Movie- Schitt’s Creek- Season V- 富家穷路 Schitt's Creek- 第5季

in #steempress5 years ago


Finally, season V is on Netflix. I finished the whole season in 3days. I was very impressed by this season. It has richer stories than previous season. All the characters are making very good progress in this season and are a better self.



David and Patrick's relationship are up to next level, they are engaged. To throw a surprise birthday party for Patrick, David invited Patrick's parents to the party. The parents checked into the motel that Jonny and Steevie runs. Jonny unknowingly told the parents about their son's personal relationship with David. Obviously the parents were shocked and upset. But they were not upset because their son is a gay, they were upset because Patrick didn't tell them by himself. Sometimes, we think we were doing something for the sake of our parents, but in reality, our parents have more tolerance than what we had thought. What they care is the happiness of their children but not their sexuality preference or something else.

第五季里,DAVID 和Patrick 的感情更上一层楼,两人终于订婚了。而DAVID 在不知情的情况下,为了给PATRICK 生日惊喜,他邀请了PATRICK 的父母一起来参加生日派会。PATRICK的父母住进了DAVID 父亲JONNY的小旅社。结果,JONNY 在不知情的情况下,把儿子和PATRICK 的亲密关系告诉了PATRICK 的父母。让两老大吃一惊。PATRICK 没告诉自己父母他和DAVID 的关系是担心他的父母不会理解,对他失望,让他们伤心。而PATRICK 的父母伤心的却是PATRICK 没有跟他们说。他们并不在乎儿子是同性恋,他们更在乎的是儿子没有对他们看开心胸。其实,有时候,晚辈认为是为了长辈早想,其实,长辈比自己想象的更开明很多。他们更在乎的是晚辈的幸福,而不是晚辈的性取向或其他什么。


Moira's talent, creativity, even her changeable wigs and cloths, her inspiration and help to others etc are very impressive. There was one episode when Moira was shooting outside and left Jonny at home by himself. Jonny didn't know what to do, and had to overwhelmed himself by over working. It made him exhausted and also made Roland very unhappy as Jonny was doing his job. Finally Jonny got over it with help from Steevie. That's what a couple means. As they vowed when they tied the knot, no matter rich or poor, you will be together. And Jonny's insistence in throwing a Christmas Party with the family was also very touchy. Everybody finally understood what he insisted doing that and what that meant for a family.

在这集里,MOIRA 变得更加让人喜欢。她的多才多艺,她的创意,她多变的头饰/服装,她对大家的启发和帮助,让人都非常感动。而JONNY 在MOIRA 外出拍戏的时候,变得不知所措。用工作来麻痹自己。他的这个异常举动也让ROLAND 感到无用抱怨连连。好在最后他在STEVIE 的提醒下反省过来。这些场景都让人对JOHNNY 和MOIRA 的多年夫妻关系,无论富有还是贫困都不离不弃感动万分。 而JOHNNY 对圣诞过节的执着最后更让大家体会到家庭团聚的温馨和重要。


Steevie fell in love with a motel reviewer. Unfortunately the guy was not meant for her, it broke her heart. With help and courage from Moira, she finally went over it and showed her great talent in the show. During our path of growing and finding love, there will be many different problems/obstacles. Your heart may be broekn, you may also break some hearts, but eventually, they are just part of your life, and all the setbacks can only make you stronger.

STEEVIE 在这集找到了她以为是爱情的恋情。她和酒店评论员的恋情让她更女人化,可惜,她的痴情寄错对象,伤透了自己的心。好在,她在MOIRA 的帮助下,接受话剧女主角的角色挑战,成功走出这段让她伤心异常的恋情。人在成长和寻找爱情的路途中,一定会遇到不同的问题,可能伤透心,可能记错情,可是,这只是成长中的一段故事。每段挫折都是为了造就更好的自己。


Alexis is still the Alexis, but very lovable. She finally understands that in a relationship, you can always take, you will need to give too. She accepted Ted's suggestion to travel with Ted to the place where his dream job is.

ALEXIS 在这集里虽然还是有股傻劲,可是,却非常可爱。她对TED 的深情,最后让她知道爱情中不能一味地索取,也要付出和做出牺牲。最后,她鼓励TED 接受一直梦寐以求的新工作并和他一起去前去探险。

Season 5 left a lot room for imagination. Schitt's Creek is now a place full of love, unite and passion. I heard it will end in 2020, look forward to it.

第5季的结局给第6季留下想象的空间。Schitt's Creek已经变成一个有爱,团结的地方。期待第6季的登场。据说明年将上线并可能将是最后一季。

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