Way of an artist challenge day# 15

in #wayofanartist7 years ago

7831FD44-D096-4D33-AA3B-6C42B33D7D2A.jpegThe challenge of “The Way of an artist “ is when you wake up in the morning, write 3 pages in a notebook or around 400 words on your phone ,computer or just write what ever you can but aim as high as you can , and do it daily.

Write everything that comes out. It can be anything, it does not have to make sense, just what’s coming out, it's a good way to clear your thoughts, practice writing, look into the inside and develop as an artist

Not everyday I can say thanks , not everyday I’m able to smile and love . I enjoy my job , I love kids , I have such a cool connection with them , I love selling toys , I sold tons of things along my life , video came consoles, hot pillows, remote control drones, snow is a cool material that you put water on it and it turns into snow. I sold skin care products, hair straighteners, and finally toys , mostly toy car tracks . I have this special connection with kids , it’s live I can communicate with them on an other level , I understand them and they listen to me .
It was always like that , I never saw any difference of ages , when I was a teen I had both friends older and younger then me , and I was able to communicate with them on their level .
I was working with kids and youth when I was 25-27 , it’s then when I felt that I have nothing to give them and I have to be a better example to them , I felt that I have to grow as a man before I can return to console others .
I felt that I have to achieve life skills , so I can pass it on , I felt like a failure, like a loser and I didn’t want to influence them with my bad habits, so I left.
I went back to selling , but it was toys , so I was still around kids all day long , and what was interesting is that I notice that in my store I could continue to pass my spirit of unity to them in a better way then before , because I wasn’t an authority to them .
I notice that with few words that came with intention I could influence them more then before .
For example I have a play station in my store, actually all of my store is a play station.
Sometimes when they didn’t get along I would speak to them about the important of speaking and communicating, sharing and understanding the importance of unity and togetherness
Yesterday was very important day for me , I felt as if I was one with the community, and they are not my community, they are ultra orthodox Jewish community , and I can say about my self that I’m secular, and that I’m a hippie , a freak , but I could still feel one with them and that we are all the same .
I felt as if I achieve my dream to be a person who is standing with the people and mix with them in the dance of life .
Also I had an other breakthrough .
All my life I wanted to be rich , to have a huge house with a pool , bank account that could not spent , expensive cars ,private air plain , to be able to fly around the world with nothing except my plastic cards.

As I was writing about kids and money I received a phone call from an orphanages, a lady was on the phone telling me about their work with the kids and asked me if I was able to help with money .
I don’t even have a credit card , my money situation is not all that , but I still felt like it was a sign, and that I want to help , so I told her I would physically come .
She was happy to eat that and told me that she will show me the place and what they do their .
I’m very happy that life has made all this connections , and I’m thankful for my life

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