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RE: Bluebells, you little beauty

in #bluebells6 years ago

Wow really it's an amazing colourful flower! Spanish bluebells is a bulbous perennial native to Spain, Portugal and northwest Africa. It is a showy spring-flowering herbaceous plant with strap-shaped leaves and nodding, lavender, bell-shaped flowers on erect stalks that stand up to 18 in. high. Plants become dormant by early summer. Previously known as Scilla campanulata and Scilla hispanica. It is currently documented to occur in the wild in Delaware, Virginia and North Carolina and may be underreported. Spanish bluebells is known to naturalize and spread, a feature appreciated and used by the horticulture industry as a marketing tool. It poses a threat to native spring-blooming wildflower species already being heavily impacted by other non-native invasives like fig buttercup, garlic mustard, and nodding star-of-Bethlehem. For these reasons, it is a plant to keep an eye on and be prepared to remove if it is found invading.






Bluebells grow from a bulb. Like most other monocots, they have long and narrow leaves with parallel veins and a pointed tip. Each leaf and flower stem emerges separately from the ground. The tubular or bell-shaped flowers are usually blue or violet blue in colour but are sometimes pink or white. The tips of the flower petals are strongly recurved (curved upwards).

Each flower has six petals, though technically these are composed of three outer sepals and three inner petals. The sepals and petals look identical and are properly referred to as tepals. The flower contains six stamens (the male reproductive structures). The anthers of the stamens, or the sacs that contain the pollen, are cream in colour but may darken with age. The pistil, or female structure, consists of three fused carpels. (As the chart above shows, monocots have flower parts in multiples of three.)

Bluebell flowers are borne in a raceme. A raceme is a group of flowers sequentially attached to the same flower stem via a short stalk, or pedicel. The flowers at the bottom of the raceme open first. A long and slender bract is located where a flower joins a pedicel.

The flowers have an attractive fragrance. One of the joys of visiting an English wood carpeted by blooming bluebells is the detection of this fragrance. The flowers are pollinated by insects. The fruits of the plants are papery capsules that contain three lobes, each containing a seed. The capsules are green when unripe and light brown when ripe. The seeds are black.

Thanks to share.



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