Visit to the Belgrade ZOO

in #photography7 years ago

Hello everyone,
yesterday was the perfect day to visit the ZOO! Here are some photos!








With love,



this zoo is in russia?

Nope, Serbia :)

Great shots, of these noble-posing beauties!
Love the King, calmly staring with such understanding of his power lol

wow this zoo is the perfect place to visit.. just love the nature and all natural things.. thanks for uploading such kind of great photography

you are always welocme

The main on that lion. He's a looker. You just inspired me to post about our visit to Zagreb Zoo last year.

That would be a great blog, can't wait to see!

Bravo, ja sam planirao u petak u ZOO, ha hahh, srdačan pozdrav.

Hvala, renoviran je i daleko su bolji uslovi za zivotinje sada :)

Г. Лавоња је начисто оседео недужан иза решетака @tamacvet. Лепо си их снимила, али мени су те фотографије из Зоо вртова увек тужне.

Mr. Lion has gone all grey sitting innocent behind bars @tamacvet. You did nice photos, but for me all of them from Zoo's are so sad.

Znam, ima i toga, konstatovali smo dok smo se setali da nije prirodno ni fer, ali je tu. Nadam se da ne zive lose :) P.S. G. Lavolja je beli lav :)

I know, we thought that too while walking through the ZOO, it's not natural or fer, but it's there. I hope they are doing ok :) P.S. Mr. Lion is white kind :)

Види се да је албино, али морао сам мало да се горко нашалим на тему, @tamacvet. Нажалост, нико не живи добро у ропству.

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