How Do You See The World?

in #life7 years ago

I have come to the conclusion that everyone does not see the world the same way. We see the world through different eyes.

Some people see the world as a competitive place, full of people who are out to take their place if they don’t act fast, so they easily feel threatened and are hardly at ease when with others. The world is so evil in their eyes.
When someone wants to help them, they feel that no one can ever go out of their way to help them if there’s nothing in it for the person offering help.
This kind of view breeds selfishness because everyone is out to protect their own interest, because if they don’t, who will? It’s a Me-first kind of world.

Fortunately, there’s a group of people, fewer in number, that see the world through simple eyes and see everyone else just like they see the world, just simple.
It’s almost like the world is black and white.
They understand that their success doesn’t depend on someone’s downfall so they’re not out to compete with anyone.
They also understand that the sky is big enough for everyone to fly so if they can, they try to help everyone on their way to the top because they have nothing to gain from anyone’s downfall.

This is not to judge anyone. Everyone forms their view of the world based on their experiences. If someone was treated cruelly from childhood, then the world is a cruel place and he has to be cruel to survive, and he can hardly show love because he doesn’t know what it means, he can’t give what he doesn’t have.

The people that knew love from childhood get in contact with these people who don’t know love and they get stung by their scorpion-like deceit and draw different conclusions, hence there’s very little kindness in the world today.

No two people see the world the same way. We all have different eyes in that aspect. The people that are kind and trusting, they’re not fools. That’s how we’re meant to live. The people that are not so kind have their reasons and are trying not to be bitten twice. But, we can still choose. Probably be kind but maybe not trust too much? I don’t really know.

How do you see the world?


Amazing content dear.

people see life different depending on the metaphor they describe it with.
If life you as like a dance then you would and appreciate different another who sees life a battlefied.

We see what we are looking for.

Yes dear.
We don't see things according to what they are, we see what we want to see, according to how we ourselves are


I see the world as a place to help people.
A popular chinnese proverb says,
If you want happiness for ever, help people.
Thats what i try to do everyday.

What happens when someone you helped turns against you or does something to hurt you?

I'd still love 'em anyways.
The fact that i put a smile on there face is enough for me

We just have to do our part and leave it to the next person to decide

Very true ma'am

And in doing our part, we should always do it selflessly, expecting nothin in return

For me, the world is a place where we live not just exist. You go out, meet different kinds of people who do both good and bad to you. You also must have done both good and bad to others. So the world is a cycle.


The world is one almighty prison.

So you feel trapped?

Lovely post dear.

The world we live in is full of drama, hatred and confusion.

A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we talked to each other instead of talking about each other.

A great Philosopher once said, Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.

Things will get easier n better if we all could just love some more for the eyes that sees love In humanity has seen best!

Good post here.

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