Steemit Has Impacted My Life Immensely And This Is How

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The video above isn't perfect. I don't have the perfect gadgets and i don't have a smartphone with enough memory, so i ended up doing a live-stream on an internet that turned out poor. However, you can still get the gist and reality in the video by endeavoring to watch the it through. 

Altogether, i spoke of the 'impact of steemit on my life'. I started out by relating how my life was on 'an internet without steemit' in comparison to my life since i found steemit. 

I had used the internet for many years before i found and that internet was very limited. As a young boy desiring to build his dream, hailing from a location where information and connections (related to dream-building) was scarce, i had turned to the internet to seek these things. By its means, i thought i could reach the world, connect with it and find information but the internet isn't well-evolved in all parts of the world. My location became a factor, limiting my internet experience overall. 

As a result, i started to ask more questions, attempt new search-queries in the search-engines and eventually, i found organically, at which time i didn't know about decentralized applications, blockchain or cryptocurrency. 

At the time, i was seeking a place online that had a real community, didn't limit me or my internet experience based on my IP location and couldn't censor me. 

Finding felt glorious to say the least. Upon arriving on steemit, it was beautiful. The internet before it had so many barriers and steemit could remove this barriers and this is something i was able to establish from the very outset. 

The 'proof of brain' model that steemit possesses was fascinating to me and outstanding too. I saw where steemit could head and it was clear and for this reason i stayed on it and became part of it. 

Among other things, i instantly noticed that due to the decentralized nature of the steem blockchain upon which is built, my content could gain visibility directly on the steemit platform and on the internet as a whole irrespective of my IP location and that in itself is something i had relished.

Identifying also that was immutable and each one could have true ownership of their content was another giant plus. (In the video, i spoke of my censorship ordeals with the likes of Facebook etc)

After months of being on steemit, i gained knowledge about other aspects of steemit's beauty, especially facets of it that can enable me build my dreams or bring my innovation-ideas to life and for the first time ever, i began the process of building my first DAPP (decentralized application) along with members of the steemit community and was born. Starting on #steemgigs, the first successful gig was completed and paid for and both parties, earned extra rewards for publishing a testimonial-post about their experience. 

Altogether, i saw so much beauty on steemit, beauty that was not in existence anywhere else on the internet. Steemit was becoming a home away from the rest of the internet. It had a real community too, something that was missing from the rest of the internet; a community that is in a constant state of evolution (incentivized by steem's 'proof of brain') and one that is reputable because on steemit, 'reputation has value and is rewarded'.

The ever-missing piece of my puzzle was found and this helped me greatly. Gradually, i began to innovate more and there were more tools available courtesy of steemit and its community to bring these innovations to life. So far, there are now,, and (3 STEEM-DAPPs) in existence, along with a steem-engine digital currency called MARLIANS and 'the Teardrops SMT' in the making. 

I have also become a better person since finding ''. Besides, growing in my knowledge about technical-related stuff like 'blockchain, servers, cryptocurrency, tokenomics, programming etc', i also furthered my knowledge about 'life and humans' courtesy of steemit. 

I learned some linux too and i was able to run my own witness to support the steem network, a witness called 'steemgigs'. I was also able to support a full-public RPC node in the past to support programmers who build their applications on the steem blockchain.

Infact, i have done my most learning on steemit. Steemit practically rewards you for 'mining your brain' and it rewards you in a variety of ways besides 'financial'.

On steemit, i also learn a lot more about 'money' and its dynamics of 'money' constituting only 'a form of reward'. 

Steemit has a currency called 'steem', which is a virtual currency backed by steemians. This currency started at 'zero' value and now has value determined by its community, reminding me that FIAT money, which has garnered so much importance in today's world, has its value courtesy of 'humans'. 

Steemit has enabled me to give more and i learned the art of receiving too, on steemit.

Steemit has helped me see the world in its truest state. Rendezvousing humans and incentivizing them to 'mine their brain', makes steemit an entire world of study; an entire study about the world.

These and more was discussed in my video. Even though i was disoriented in my video, you will get my gist, having read this short article.

Your Boy Terry


Please consider voting on my witness. It is called 'steemgigs'. You can vote by visiting this URL:

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Your time on Steemit has been positive Terry. You're among the first people I encountered on Steem back in 2018 and I'm happy about your time.

Thank you a lot bro. We will meet some day

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