Ultah Fakultas | Faculty's Birthday

in #esteem7 years ago

Bilingual :
ulang tahun fakultas teknik yang ke 31 tanggal 24 april kemarin diadakan oleh senat bem teknik sealakadarnya. hanya acara seremonial penyampaian kata - kata sambutan dari dekan dan senat bem serta perwakilan alumni yaitu saya sendiri.


setelah acara seremonial selesai maka dekan beserta alumni melakukan pemotongan kue tar yang hiasan permukaan kue tarnya sangat kteatif. pada saat saya membawakan sepatah dua kata yang mewakili alumni,saya hanya memberikan semangat kepada adik - adik letting agar cepat menyelesaikan kuliah dan mendapat coumload. serta tidak saya meminta kepada mahasiswa teknik agar melakukan penggalangan dana untuk korban kebakaran sumur minyak di aceh timur.


setiap kegiatan mahasiswa teknik saya selalu hadir karena kekompakan mereka masih kuat dan selalu kreatif. kekompakan mereka membuat saya semakin bangga karena dari tempaan dan doktrin kami dulu sampai sekarang masih bertahan walau waktu sudah berbeda.


tradisi yang kami turunkan dulu masih di jaga sampai saat ini seperti acara perkenalan anak teknik pada saat mahasiswa baru masuk kampus. kalau di universitas lain acara seperti ini sudah ditiadakan lagi tetapi di kampus kami tradisi masih tetap berjalan.


selain itu anak teknik sangat menghormati seniornya, karena doktrin senioritas selalu kami tanam agar mereka hormat kepada yang lebih tua. di saat - saat saya berada diantara mereka rasanya semangat mahasiwa saya datang kembali. ingin rasanya mengambil toa lalu mengangkat tangan kiri sambil berteriak hidup di bungkam atau bangkit melawan. hidup mahasiswa !!!!
tapi itu semua gak mungkin lagi karena duniaku bukan lagi dunia mahasiswa tapi dunia sarjana.

English :
the 31st anniversary of the engineering faculty of the 24th of April, held by the technical boss senate sealakadarnya. only ceremonial events delivering welcome speeches from the deans and senate bem and alumni representatives of my own.
after the ceremonial event is finished then the dean and alumni do cutting cake tar cake decorative surface of the cake is very kteatif. when I bring a couple of words representing alumni, I just encourage the younger siblings to quickly finish college and get coumload. and I do not ask the engineering students to do fund raising for victims of oil well fire in east aceh.
every activity of my engineering students is always present because their cohesiveness is still strong and always creative. their cohesiveness makes me even more proud because of our past and doctrine until now still survive even though time is different.
the tradition that we sent down is still on guard to this day like the introduction of children's technique when new students enter the campus. if in other universities this kind of event has been canceled again but in our campus tradition is still running.
other than that the son of the technique greatly respects seniors, because seniority doctrine we always cultivate them to respect the elderly. in times when I was among them it seemed the spirit of my students to come back. want it to take a toa then raise a left hand while shouting live in silence or rise up against. student life !!!!
but that's not possible anymore because my world is no longer the world of students but the undergraduate world.

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