What Was I Doing When I Was 15? What Is @theprophet0 Doing At 15? "A Stunning Source Of Inspiration For Every Steemit User!"

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

What Was I Doing When I Was 15? 

Hahaha, my life was tough! I knew alot already at that age; i knew what i wanted to be; i knew i want to have some palms. 

I was on the right track and in many places in the world, the right track is crooked and rough! In some nations, to be and stay on the right track; it is a battle, uphill and in many cases, you are moving against the entire nation. 

Yes, there are nations like that!

Among my peers, i stood out! I was that boy who wanted to see other boys, be boys! I wanted to see the beauty in how they are made and how much more power-for-good they could emit, if only they tried to tap into this beauty!

I would inspire and motivate these boys and it worked. I could fix them but i wasn't able to fix myself! (Paths are different!)

Yes, we would hangout, go play soccer together but even my soccer stood out. My decision-making, foresight, mentality already stood out. Now, there was no particular difference between me and my friends, it is just even at this tender age, i was already more defined.

I started out on this phase of self-definition much earlier though. At 13, i picked a bucket, rallied one of my sisters and we went filling buckets with stones, to fill up the foundation-hollow of the house that my dad was struggling to build!

He had problems with his business at the time and he struggled financially but he so wanted to see his house leave the ground. While he was looking to raise money to hire people to do this job. I was able to figure out: "gosh the truck-loads of stones was already at the location, so i would take my sister to the site and we would use buckets to gradually fill the foundation up. 

There is so so so much i have started doing at a really young age, that you cannot just imagine. This was the case because i figured out really early due to intense love for my household, that my role was to fix. 

I was first son and the only son; "i still am!"

At 15, i got to partner with a boy who had dreams. He was around 20! His dad who was around 80, had an old Caterpillar from the 80s. So me and my 20 year old friend discussed and we figured out this:

If only we could wake that dead caterpillar up; we could build dreams and fix our families!

Then our new ambition became to wake up a dead caterpillar. We started out writing proposals! 

Before then, my path was becoming obvious but i lived in nation, where knowledge about the very step to take, in an innovation journey, can stay hidden forever! I started to figure out during this time, that i could write too but it was very evident that my skill (gift), was in my thought process. It was becoming a beauty.

Yes, when i would write a piece then, i didn't have good grammar etc but i would the underlying thoughts behind my every line and it was marveling beauty.

My First Idea.

Thinking that writing was my skill, i started to visit one friend who had access to a PC and internet. He was constantly blogging. He got his content though from other blogs and i saw, that there was room for creativity and offered to play with his next blog creation and it was amazing. Being young however, my friend got a bit jealous at the reaction, that my creation brought and he didn't want me to write anymore. 

This push me into an internet shop the next day! 

En-route the internet shop, i sat on the road side to think a bit. Yes, i was going to try to create a blog but i didn't want my blog concept to be like my friend's and i think the definition of my path started there!

When it comes to my creation or innovation, i didn't want it to have existed anywhere. I wanted it all fresh!

I ended up created two blog concepts at the time. In one, i was to be like an imaginary celebrity lawyer! I was to paint celebrities scandal-less! For the other blog concept, i was creating imaginary celebrity beef.

And it all started there! "Innovation/Idea-Creation became my thing!" 

Over the years, i have been able to bring ideas to life but there was never a means, team or Intel to bring to life; Steemit changed all that! 

On steemit, i started out using my steemit posts to keep my ideas alive in dream-bits!

See sample:  

How I Eventually Secured A Patent For "2 Of My Sport-Related Inventions", Using Steem Technology?

Anyway Back To Caterpillars!

We worked on proposals and finally, there was some good news; we raised money to buy a caterpillar engine and the caterpillar came to life but this was one old-school caterpillar and so was its capacity. 

I became part of this huge caterpillar's engine! 

Basically, two young boys will wake up early in the morning, to monitor the loading of the caterpillar onto a toll truck, then we will travel for hours behind the truck in a car, to a distant forest-land in another state. This is no joke! 

Note: parents didn't know!

On some lands, the first thing you are met with, is a storm of men on motorcycles and cars, armed with guns and machetes. They are set to kill as they feel intruders have arrived

Land owners hired vigilantes to guard their lands!
Yes, in the nation that this was happening, if you bought your land and you don't build on it, others will go build on this land and claim ownership of the land!


Then two young boys (me and my friend) and an elderly caterpillar driver, will become hostages, till owners of the land arrive and paperwork is verified; then our caterpillar is allowed to land and begin excavation.

But hey there, this is just the beginning of the process! This particular caterpillar was an over-heater from day one and it is radiator used to drink water like crazy and emit ovens of heat. So i basically needed to form part of this caterpillar's engine. 

There are streams or flowing water around in many of these forest lands, so i will have to seek them, holding two 25 liters kegs each time, come back with water, climb the posterior of this huge caterpillar, to face extreme heat as i fill the radiator up with each keg, one after the other! The caterpillar would always break down too and we became the mechanics too and we were young and nuts where hugely tight! "We would always improvise!"

A major reason for doing all this was because i was a fan of a dreamer and i was dreamer too. I was a boy and i needed to be a solid rock for another boy.

More Definition!

Hahaha, i would through a lonely path, many times as i look for streams, kicking a stone and there will be toe-pain but i will keep kicking this stone; then i would sit and touch my palms and gosh they were going hard and rough and at this age, i already knew too, that i didn't want my palm to go all rough! I was already thinking; "future"!

I have done suffering but i knew i wasn't created in such beautiful manner, to come do time in the "prison of suffer"!

What I'm I Saying?

Simple:: Life, vision, dreams etc applies in everything in life; down to schooling, sports, success and even steemit. There was life before steemit and there is life outside of steemit! Bottomline is, who are we? Steemit provides just the right platform to find this out and if we got on steemit, without deeply-rooted core values, steemit also holds the right platform to help us with re-defining ourselves.

Many are doing this! They have got on steemit and have been finding themselves! Like i keep saying; "they have allowed themselves to peer".

The amazing thing with steemit is, "we have many mirrors"!; "A loving community of great minds ready to give your feedback, mentorship and outright love but they will only come around they can start to perceive hints of who you are, your mentality and vision!


There is no need to say much when it comes to this marvel of a human! Simply visit his blog and trace his journey because, if you spent your own time doing this; there is enough beautiful testimonies and a ton of inspiration on there, that will help you organize you very own steemit journey!

Yes, he used to make steemit posts to raise money to give out to the needy and homeless! Hahaha, he looked for witnessing on steemit, found it, then he became a witness and when his witness goes down, he doesn't just tire out, he comes back!

Hahaha, they say his voice is deep! "He is simply a full grown man!"

 | 15 Years Old | STEEM & PeerPlays Witness | SteemSports Editor/Writer | Entrepreneur | Developer 
It is a beauty!

Around 60 kids from South Africa, are busy using steemit as a platform to find themselves and this very evident if you visited #gedwriting today! And how about @giantbear, the teacher who made that happen!

Well, there are many other exemplary steemians doing similarly and they should be celebrated and today's shout-out goes also to these youngsters:

@aashishkandel @deepapoudel @rahul.stan @littlebear @purplerain96 @awriter @megan35 @stefan.steynberg


Witnesses on steemit are also chosen by steemians based on their behavior and the beauty they bring to steemit and steem technology and overtime @theprophet0 has proven himself, so how about this:

Follow @theprophet0

Then consider voting for his witness here: https://steemit.com/~witnesses! theprophet0 is currently at 50th place but he can climb the ladder with our upvotes!

Your Boy Terry



Let's form one strong beautiful empire of steemians who truly love one another!  

Discord - TheAmazingTeam 


Steemit Chat - SteemitIsBeautiful


Wow! I can relate so Much to your story, had such drive AS a 15 year old then I unfortunately got to sucked in to the party scene. But I think it's so inspiring to see the likes of @theprophet0 keeping their paths clear, And motivation high!

Yes that party scene also existed for me but it was strong enough to take me away from myself! There has got to be room for parties, no doubt! Thank you for being here! theprophet0 must be a strong character.

It is pretty nuts to be honest with you. I really got into computers when I was 16 and started using Linux then but I wasn't as connected and @theprophet0 is light years ahead of where I was. A lot of doors are going to open for his hard work and ambition!

Wow, just wow! This blog is incredible! Thank you so much for doing this, you are a blessing.

You are welcome! I am glad you felt something! Keep up the good work!

TERRY! Your writing is superb,great story. I wonder how I missed following you.

Thank you a lot! Just followed a well!

That's very inspiring post. First I thought you really wanted to make a caterpillar (insect) alive! Guess I am a jerk even at 25!!!!

You got it really! The aim of this post was to inspire! Hahaha about the caterpillar. Thank you for reading!

Become a lawyer, we will have huge responbility on our shoulder. Responbility to ourself, to other, to our social environment and many thing. We will see huge gray area when to defend our clients interest. We will see innocence and evil thing. Anyway nice posting ! :)

Hahaha, my calling is slightly different but has a lot to do with understanding life and humans! Thank you for being here

Nice one. I'm impressed with his achievements at a very young age.

Followed him.


Thanks for the mention mate!
That kid is surely going to be a very successful man when he grows up. He has done so much at such a young age.

Slowly I am building up a picture of who you are...

Yes, yes! It has always been there in those blogs of mine but many times i twist it but i trust you will grasp. Many times too, i use these posts to talk to the several steemians i chat with among many other things!

People are complex, that is what I like about this people... On Steemit, I am having fun trying to figure people out. The world is huge and my exposure is limited...

Yes, steemit holds the world! You will travel it with time, you have started already through steemit and this will help when you travel the world for real

Wish I was as aware and as smart at your age.

Best of luck to you, may you have a long and happy life.

i pray! Thank you for the prayer!

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