Inside Info on Pharmaceuticals "Drugs"

in #medicine7 years ago

My friend works in the pharmaceutical field.

They frequently get calls from professionals in the health industry,  which includes MD's. ND's, pharmacists, nurses, therapists, chiropractors, colonic therapist and so on.  Usually they call because they want products for themselves, and sometimes for the clients or patients.

She had a pharmacist call last week to order some products, actually it was OxyMune (By the way this is a great product.   If you understand the importance of oxygen to your health this is a must have product.)

Anyway she told Joyce, who handles most of the orders, that she was a pharmacist and she did not want to take any drugs because she knew what was in drugs and what they did to people. 

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When Joyce told me what she said, I thought to myself, "What a powerful statement from someone on the inside of the pharmeceutical industry."  She knew first hand that she did not want to trust her health or life to drugs.  The dangers of drugs are down played and the doctors often make you feel like you're stupid if you don't take what they prescribe.  I believe there are rare occasions when they are needed, but one must proceed with caution.

To add a little bit to this line of thought.  I have a personal friend whose mother lives in Ohio.  Her mother has been on a lot of medications for years with longstanding compormised living. She was recently very sick and depressed to the point of despondency and death.  The doctors called in the family because death seemed imminent.  When she got there she could see her mother was not good and the doctors said there was no more they could do, so they sent her to assisted living to die.  

Interestingly, the geriatric doctor took her off all medications.  Many of these she had taken for years.  And to everyone's amazement she started to slowly come back to life.  By the time my friend left, (she was there about 2 weeks) her mother was up walking and talking.  She is now helping push other geriatric patients around the building, and they say that she loves to sing.  The family has not seen her this good for many years.   There is no other explanation to this change except that she was taken off of drugs.  By the way, this friend of mine is a nurse, and this is the story she told us.

Drugs must be used sparingly and with extreme caution -  DRUGS ARE DANGEROUS!!!


I disagree with your post as much as I agree with it. I'll explain briefly;

There's more to "taking pills" than just the active ingredient in them. I believe that first and foremost in any kind of recovery is a person's faith. If you believe something helps, it does indeed help. It makes you feel better. It's the placebo effect we still don't fully know how to explain or even properly examine. It's why people report feeling and being better after being prescribed Tic-tacs. It's the same with many other things; medication is just one of them. There's cases of people feeling drunk off non-alcoholic beer. People feeling high off regular grass instead of weed.

Our brain is a more powerful tool than we give it credit. But it can still only do so much. So I agree we are to use drugs with caution, but many times they are indeed necessary. Some people just mentally connect taking a pill with feeling well, but is it moral to feed them Tic-tacs in that case? The law only allows for substances that are proven to help the illness they are meant to treat.

The entire subject of "drugs" is morally hard. It's probably why it's easiest to just shove everyone a bunch of pills and get it over with. That, and ofcourse.. Profit.

Your comment is very reasonable! Indeed, the most powerful medicine is belief in the effectiveness of this medication. Of course, pills are a powerful remedy that saves lives for millions of people. But there are times when they are not effective. Then other methods will come to the rescue, which can help if the belief in them is very strong. My greatest thanks for your comment!

Upvoted and followed! :-)
Thanks for sharing! :-)

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