Solar Eclipse in the US 美国的日食

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

Today is a special day for American people. Because there is another solar eclipse go across the United States after 99 years. I was lucky to witness this great astronomical miracle in the west coast.

今天是对于在美国的人们是十分特别的一天. 因为相隔99年,日食再次横跨美国. 身在西海岸的我也在今天早上见证了这重要的天文奇观.

Experts remind people that they should wear the glasses for watching solar eclipse, otherwise it will be permanent damages for eyes. So I ordered a pair of solar eclipse glasses 2 weeks ago.

专家提醒民众,观赏日全食需要使用专用的日全食眼睛. 如果用裸眼直视太阳,否侧会对眼睛造成永久性的伤害. 所以我>提前两个星期买了一对专用眼睛.

Screenshot 2017-08-21 17.55.07.png

Of course, if you want to buy the glasses on the day of eclipse happen, it will be very expensive. Most local stores have them sold out. Some people are selling the glasses for 5 or even 25 dollars a pair.


The solar eclipse happened around 10 am in the morning on the US West Coast. The people were coming out to start witness the moment.

日全食在美国西海岸大约10点开始, 大家都出来戴上眼睛准备.


I was able to take a picture of the solar eclipse through the special glasses.


Screenshot 2017-08-21 17.56.04.png

Some other pictures of the solar eclipse through the glasses.


Screenshot 2017-08-21 18.26.12.png

Screenshot 2017-08-21 18.25.14.png

Screenshot 2017-08-21 17.53.57.png

Of course, I was able to look at the sun for few seconds when it was more cloudy.



Screenshot 2017-08-21 18.19.59.png

Some other people who were not able to get the glasses, they can still use some traditional methods to watch the solar eclipse. For example, use the reflection on a box or paper on the ground.

有些没有准备眼镜的朋友,还是可以用传统的方法看到日食. 例如通过光的发射投影到地面的纸上.

Screenshot 2017-08-21 18.03.24.png

If you missed the solar eclipse today, you can still see it again 7 years later in 2024.

如果在美国的你错过了这次日食,7年后的2024 年还会有另外一次日食在美国. 😎


謝謝你的分享. 可惜我們已經回到香港,不可以在加州觀賞追這天文現象.



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