情/爱 “谷歌点名”第四回 - Love story in life - 4th contest by @jubi

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

@Jubi《情爱》,当我拿到这个题目的时候,我着实花了点时间去想。到底我要写什么呢?每个人生命中都会经历各种的情和爱。对家人的爱,亲密爱人的爱,孩子的爱,朋友以及敌人的爱等一直都贯穿在每个人成长的道路上。每个人都有自己的故事。 可是当真正让你去写它的时候,好像又没有什么可以写的。因为这些爱都如春雨一样,慢慢地,无声地滋润到我们心里,我没经历过什么跌宕/轰轰烈烈的爱情故事,也没有非常不平凡的成长故事,所以还是把那些留给真正有故事的人去写吧。作为小人物,咱能做的就是尽可能去宣传一些善念,一些正能量的地方,好好尽一个小人物的本分吧。 就像写这篇文章,旨在重在参与。

When subject of the contest is revealed as “love” by @Jubi. It took me a while to figure out what I should write. Love is in everybody’s life every day. As human, we live in a world full of love, that of to your family, partner, kid, friends and enemy, etc. Everybody has story. However, there also seems to be nothing special to be written when you started to type on key board of your computer. All these loves to me are planted deep into our hearts and life like rain in the Spring. I didn’t have big love stories and didn’t have any special upbringing. I figure maybe it’s better to leave that type of articles to those whom really lived through it. As a common person, what I can do is try to promote some positive ideas and energy. Like writing this post, my goal is more to participate instead of winning.

Here let me tell you a story:


There is a stream not far away from home, a little girl likes to go there for a walk with her father after dinner every day.

他们一路沿着小溪走,一路聊着。他们走到平时他们休息的地方,在那里父亲会露几手水上漂石头的技巧,让石头在水上跳跃。 在父亲甩石头的时候,小女孩坐到一块大石头上休息。

They walked on the bank of the stream and got to the rest area where they usually stop. The father started to skip rocks on the stream and watched the stone dancing on the surface of the stream. The little girl sat down on a big rock.

她低着头,突然看到地上有个黑色的塑料盖,她仰头问父亲: “爸爸,为什么有人会把垃圾丢在这里? 这样对环境多不好呀,我是不是可以把这塑料带回家丢到家里的垃圾桶里呀?“

She looked to the ground and saw a black plastic thing on the floor. She looked up to her father and asked: ”Daddy, why did people leave their garbage here? This is really bad, can I take it home and dump it at our garbage can?”

”当然可以,父亲说。过了几秒, 小女孩突然兴奋地惊叫:“爸爸, 这好像是我的水瓶底座”

“sure you can, dear” the father said. Suddenly he heard the little girl yelled in excitement “ Daddy, this seems like the bottom of my water bottle. “

“怎么可能,你一定看错了,孩子”,爸爸说。 “不是的,爸爸,你看” 小姑娘把捡到的盖子往她身上的水壶拧上去, 居然完全吻合!

“no way, dear, it’s impossible” the father said. “No, daddy, look” The little girl screwed the plastic stuff she picked from the ground back to the water bottle she carried. They perfectly matched!


Couple years ago, it was the same time, that the father and daughter were out for walk. The water was low in the stream, there was a lot of exposed stones in the stream. The father decided to take a small adventure and asked the little girl to try to cross the stream through these stones. But when they walked to the middle of the stream, the little girl slipped, her father tried to drag her, the water bottle the little girl carried hit the stone and the bottom was released from the bottle and dropped into the water.

爸爸做了几次尝试想把它捞起都没有成功。 这是小姑娘最喜欢的水壶。 失去了底座,小姑娘伤心了一段时间,还是留着水壶继续使用。

The father tried to save the bottom, but it went down the water and disappeared. This water bottle is the little girl’s favorite one. She was very upset for a few days for losing the bottom, but she continues to use the water bottle.

所以真没想到,居然两年后在这种请况下失而复得。那种心情是无法形容的。 小姑娘回去后兴奋地打电话给所有她认识的人,把这好消息一个个讲过去。 而小姑娘的父亲也惊喜于这么神奇的故事, 依照正常水流,瓶座是不可能出现在他们休息的地方的。 他在办公室里和我们分享了这个故事。

It was amazing how the bottom showed up after 2 years. The little girl was thrilled. She called all the people she knows after she got home and told them about the incredible story. Surprised by how things turned out, her father told us the miracle story at work one day. He said following the flow of the stream, there was very little chance that the bottom would end up where it was.

惊叹生命中的奇事随时都会发生。 如果小姑娘没有对环境的爱,没想到把地上的垃圾捡起来的话,她可能也永远和她的瓶座告别。种什么因得什么果。人生虽然有很多不如意的事,只要保持一直积极向上的心,与人为善良,我坚信大多数还是会有好结果的。把挫折当作对自己磨练的磨练,不断吸取教训,提升自己的综合能力,多结交积极乐观的朋友,每天做比自己更好的自己。

There are miracles in life every day. But if the little girl didn’t pick up the “garbage” and wanted to bring it home to keep the environment clean, maybe she will never see this bottom again. You get what you grow. There are many unexpected and unhappy things happens in life sometimes for no reason, but if we always remain optimism and always be generous to others. I personally believe that the end will always turn out to be fine. Treat your failure as ordeal, learn from it, and at the meanwhile, keep on improving self and making a lot positive friends, you will be a better self every day.

图片来源(Photo resource)-



是呀 小姑娘很珍惜家长给她的东西


呵呵 如你说的 女孩子相对来说是比较文雅些:)

题目其实是 情或者爱啦。纠结于选哪个 最后索性2个都可以。任选的 嘿嘿

呵呵 看看吧,题都搞不清楚 :)



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