Shameless self promotion - a click up, a click down

in #business7 years ago (edited)

If you are reading this because you love to talk about yourself, this may be the wrong place but continue on anyway.

In nearly every business some kind of decision-maker/actor relationship hierarchy exists. Often, the way that each side looks at the other is skewed by current position. Those that have worked their way up the ranks soon forget the view from the shoes they previously filled and those looking upwards may not have a complete picture of the situation.

On top of this, environmental changes that impact culture, technology and economy further remove ones understanding of the other. Therefore, by position, each has a limited perspective.

One option to expand our perspective is by stretching our role to mentally include the positions of others in the workplace. An actor could place themselves in two alternate positions: One click up and one click down from their current point.

Firstly, they could ask: If I was my own supervisor, what would I want, accept and reward from those I supervise? Considering this question would highlight strengths and weaknesses and improve courses of action for reaching goals.

Secondly, they may ask: If I was my own employee, what would demonstrate healthy leadership, build motivation and inspire action? This would help a leader create a more nurturing and rewarding environment that supports growth and self-direction in others.

The most important question comes last: Am I willing to make the changes in myself that I require to satisfy my own list of needs? Herein lies accountability, responsibility and personal integrity.

If these three (or suitable variations) questions are asked pre-action, an attempt to alter course can be implemented immediately. If they are asked post-action, a solid personal review can take place and affect future action.

If each step of the chain within an organisation considers alternate roles, it would undoubtedly lead to deeper understanding, collaboration and development. The shortcomings of this procedure is honesty. Honesty with the self.

Would you honestly promote yourself based on what you do or would you base it on what you could do? Are your actions in line with what you perceive as traits of a good leader or do you have deficiencies? Will you make the choice to improve or are you content maintaining the position in the environment you currently occupy?

[ a Steemit original ]



Solid work here, I believe that people who are content maintaining the position in the environment they currently occupy are in high risk of even losing that position because they cannot adapt to changes and that is a serious disadvantage in an ever changing world like ours. As you stated perfectly they lack the ability to expand their perspective by stretching their role to mentally include the positions of others in the workplace. That means they lack the ability to see what's next.

Yes. It is not just workflow.

Empathy is always the answer, if we had much more of it the hierarchy itself would seem redundant

When it comes to the organisation of a company there is still the hierarchy of role required but understanding at a human level makes the communication between much more effective.

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