'Cryptocurrency & Money's Uselessness. Chapter 6 (#2) - Creating Your First DAPP.

Below is a draft of a book that i have started writing. It will be the first book released from the Macrohard hub and will begin the process of enhancing the curriculum of 'legitimate illiteracy', the basis of an entire school that i have created, that everyone can school in.

By means of this book, i will incorporate 'legitimate illiteracy' with 'cryptocurrency', introducing is mix among participants of the Macrohard hub. Where copies of the books are sold, it will intimate the world about 'cryptocurrency' in a legitimate illiteracy way and proceeds from sales will go towards the evolution and sustenance of the Macohard hub. The Macrohard hub is currently located in the Philippines.

The video below, was recorded at the Macrohard hub and on it, i started the inception of this book:

I am trying to recover a bit from the passing of my dad. I didn't play my role as son enough and it haunts me. This book will be dedicated to my parents. By its means, may i make them proud a bit and heal in turn.

Your boy Terry


Chapter 6 - Creating Your Blockchain And Its First DAPP.

Creating Your DAPP

So, do you have a dream or ‘innovation idea’ that you want to build and actualize? 

A tangible way of actualizing your ‘dream’ in such a way that incites ‘the dreams of many nations’ is by creating a DAPP.

Creating a DAPP is as difficult as ‘1, 2, 3’. It has never been easier to create one. We now have the luxury of technologies like ‘blockchain and cryptocurrency’ to help matters and well, there are a great deal of ‘open-source DAPPs/tools’ that you can replicate to form the code-base of your DAPP.

Once again, many people create DAPPs for a variety of reasons. Please note that you may not need an entire DAPP to actualize your dream or vision. Your dream begins actualization from ‘your paper’. If that paper is ready and it is yours; celebrate!

Too, we have many tools now that we have under-utilized and under-explored that many a times, the ever-missing piece of the puzzle is there in the very ‘down-to-earth’ than out there in outer-space where many are inclined. You may already have a fully-functional DAPP, in the premise of the tools that you already use, so check again. Exhaust your ‘human capabilities’ in your interaction within the tools that you already use, you may be able to formulate a ‘fully-functional DAPP’ out of these tools.

Yes, in some cases, your project may not even need an entire DAPP to attain actualization. 

Join a legitimate illiterate, let us apply some ‘improvisation’ and emanate a ‘DAPP’ out of nothing and in 10 minutes.

Say I have an enterprise in the making called 'Macrohard'; what steps do I take to bring it into life, especially now that we have the luxury of a tool like the Hive blockchain?

It is dead easy!

Let me explain with this ordered steps:

  • Set up a Hive account on ‘hive.blog’. Sign in and introduce yourself to its community by publishing a ulog about yourself.

  • Now, look for a Hive-based application in relation to your passion (e.g leofinance.io if your interest is ‘cryptocurrency’) and start publishing on it. Interact with other members of its community and curate their content too.

  • When you have earned some '3 HIVE' (equivalent of ‘0.33$’), visit ‘https://hive.blog/communities’ to begin the process of creating a community called ‘Macrohard’.

  • Give your community an identity by giving it a description etc. 

  • Start to post about 'Macrohard' in your community (which is ‘public), even if you are alone in it. Evolve the dream, play in it, solidify your own conviction in relation to 'Macrohard'. 

  • When your very own conviction about 'Macrohard' is solid, tell others about the ‘Macrohard’ community and invite them to join in and post within your community.

  • Now, buy a domain name e.g ‘macrohard.pro’ and redirect the URL of your ‘Hive community’ (called ‘Macrohard’) to your own URL i.e ‘https://macrohard.pro’.ou can start inviting others to ‘https://macrohard.pro’.

  • Starting inviting people to ‘https://macrohard.pro’, which leads to an interface containing your Hive-based community called ‘Macrohard’, whereupon users can login to create content relating to your project and socially interact with others, to be rewarded in the native cryptocurrency of the Hive blockchain called ‘HIVE’.

  • When you have say ‘100 users’ subscribed to your ‘Hive-based community’, now resident on your own URL, work on making these 100 users 'true fans' of what your project ‘Macrohard’ represents.

  • If you now desire, write an entire ‘draft-paper’ that captures the essence of your project ‘Macrohard’ and begin publishing this paper in your community to the eyes of others and your ‘100 true fans’.

  • When you have some '500 true fans', you can go big. 

  • Create your own Hive-based cryptocurrency called 'MACROHARD' (current cost is ‘100 BEE’ or ‘11$’) and well, you can begin to reward your community in your own cryptocurrency called ‘MACROHARD’. You can start distributing ‘MACROHARD’ even manually, to participants in your community, to reward them for their participation. Ofcourse, everyone with a Hive account can receive ‘MACROHARD’, considering that it is a Hive-based cryptocurrency.

  • Begin to formulate your own ‘reward-distribution’ model.

  • Based on your exploration with 'reward-distribution', you can go back and reform the ‘tokenomics’ segment of your draft-paper.

  • If you have established your ‘reward-distribution’ model e.g ‘proof of brain’, you can encode its parameters into a ‘smart contract’, that your cryptocurrency ‘MACROHARD’ is distributed automatically among ‘participants of your community or project’, based on the conditions that you have defined.

  • When you have formulated a solid paper, publish your paper and launch your token officially and tell your now '500 true fans' to join in to support and propagate the vision.

  • If you desire to build an entire Macrohard DAPP, an application that you can entirely design, you can implore your ‘true fans’ to support your intention. If you like you can put your ‘MACROHARD’ holdings for sale, while your ‘true fans’ decide to exchange their FIAT for it, based on a variety of indices or you can make use of your own capital to build your application to improve the perceived value of ‘MACROHARD’, positioning you to raise better capital to improve your DAPP or you can build it all on your own budget and invite your 'true fans' in, to spark the grand motion, by giving them now valuable ‘MACROHARD’ tokens to celebrate ‘breakthrough’.

Did you notice that I could have had the luxury of a fully-functional DAPP at a budget of 11.33$ and in the span of 10 mins? Did you also know that not many users of the Hive blockchain know of this possibility? This is understandable.

Hive.blog is a DAPP on the Hive blockchain but it offers you the ability of creating a ‘community’, which will turn out ‘a Hive-based community’ accessible by every Hive user. 

In this community, you can define matters. For instance, you can select its administrators and determine what kind of content fills it. You can also curate the content of participants and interact with participants via comments same as you can on a typical Hive-based DAPP. Alas, you can distribute rewards too, the native cryptocurrency of the Hive blockchain called ‘HIVE’ and others can too. Proportional to one’s stake, one can distribute a portion of ‘HIVE’ in the daily reward-pool to Hive users of their choosing by ‘liking’ their content.

This simple-looking Hive community inherits most properties of the Hive blockchain, similar to any fully-functional Hive-based DAPP. 

Now, instead of sending people to a Hive-based URL, simply send them to yours; a URL that represents your project and they are met with a fully functional DAPP, carrying the identity of your vision that they can already interact with.

The point? Basically, start the process of building your dream money or no money.

Your human capabilities should remain intact irrespective of environment. Hahaha, if that ‘greatness’ is not constant across all environments, it is not yet ‘greatness’.

Once again, assuming you are to build your DAPP on the Hive blockchain, you instantaneously inherit its community too. Each Hive account holder can access your DAPP and interact with it. You also inherit assistance from its community of programmers. It favors Hive ‘financial/decentralization-wise’ to host as many DAPPs or interfaces to the Hive blockchain as possible. As such, its community of programmers are incentivized to assist you with the process of building your DAPP. You can start the journey of building your Hive-based DAPP on ‘https://developers.hive.io’.

Do you recall that we created a scenario, whereupon Facebook incorporated the Hive blockchain? Well, this means that if you already had an application, you can incorporate it with the Hive blockchain turning it into a Hive-based DAPP, in turn inherit all the features of Hive, its community of Hive-users and its reward-distribution, which can use to incentive further participation stirring user-growth for your application.

And if your vision is represented by a website, you can improve interaction and traffic to your website by incentivizing interaction, which you can easily accomplish by incorporating the ‘reward-distribution’ feature of the Hive blockchain, that allows people who leave comments on your website to earn ‘HIVE’ in turn. For instance, you can incorporate the Hive blockchain feature to your existing wordpress by adding the plugin on ‘https://exxp.io/’.

Now if you are a programmer, things get easier. Even so, a programmer must understand the inner-workings of the Hive blockchain or whatever blockchain they decide to incorporate their application with, to be effective in ‘creating a DAPP’.

In every case, ‘creating your DAPP’ starts at the inception of your paper. Yes, similar to how you have had to draft a paper for your ‘blockchain and cryptocurrency’, you will need to create a paper that represents your DAPP, that others can peer into to gain insight into your vi-mission. Since ‘DAPP, blockchain and cryptocurrency’ are related, all working together to form the niche ‘cryptocurrency’; all three can share a paper. More accurately, the said paper represents your ‘dream’.

As you can already identify, a DAPP is easier to create than a blockchain as a DAPP can incorporate with any blockchain, using a blockchain as its data-source and datahost.

So yes, there are many DAPP owners who aren’t ‘programmers’. I am one of them, a legitimate illiterate and I have ‘4 DAPPS’. Well, you can’t say ‘i can’t code’ for a typical ‘legitimate illiterate’ can.

Altogether, a good blockchain to build your DAPP on, is the ‘Hive blockchain’ but there are other blockchains too, depending on the industry that your DAPP intends to cater to. For instance, if you DAPP caters to the niche of ‘decentralized financing’; you can build with other blockchains like Ethereum, EOS, Telos, Tron, Binance chain and well ‘Hive’ as each blockchain offers ‘smart contract’ capabilities and are blockchain designed to host DAPPs.

Still, you are likely to win better with blockchains like ‘Hive, Blurt, Steem, Whaleshares etc’ because of their ‘social’ element.

Wait did I hear you say, ‘you have no money’? Haven’t I continually said ‘money is the smaller things’?

The Hive blockchain has a treasury fund referred to as a DAO. You can write the paper representing your vision e.g your intention to build your Hive-based DAPP) and publish it before the Hive community, with the purpose of appealing to their soft-spot. Moving them, they can vote on your proposal until ‘HIVE’ funds from the HIVE-treasury is disbursed to you, to foot your project. Alas, many blockchains have their own unique treasury feature too, such as EOS, Telos etc.

In eventuality, Macrohard will proactively seek to help you. Looking to incessantly emanate ‘down-to-earth innovations’, we will have open-source codes for successful DAPPs that you can replicate. Plus, a network of ‘brother-programmers’ to help you and well, a ‘TEARDROPS’ token to foot your cause.

Alas, we will also have a community of ‘true fans’ ready to spark the motion in propagating your noble dream and like me, they will constitute your ‘true fans’ whether bulls or bears, having been inculcated with ‘legitimate illiteracy’.

Why not create your own DAPP; let us emanate as many ‘owners’ as possible, as many ‘generation-fixers’ as possible. Let us abate the rarity in the ‘great men’ industry, surpassing google in turn!

You have the person of ‘your boy Terry Aajyi’, whether ‘bulls or bears’, whom you can reach on ‘[email protected]’ or by visiting the ‘Macrohard hub’ located in Manila, Philippines.

Your boy 'Terry Ajayi', whether 'bulls or bears'.

I will soon resume fuller activity. I was able to bury my dad some 26 days ago, after 17 days past since he passed.

Join my Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/GtfUvhoqQkW5U9EGboRGMw

Kind support the evolution of the Macrohard hub by purchasing a 15$ T-shirt.

Proceeds will go towards sustaining the hub: https://teespring.com/stores/surpassinggoogle

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