How much is your thought worth?

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)

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Everything that is, originated from thoughts. Various thoughts, different thoughts from different people. Over the years, research has been carried out on successful people in various fields and one seamless thread that ties them all is the nature of their thoughts. Thought is supreme.

The nature of the thoughts that pass through the mind of a person determines a lot of things including prosperity, health, success,happiness and fulfillment. The power of thought cannot be underestimated! You become what you think.

Over the years, numerous books have been written on prosperity,financial freedom, success and fulfillment. These books always point towards a particular end. They all make mention of "the secret". Most books just leave it open in plain view without making mention of the exact name the of the secret, trying to make readers pick it up themselves. When one studies all these books,one sees that they all carry the same message, which is;
The power of thought, however applied, will lead your life in the direction of the nature of thoughts that you give free rein.

It is true that riches cannot be built 100% on thoughts but I tell you, thoughts constitute 80%. And then hard work constitutes the remaining 20%. The value of your thoughts will directly or indirectly influence your life's value.

A lot of people do not under how this works, I will show you.
In the universe, everything vibrates at its own frequency. When we think certain thoughts, we are vibrating at a particular frequency. There are other forces outside of us,these have positive and negative vibrations. And humans are constantly attracting vibrations which harmonize with those which dominate the mind. Any thought, idea or purpose which dominates a person's mind attract from the vibrations we have in the universe, a host of similar vibrations.
That is the secret!

It is very much reliant on the law of attraction which holds that WE ATTRACT WHAT WE ARE. In the same way, we attract the things we think.

I like to look at it from the biblical perspective. Proverbs 4:23 says "guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life ". This attests to the fact that even the Bible tells us about how important our thoughts are. Another Bible verse says "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks". When we think certain thoughts, the confessions we make with our mouths begin to reflect it. And whenever we say anything, we are sending an open command to the universe to bring such thing to reality. Wow!

The amount a person's thoughts is worth can be seen as that person's net worth. This is because it will invariably manifest in the physical equivalent, one way or another.
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A lot of people are accustomed to thinking in the wrong direction, a lot of people do not have faith. This can be corrected.

  • The first step to acquiring riches, financial freedom, Good health or a good home is desiring it. In order to possess a certain thing, one must first desire it. All the success stories we hear today started with a burning desire. The desire to create and the desire to acquire.
  • The second step is to create a plan on how you want to achieve it. Write it down and give yourself a time frame for its achievement.
  • The third step is to couple it with faith. The Bible describes faith in Hebrews 11:1 as "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen ". The is seeing yourself in possession of that thing which you desire.
  • The fourth step is fueling the thoughts of your heart through affirmations and confessions. Write down the things you want to achieve and read it aloud morning and night. Make sure words that come out of your mouth are positive.

In conclusion,thought is powerful. Thought is supreme. The ability to use the power of thought in a positive way is what creates the difference between riches and poverty. Remove impossibility from your mind and watch yourself soar to heights you never deemed possible.

Warm regards,


Awesome post dear on the power of the mind for that's where thoughts are birth @sushie. Resteemed


Those 2 are some of my personalized wise sayings...whatever that

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