Balancing Your Life: Quality Time - Little Kids Day Out

in #life7 years ago

With 7 kids in the house sometimes it seems impossible to meet the needs of every single one. I usually start the school day by turning on the light and saying "rise and shine, get out of bed, brush your teeth and comb your head". Sometimes I'll tickle some toes or become a kissie monster... I get to hear the sweetest voices laugh and say, "Aunt Mary, Stop" The kids get up, do their normal routine:
Get dressed, Make Bed, Brush Teeth, Eat Breakfast, Play, Clean, School.

When I drop the kids off at school I always feel like a millions bucks as I get huge hugs and kisses. I feel like any parent watching must be jealous but I've always loved my long goodbyes and the kids have come to embrace them too.
Anyway, caught up there.

After school it's rough...trying to help with homework, cook dinner and listen to all the things that happened in their world that day and it's always A LOT. Sometimes I just have to say, "I'm sorry sweetie but I have too much to do, I can't talk right now". And the kids get it...I know they do but I still feel bad.

My remedy is dragging them out. This is one of our days out:

On this particular day I decided on taking the little ones out. The older kids tend to rule the roost...My youngest niece doesn't get the opportunity to be the Big Sister amongst her bigger sisters very often. And so it goes.

Little Kids Day Out

Our first stop was Queen City Thrift Store in Springfield MO, one of the largest thrift stores around. I prompted the first and second photo, there-after my niece and nephew would get excited anytime they saw an empty/half empty booth for the purpose of a photo-shoot.





By the time we got through the store it was rounding the time for lunch. As a general rule, we don't eat fast food. I Enjoy cooking and try to keep preservatives to a minimum. That said, this wasn't about me; so we went to a McDs with a playplace.

Next stop, The Nature Center. The #1 go-to spot to see spiders, birds, play with puppets and walk around in nature.

They have a really awesome attraction inside where you stand in a pitch black room and listen to audio of people taking a nature walk... complete with moving lights that act as flashlights to shine on taxidermy animals hiding amoungst the frog and cricket noises. The little boys were huddled up close to their Auntie when it started. Impossible to get a picture but a great memory ;)

Here, the kids decided to put a scarf and hat on the bear and frog for a photo op.








After we got home we spent time together working on projects. Jeremy worked on his sticker book, Chris decided to color and cut a bird while Jacob went through a workbook.

They said how "today was the best day ever" several times throughout the day. It re-iterates how simple it s to make a kid happy. I was a parent, I decided our destinations, disciplined the kids when they got out of hand, gave them hugs and kisses throughout the day and they were genuinely happy.





I'm not a Mother, never have been and have no plans to be. But this, this whole situation has given me the ultimate pleasure of the experience it brings. And while I stress and worry as to when/if the kids will ever go home and whether I'm giving them everything they need... I also have to embrace the time I've had and the time ahead.

I don't feel like anyone can possibly imagine the joy it's brought to watch these kids grow right in front of my eyes the last 2 years.

However, I hope everyone experiences this kind of fulfillment at some point in their life.


Keep doing balance exercises - I hear its good for MMA training too!

7 Kids !, ive got 4 and i thought that was bad enough!

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