26 moons later

in #anniversary6 years ago (edited)

The last 26 moons have gone by incredibly fast, I still remember posting for the first time and being a little concerned about how it would be received, as well as the immutability.

My first post payout speaks for itself.




But the fifth one stood up.

I got Curied. I didn't know what @Curie was and I didn't realize it until much later.

I would like to say, "and the rest is history" which it is but, there are many more zeroes in my history. As well as 6 cents, sometimes 50 cents but, I kept plugging away regardless. I didn't start off posting daily, my plan was to post a couple times a week so as to not spread myself too thin as I didn't want to run out of content to provide. 730 days, 2571 posts and 16771 comments later...

There are a lot of people who try to game the game here but for me, I took the workhorse approach of quality and consistency to the best of my ability. I have always taken the approach in life that if I am going to do something that I consider worthwhile, I am going to do it properly.

The badges from @arcange's Steemitboard show:

  • 288 daily author which means 288 x 4+ posts in a day.
  • 96 weekly author which means 96 x posting every day of the week
  • 20 monthly author which means 20 x posting every day of the month

They are top level posts, comments don't count. That means that out of the 24 months I have been on the platform, there have been 4 months where I haven't posted every day of the month. As said, workhorse approach. Some people might claim I have wasted my time, I am okay with that.

It is funny that a lot of the people that are complaining about the platform seem to try and shame those who like to be here, who enjoy the work and don't mind the prices. In my opinion, it is their incessant complaining and inability to operate under the slightest of adversity that holds them back. I mean it, this is an opt-in social platform on the internet, it isn't like they are in a concentration camp - they have choices.

Being on Steem is the same as being in any startup industry. It is rough, it is uncertain, it is volatile, it is unfinished.

As I have said many times, it isn't for everyone. We live in a consumer world where people are used to purchasing finished products, throwing them away when they break or, when the new model comes out. Very few people in society today have ever built anything with their hands, those raised by the internet have built even less. Minecraft isn't building an environment, it is playing with blocks in a toybox environment someone else created.

This is the problem with lots of people these days, they like to talk about the problems of the world but when it comes to doing anything real that changes anything, what do they actually do? Many just report on the news as if they are part of it themselves - Disseminators of truth? The truth they investigated without ever having been close to the sources of information at all? Keyboard warriors thinking that what they do matters yet, they can't survive dips in cryptocurrency, can't take a few flags, complain if they don't get their way like spoiled children.

Am I being unfair? Should I spend more time worrying about your feelings? Funny isn't it?

I don't mind these days, I like the lows, I like hearing people complain, I like it when they talk about things they believe they know about yet, have yet to learn the basics of the environment they are within. Knowing it all without understanding the influencing factors in play yet, assuming that their solutions are what is needed.

This is what I love about Steem though. There are all kinds of people here, all kinds of backgrounds and histories all thrown together. It is a cross-section of the walking world with a working economy that allows all kinds of behaviors to grow. Some actions are more successful in the environment than others, some less. It is amazing how many aren't willing to adjust yet, they want a result and believe that what they doing is the right way. Zealots.

Perhaps one of the issues with the consumer mind is the lack of imagination that is lost in the constant feeding on the creations of others. Maybe that is why many people are unable to visualize what this place could be and, what some people are working toward - the actions of the insane to the unimaginative mind.

But to each their own - on Steem people are free to do as they please. Free to post what they want, say what they want, vote, delegate to, pay and flag what they want. They are free to build the applications they want and engage in the way that they want. This might be the only place in most people's lives where they have that kind of freedom yet, the complaints come still. It is because while most want the freedom of action, they don't want the responsibility of consequence and reaction. They want to be shielded, wrapped in cotton wool, protected.

Everything has a cost. The time I have put into Steem has carried costs that most people are unwilling to pay. Perhaps one day I will be financially rewarded for the work I have put in but one thing is certain in my mind; Being on Steem has given me a better understanding of what I am capable of. I am better for it. Can you say the same? If you can't, is that the platform's fault?

Your experience is yours. Steem is what you make it. Stop relying on others for your provision.

Having said that, I want to thank everyone who has supported me in various ways over the last two years. You know who you are, I am grateful and hopefully it hasn't been a one way street as after all, this is a platform of relationships.

Thank you.

[ a Steem original ]


Happy anniversary mate.
Those badges...speak for themselves ;)

It is like farmville :D

An outstanding effort!

I'll be almost as sad for you as for myself if things go tits up :)

As long as there are tits it is fine.

Great attitude towards Steem. I also have taken the Workhorse approach and in time at will pay off. Patient yet persistent producing quality content and posting daily is the recipe. Thanks @tarazkp

Nothing wrong with being a workhorse in my opinion. Some want an easy life, I want a useful one.

Happy 26 moonniversary!

I remember after my first moon here, which was not that long ago, I already thought it was the most detailed game ever ;)

It is definitely filled with complication, add humans into the mix and it is a pretty dynamic environment in which to play. =)

Never excluded humans ;) That's what makes it real and why everyone can win, provided they recognize the things they have to win.

I know you didn't, just saying that the system is complex in and of itself. Ment don't seem to want to learn the tools at their disposal.

Well, different level of commitment, patience, understanding, willingness to work, etc. are to be expected. It's one thing to want something...

Posts like these are great for newbies on the platform showing that hard work does payoff and the people that are getting rewarded for great content have mostly put in the time and the effort. There are a select few that buy their way to the top, but as you've pointed out in previous comments they usually don't stick around very long as the bid bots are the ones that usually profit the most.

At some point, they won't want to pay the costs of growth and since they haven't got anyone real to talk to, why stay?

Glad to see you still trucking along @tarzakp

One day it really will pay off and if not I hope there are at least tits.

Got nothing else to do, except for the two full-time jobs of course. :D

So you're still writing on the train a lot?

Congrats on the milestone my friend! That 4x badge is truly an inspiration as posting once a day is tough enough for me with one job; can’t fathom how you get to do it so well with all you got going on professionally and personally!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I guess the trick is to sleep very little. Maybe it is a habit thing, part of the daily process.

Haha yeah, keep sleep depriving bro, that soon enough you're gonna play soccer with your eye bags everytime you walk. LoL

Nice article. I am impressed with your consistent output. Good for you. It’s work to write decent articles consistently.
I agree that Steem is like a Startup.
You are an early adopter, I am later, although we are both taking a chance on Steem.

You might be later but if this works out, still very early considering all those to come.

We joined on the same day, and we pretty much took the same approach, although I admire your ability to be so prolific with high quality content! I just never quite hit that groove.

Steem is, indeed, what we make of it. And nobody "owes" us anything... other than what we create for ourselves.

Here's to another 26 moons!

I wonder what 2 years down the track will look like. Will it be a success, gone or still the same struggles. At the end of the day, there is value in being part of the conversations.

Lovely photography it is. I like this so much. Carry on sir


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