The Group Wisdom and Meeting New Friends is the True Power of SteemitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


Comments generate discussion and introduce new facets to a conversation.


The Group Wisdom and Meeting New Friends

is the True Power of Steemit

- Half the power of Steemit is to create a conversation.
A conversation, where I’m not preaching to the choir, but instead starting a discussion.

- The Other Half, is making new friends.
I’ve never seen a platform so powerful, for making friends of Like Mind.

Somewhere in there, is the function of posting articles, and it’s just a tool, to facilitate the main two functions listed above.


And I think comments need to be more respected as lively conversation and interaction and I think we should pay more for comments. Because conversation and discussion is where the real power of socialization benifits everyone that is a part of that discussion.

And I'm tired of a one-way conversation with Big Media. I'm tired of being talked down to, and really only interested in two-way conversations at present.

I'll expand on this more later, but for now I will say:

Steemit is Seasonal - Tell me I'm wrong - I hope I'm wrong..

Yes, this is true, I see more and more 1-line comments lately to my articles, just this week.

Much of it bots!

And it's because the kids are back in "school" now.

This will only get worse as mobile, becomes the most popular steemit app next year.

If it's too much work, students don't have time... (busy learning how to be a Doctor, Manager, or a Finance Minister).

We all hope Steemit to gain popularity but the fact is steemit will probably be more popular every summer, and a few chosen ones, will keep it alive through winters.

I just realized this will be a seasonal thing for a while until we get the tools built into it, to do all the things that can be done with separate tools today:

  • Following auto-upvoting - probably need to be able to auto-upvote based on subject, author, length
  • Mentions - when people mention @ned or @surfyogi, I want to see a notification of some kind
  • Chat - must be integrated better, so everybody uses it - I constantly meet people that don't know it's there... and are not reachable by chat

Please let us know what you think.

Agree, disagree, why?

I could use a resteem on this one, thx.


I hope to keep Steemit alive in me tru winter and summer.Really many are not reachable by chat and for those who are reachable by chat, I found out that many only chat with those they already know. Like, if you are new in a chat room, you try ti strike a conversation just to say'hello', all you get is something like "welcome @adore-eu"from just aperson and thats all. This is discouraging. But then again picking the names out to chat one-on-one has made me see that many of them are really nice, thats how i met @rideofpassion, @sircork, @samest, and now i met you again@surfyogi from my recent post about my falling in love with steemit. So i agree with you that striking conversations and making new friends will help push steemit to the next level, and possibly furnish a bond between all steemians.
I adore you

Great comment.
That's an interesting observation about chat; I'll have to take a look at some new authors there..
I like to do the chat, great way to meet new people.
Maybe we should start the Social Club ;-) (members on every continent.)

Have ever used
Has trusted secure chat, with video too. @sy7

Since most of the chats are general in nature or focus around initiatives or steemit itself, you have a lot of people who join the chats just looking for higher payout and without anything to add to the conversation. That's why when you use the popular chats nobody pays much attention to new users.

I suggested a while ago that the default chat should be #help, not #general so general stops getting flooded with new users asking "how do I make money on steemit?" As well as technical questions . More importantly, you need more accessible chats that are based on specific interests.

Discord is a bit better, but really you need to spend time somewhere before people take note of you since in chat we are not looking at your writing.

Ideally we'd have chat that was integrated with our steemit account she so we could click on the name and be directed to their account and articles

Without engagement and healthy discussion, this platform will not go far enough. Bots are the main problem here, they even upvote our posts without viewing them that is the reason the view counter shows only few views while the upvotes are higher in numbers.
Mentions are having a problem here since last few days. Previously I was getting the notification when somebody mentioned me but now I do not know where I have been mentioned. It is a bug I think.

Ya, I spend my voting power first by upvoting the people who care enough about my posts to reply to them. What is left goes to the good new posts I come across.. chat does need to be integrated better and mentions could be easier to find without having to go check the mentions site.

  • Search, don't even get me started.

I am assuming that some kind of subject taxonomy will come from communities; it's not clear what it will look like though. Any thoughts?

I am not sure either. At this point, the community aspect is lacking. So anything it does has to be better than what we have to work with now. I expect it to be more like subreddits, but I'm hoping it's better

I love engaging! I get excited when people leave me a comment. Chat had been a super useful tool for me for networking/finding new content. I have yet to be around for a winter, so I am interested in seeing what winter means to steemit. I will give this a resteem.

I agree; it's exciting when someone comments on my post; and I think: "one new person enters my realm" and my life may change as a result. We never know where we are going exactly; it always seems a mystery to me. Even if I am set for money, or I have a great job; it's always an adventure (if you do it right ;-)

I love adventures :)
I have crossed paths with some of the best people on steemit. I am so glad that I ended up finding this platform.

A nice read and I love the picture! It really reminds me of my email and other information distractions.

I do think comments are important to keep getting a feel for what works with the other people in the community. I find it helpful to hear some feedback to keep me writing and doing things of value for others. A well thought out comment can take some effort to produce even though it might be shorter than a post.

So it's my own opinion but I think that when we write a post about something we basically invite the people interested in that topic to our post and then we can have a long discussion about what I like or what can be done better and so on.

So we can say that the posts are the Body whereas the conversations put life into it.

I think a post with 100 upvotes but only 1 comments is worse than a post with 1 upvote but 100 comments.

I find I have questions quite often.
I want to ask several people at the same time...

I even want to find the people that are most aware of a given subject, and ask in their group. (We are missing this in steemit right now, for the most part. I can add a tag, but it doesn't really make a group.)

But you can also say that when you make a group we see some Groupism going on. By that I mean people of one group dissing content of other groups.

You can see the example in YouTube a lot of hate going around.

I like steemit as a whole community breaking it up into smaller pieces might lead to some problems like that on YouTube.

I don't see that as an issues for the most part.

I'm talking about people of like mind, form a group to display photos of babies, or whatever it is. They are not usually opinionated beyond that subject or any other interest group.

It may happen where political issues or religeon or age-old hatred lives, but that's 1% or even much less in my experience on Reddit, or USENET.

I am mainly against that 1% users who try to always spit out Hate.

The main reason I moved from facebook to Steemit was the constant applications of users asking me to support this and that.

Please fill out these Forms this will help us, share this you will get money, these types of posts.

Its those 1% people who just frankly pisses me off with their constant nagging.

Well, yeah undoubtedly Commenting is the most crucial part of steemit but most people don't understand its importance and don't reply to their loyal followers. They just keep on posting articles without any pause and sense.

What really matters is to make a community and finding like minded people in any platform and only then you can grow your brand, channel or website. Without people's support and information sharing, nothing works on social media.

Thank you sir @surfyogi for raising this topic for discussion :)

You always leave great comments.
I've learned a lot from your feedback, so thanks very much for that.

The pleasure is all mine sir :) You inspired me a lot.

This platform has a lot of potential but it must be maintained at best several people have no success they leave the discouraged platform

Hopefully it is not seasonal. There are lots of people that I follow who are older and not students. I agree totally with the last three points. I don't use the chat because it is too much of a hassle to go out and into another app. I need this thing to be easy. Otherwise I spread myself too thin. It would be so nice to know when people resteem your articles so you can thank them too.
I will upvote and follow. Thanks for the thoughtful article.

Good suggestion! @ned
Hope he is getting his mentions list ;-)

That's a great thought! I like the idea of incentivizing good conversations and awards. Right now, content creation is what has the most incentive, so that's what most people create.

I guess upvoting comments right now is the best way to encourage genuine interaction. :)


Yes, everybody is so fucking lazy about upvoting comments, sheesh..

hahah :) common people!!

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