Taking Charge Of Your Life - Part 4

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Good day everyone. This is the Part 4 of this interesting, exciting and educative series, Taking Charge Of Your Life. If you have not read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3, I suggest you do before going through with this article, by clicking here for Part 1, here for Part 2 and here for Part 3. When you are between your 20 - 30 years, you will have periods when you doubt if you will be successful or not, if you will ever feel loved, you will get frequent mood swings, and so on. The age bracket is one of the hardest, and there will also be pressure from the society, parents, family members and even friends. Some people fall under the pressure and don't take charge of their life.

In this article, I will be sharing with you guys one simple way you can start taking charge of life, in order to become a successful individual/entrepreneur.


Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

Your Decisions Should Be Yours

You can't say you are taking charge of your life if your decisions are not yours all of the time. Majority of us, go with the flow, we don't make our decisions, we just let ourselves to go along with the flow. Imagine, you enter a room and you see your friends smoking weed, and they are shouting and hailing you to join them. If you decide to smoke the weed with your friends because of the persuasion from them, then you have failed in taking charge of life. You should always make decisions for yourself without influence from anyone. If you don't feel like doing something, don't! Don't influenced by friends, family members and society before making your decisions. I'm not saying you should completely ignore everyone's advice, take in what they say and the final decision should be yours to make and no one else. Reason for this, is that, you will be able to look at the pros and cons of the decision that you are about to make and be able to live with the consequences of such decisions, because no one can feel or live your life, only you can and since only you can, you should be the one to make decisions that affects your life. Take charge of your life by ensuring all decisions are taken by you.


Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

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Thanks For Reading

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Our decisions shape us to who we become whether presently or in the future and that's why we must be very careful the type of decisions we take because they are paramount to how we end up been

Thanks for reading through @mandate

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