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RE: Violas and Primulas.

in #viola6 years ago (edited)

Wow so pretty, cute and colourful flower .One of the joys of spring is the appearance of beautiful primulas and primroses in gardens, containers, landscaped areas—and if you live in the right part of the world—in the wild.

In the UK, the English primrose is one of the first plants to flower in the spring. It has lovely pale yellow flowers that have a darker yellow centre. Many of the primrose's cultivated relatives also flower in the spring. They come in a huge variety of colours and forms and are very popular.

Some people might argue that some of the colours of cultivated primulas and primroses are too vivid, unnatural, and even garish, especially compared to the delicate hues of the English primrose. I think that the cultivated flowers are a beautiful sight, though. Where I live there are lots of evergreen plants, but the predominant colours of nature in winter are green and brown. It's so nice to see the cheerful flowers of primrose relatives in the spring.






The Primula Genus
It's helpful to understand the terminology used to describe primulas, primroses, and their relatives, since it can be confusing. Many hybrids have formed between the different types, which adds to the confusion.

Every living thing has both a common name and a scientific name. The scientific name consists of two words and is printed in italics. The first word in the name is the genus and is capitalized. The second word is the species. For example, Primula vulgaris is the scientific name for the English primrose and Primula veris is the scientific name for the cowslip.

The common name "primula" is sometimes used to refer to all species in the Primula genus. Some flower groups in the genus are often referred to by their own common name, however. I've chosen to discuss five of these groups: the primroses, polyanthus primroses, auriculas, drumstick primroses, and cowslips.

Atleast the polyanthus primose is the most commonly available primula. The word polyanthus means "having many flowers". The flowers often have rich colours. Some people drop the word polyanthus from the term "polyanthus primroses", creating a wider meaning for the word primrose. Others drop the word primrose from the term.


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