy and ready to aid the repopulation efforts. Their names mean snow (Lumi) and Snow storm (Pyry), but the weather today was about as far from snowy as Finnish weather gets with it topping around 32C here.

Most of the animals assumed this pose in the shadows:

and the ground staff were making sure that the water supplies were well stocked. The pandas were held in their inside enclosures today, not that they would have likely wanted to venture out, while the other animals are mainly local or suited to the variances in temperature. None of them seemed to want to be too active, which was fine for us as we ourselves weren't feeling too much like running and jumping either.

When we arrived and bought tickets (which cost more than we expected), we had to choose a viewing time for the pandas as they aren't fans of the noise. I asked the ticket girl if there was a preferred time that they might be awake and she said, they sleep every 30 minutes anyway and I joked, can you poke them with a stick?

It was an obvious joke and she realized it but went on to say that some people actually ask the staff to do some pretty disturbing things to wake them up and get angry when they won't because, "they have driven so far".

People are retards.

There were meant to be pony rides available for the kids but we were smarter this time and didn't promise @smallsteps she could get one because we suspected it would be too hot for the ponies. Luckily we didn't commit because, it was indeed too hot for the ponies to ferry fat little kids around while the kids whine about not getting a second can of soda. That was an actual conversation overhead from a kid that was about 4 years old and resembled his out of shape parents physique.

I am all for letting parents make choices for their kids, but at what point does the diet provided become child abuse?

And when did parents make the decision that it is okay for their kids to bang on the glass and scream at the animals to get their attention? We have been to a zoo and a farm in the last two weekends and at both places, we have seen children in full view of their parents acting like the kind of kids that deserve to get pissed on by a lion.

Are manners genetic?

At some point, nature might strike an evolutionary deal with the animals and awaken them to some of the traits of humans - what would animals of the wild do of they become more aware and evolved to be violent and sadistic?

Perhaps they would feed their offspring low quality food and a lot of sugar.

I am generally not a fan of zoos because of the conditions that many of the animals are kept in but, this particular zoo is built into a forest and the animals are well taken care of. While still not ideal, I also think that it is important for children like my daughter to get an understanding of the beauty of life and the diversity of animals out there and to connect with them.

When it comes to improving the world we live in, understanding is the first step in the chain before action and perhaps, my daughter might be one of the people who is able to find a way to live in harmony and perhaps, improve the conditions for all living things. Humans can be horrible beings, they can also sometimes be awesome.

Is awesomeness genetic too?

[ a Steem original ]


I think animals were trying to show you all what you were supposed to be doing in this hot weather. Just lie on the floor and chill! Yet I did not take their lesson either and went gardening in the hot sun xD

Kids are copycats of their parents. They copy the way they interact with others, with nature and everything.

I would have loved to curl up with the pandas :D

Kids are copycats of their parents. They copy the way they interact with others, with nature and everything.

We just told some kids off at the beach for throwing rocks at ducks. Their parents were some 100 metres away and weren't watching at all.

Dude. I was 30 the last time a lion tried to piss on me. It's not just for kids.

I saw a cow give it a fair shot today but was too slow on the trigger - Seeing the pandas was great, but seeing someone get pissed on by a cow would have made my day.

If I had a better camera, I'd say that could be arranged. I'm currently near a few cows for a few days and it wouldn't take me long to, you know, make your day.

I feel like this is getting into the territory of Trump or R.Kelly...

The last time I went to the zoo I saw a monkey spanking his monkey. Watching all the women and children react to this display made my day, lol.

Ha, when i was at the zoo, there was a gorilla doing the same in front of a group of 5 year old school kids.

"Look, he's pulling his penis!"

I don’t think it’s genetic sorry, have known awesome people whose parents are total dropkicks and amazing people whose kids...aren’t 😅

We semi-regularly visited the zoo here when the kids were younger, gone a bit less unless studying something specific more recently, and I’ve always told them to move slowly and quietly around enclosures, so they were surprised and I was annoyed but not quite enough to pick a fight when we accidentally went during holidays once and there were stupid adults screaming at their kids to LOOK AT THE MONKEYS (they weren’t even excited, just used to screaming at their kids, or perhaps just screaming in general).

I did tell people to stop banging/tapping on glass enclosures though.

And I like the breeding and rehab work zoos do (even though I’d prefer it wasn’t a thing that needed to be done, well the breeding part at least).

Also your overheard soda conversation reminded me of a family on a train some years back, parent was screaming at their little monkey kids for swinging on the poles and handle things for standing passengers and meanwhile toddler in a stroller was drinking a full baby bottle of black soda and I was being a silently judgemental brat while quietly having to explain to my kids that yes those kids weren’t behaving themselves and they meanwhile were definitely behaving by sitting quietly on the train 😵

As for the diet thing, well you’d probably consider the diet my almost teenage daughter is determinedly sticking to as abusive. I’m not that thrilled with it either 🙄

Glad you had a nice day out at the zoo anyway despite misgivings and other people and general lethargy 😆

(they weren’t even excited, just used to screaming at their kids, or perhaps just screaming in general).

how sad as is this...

Most kids eat like their parents when young - and it shows with how many look middle-aged at 7 :D

All three kids used to eat pretty much everything during formative years. Now they’ve all developed dislikes (which is fair enough) but middle child has basically decided she dislikes everything but pizza and takeaway 🙄

And yeh it is pretty sad. I even understand how it can get like that as we got like that for a while so I usually keep hoping it’s just a phase that they’ll get over as these are randoms in moments so who knows what else is going on with them.

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Great memories! These are the moments that make a difference with the family as they can be unforgettable! Glad to see you guys spending more time together! Enjoy!

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It has been nice for us to spend more time together and realize we should sometimes spend time apart ;D

Thank you for the informative article to go along with your photographs. I appreciate a little story behind the pictures. Sadly, your statement below is very true. Many of the problems with kids today as well as adults are linked to non other than diet.
"I am all for letting parents make choices for their kids, but at what point does the diet provided become child abuse?"

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