Breath of Autumn

in LAKSHMI4 years ago

Autumn is one of the coziest seasons of the year, the most picturesque and wonderful time. In the first weeks of autumn, the weather is still warm. The sun no longer beats down like in summer, but gives gentle gentle rays, the sky is clear and azure, a light cool breeze blows and only the cold evenings coming faster remind of the onset of autumn.

All plants feel autumn and have already prepared their gifts for it: grapes, apples, corn, etc. Birds scurry back and forth, gather in flocks and paint various constantly changing figures on the heavenly canvas, preparing for a long flight.


Autumn is a romantic time. That is why many poets and writers have praised her beauty in their works. The great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin wrote about autumn: "Charm of the eyes." I think that it is simply impossible not to admire the beauty of the autumn landscape, sometimes even words are not enough to convey all the splendor of nature at this time.

Trees and bushes are replacing the usual green color with golden outfits. Gardens, parks, forests are covered with gold. Each fallen leaf is like a piece of a painted carpet that covers the ground to protect it from the coming frost. At this time, I like to walk in the autumn park, listen to the rustle of leaves under my feet, toss golden foliage and take pictures of streets strewn with gold.


Although the beginning of autumn is a wonderful and fabulous time, yet nature begins to fade, slowly plunging into the kingdom of Morpheus. Every day it gets colder and colder, the nights are longer, the days are shorter. There are frequent drizzling rains. A dull and gray period - late autumn - comes to replace a beautiful, bright fairy tale.

These days I don't even want to stick my nose out of the house. It's chilly and damp outside, the sky is covered with thick gray clouds, and the sun is rarely seen because of them. Sometimes a strong wind blows. The trees have thrown off their colorful clothes and stand completely naked, the grass has darkened and dried up.


There is slush and mud underfoot, puddles and dark fallen leaves around. You can't hear the bewitching singing of birds, but only hungry sparrows scamper in search of food. People wrap themselves in warm scarves and jackets, take out boots, raincoats and umbrellas. It seems that nature itself is sad, but this is not how it rests.

But there are good days in late autumn too. When the rain stops, the sun comes out, the fog rises in clouds above the ground. The air is clean and cool. You can take a walk in the sun and get some fresh air. You can feel the approach of winter, but until the snow falls, autumn rules its kingdom.


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