I'm your dark side

in GEMS4 years ago


Sitting in a meditative position, looking for some answers, he saw someone approach him. His attitude was aggressive.

-Who are you?-He asked before noticing that I looked just like him.

-Don't you realize that? I am you. He answered immediately.

-It's not possible! He added something exalted.

-I'm your dark side, the one you want to ignore so badly.

-My dark side?... I don't understand.

-You fool everyone, but you can't fool yourself. I'm here for you to react, I exist too and I'm part of you. Why do you have so many considerations for those around you? You do everything to make yourself look good. Don't you remember how lonely you've been when you've needed them so much?

-Shut up! That's not the way it is... He answered him.

-Ah, no? -And why so many tears day after day, when you thought you had no way out? When you didn't have to eat, when everyone ignored you because you had nothing to offer... We hated them all. Don't you remember that anymore?

-They just didn't know me, didn't know what was going on... -I've earned their respect.

-Why did you have to do it? -Why did you try so hard to gain their acceptance? Are we less? Remember how much they made us suffer with their laughter and their contempt? I won't allow you to humiliate us like this anymore!

-Stop! That's in the past...

-In the past, you say?! -I've got it in my mind, I still feel all that pain! How can you forget the damage that's been done to us? Don't you love yourself even a little? You mustn't let them get close to you... They'll only cause us more suffering!" he screams, clenching his fists and letting out a few tears.

He remained motionless, reflective, looking at his pain, remembering that he had certainly felt that way; recognizing that other one, who was part of himself. Then he was able to say:

-You're right, we've suffered a lot.

-And we didn't deserve it!

-No, we didn't deserve it - He said in a very soft voice and looked down.

-I can't keep letting you hurt us! -You mustn't trust anyone! Everyone at heart is only interested in themselves. Nobody cares about us...

-Not true - He answered even in a soft voice. We have real friends, there are real people who care about other people. I've seen the nobility in them...

-No! It's just what you want to believe and I'm not going to let you expose us again! Even if I have to take you down...

-I know how hurt you are, but we need to put that behind us and move on. That feeling is too heavy to carry on with. Forgive me for not protecting you, forgive me for causing you pain, I didn't know my actions affected you so much. We must also forgive all those who we feel have hurt us.

-Forgive, you say? Are you crazy?! Haven't you learned anything? Forgiving would be like ignoring everything we have learned, everything we have been taught to beat, is leaving our soul naked, exposed to being attacked again and again. What nonsense you say!

-Even if you don't understand, it's the best option, my heart tells me. I want to live free, understanding that we are all human and that we are not perfect; that we can make mistakes again and again, and that does not mean that we are less. That our self-esteem does not depend on others and that love is something we deserve by grace and not by our actions.

-Well, I'm not going to let you! -Let's see how you're going to avoid it! -He screams, throwing himself at him to try and knock him down.

He responds with a strong hug, his dark side tries to get away, but he hugs him even harder. After a while he stops resisting and they both start crying like children.

-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... I won't fight you, I won't ignore you anymore; you are part of me, I love you and I accept you as you are. Thank you for trying to protect me, thank you for taking care of me when I should have taken care of you.

After a while, little by little that image melted into him and when he opened his eyes he felt so much peace...

Customized emoticon with the Bitmoji app downloaded from the Play Store for Android.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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