Survival Lessons From a Motorcycle Biker...?

If you're sitting down while you're reading this, you may want to stand up, and here's why...

You may not have heard yet about the muscle in your body that is an indicator of the overall strength and health of your whole body.

Those of us "in the know" call this your hidden "primal" survival muscle, but does it really exist and why is this important?

I'm sure that you understand the implications of trusting your life to equipment that is not well-maintained. For example...

...seasoned and smart motorcycle riders ABSOLUTELY will NOT ride a bike with a "rusty" poorly maintained chain.

See... they know that it could fail at any moment and they could be killed.... You're body, health and strength is exactly the same.

If this muscle is under-trained, too tight, or locked up it can contribute to a number of serious issues such as:

+Bad Posture
+Nagging Joint Pain
+High Anxiety
+Digestive Problems
+Weakened Immune System
+Trouble Sleeping
+Circulatory Issues
+Loss of Sexual-Performance
+Lack of Explosiveness in the Gym

Chances are that you may already be experiencing some or all of these issues, especially if you sit for long periods of time!

Those are some nasty problems that can compromise your chances of surviving a high-stress encounter or the need to be physically active in a life or death situation...

...but when you unlock this muscle there are many amazing health benefits.

Wanna test your knowledge... here's your pop quiz...

Which muscle do you think we're talking about here...?

1: Gluteus Maximus
2: Your Heart
3: The Psoas (Hip Flexors)
4: The Masseter

Don't be embarrassed if you got it wrong... I did too before I did the research.

It's still shocking to me that most preppers take care of their firearms and blades better than their most valuable tools. If you are not exercising this vital muscle, a critical systems failure is inevitable.

The answer can be found on this page along with the solution.


Glad to have discovered your blog! This is interesting, I have a pretty good balance between sitting and being active but this focus on hip flexors is new to me. Interesting you found out about it from your wife giving birth.

Very informative & Awareness post. Thanks for sharing this

Wow very interesting, thank you for sharing