Steemit, Giving Without Waiting Back

in #steemit6 years ago

Every community should have a principle, if it gives then do not expect it back, and I'm sure, the steemit community in the world does something like that, and it is evident from the value of Upvote they give to the steemians.

But in the Nanggroe Steemit Community (NSC) the principle is embedded in the Inti members who are the main driving team to strengthen the community, various social activities have been done by bringing the Steening Doll's results to the needy.

In that community there are no words that offend other members if one of them gives little value, because the attitude of sincerity and the ability to give is also our role model, and that is set in religion, give us all we can, but do not remember what we give back again. But from those words, a little luck we donate then God will double from what we will give, it could be our friends, people we do not know, and the system has been proven in steemit, that the luck of getting the value of Upvote is not solely from our close associates, but there are others who will help us with higher values.

I am a Muslim, so is the NSC board and the members of the community are all Muslims, and nearly 60 percent of them are children from pesantren in Aceh. And of course we embrace what is taught in our religion. We are also obliged to know, One of the names of Allah (Asma'ul Husna) is the nature of Al Wahhab which means the Giver.

Which means He gives His mercy and grace to humans and all beings without selfish or wishes rewards because He does not need anything from His creatures. But from that, we must know that there is no gift without purpose and hope, except Allah SWT. But do not be surprised if there are people who expect something for all his gifts, whether in the form of praise, honor, friendship or just avoid the reproaches from others. In fact, in the NSC there is no public notice when giving something to someone who is more in need, because the result of steemit which is a transparent social media platform, then we also do the same to be more transparent, whether it is in raising funds, shopping goods to be in donate, and also other things that have no negative impact on members and others.

Therefore use the best steemit, and strengthen the community with cohesiveness, togetherness and unity that can benefit others and also for us in the community. Greetings from us Nanggroe Steemit Community (NSC), self-sufficient plaktons.


nice post rakan..
mohon support dan bimbingannya dalam dunia steemit
saleum aneuk nanggroe

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