Steemit Nursery Contest : TIPS to improve our quality life |@sureway044

in Steemit Nursery2 years ago (edited)

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Here to express my sincere regards to Steemit Nursery community and relates on the contest title , TIPS to improve my(our) quality life . Some of those tips am about to relates here are part of my daily routine , an insight on what I would be relating to . One is on spiritual line or aspect and the other is on classical or world or vast line or aspect . And are as follow :

  • Meditating Prayers
  • Gratitude and Thankfulness

Context question

  • How does it help to do that ?
  • Because you do it ?

Meditating Prayers

Before I get to answer those given contest questions I would first relate on what meditating prayers mean on my own terms , since it's has to do with my routine .

Meditating Prayers here is not as same as usual prayers , which church members do prayed at church and isn't a pure meditation either . Meditating prayer is more as having a quiet time or quiet moment . In which you totally pouring out your mind and burden or problems to the true CREATOR you can as well request something through this quiet moment . Without going audible , very quiet , meditating ; making your mind do the talking .

* How does it help to do that ?

It does help very well ; Since the scripture said we should take no thought about morrow let tomorrow do take thought of itself because days are of evil .

• Do it in morning , it help to prepare you for that day

• It help to keep you away from evil of the day

• It makes your day peaceful

• It provided you more grace and strength for the day .

* Because you do it ? Yes , because I do it more often it does working for me .

Gratitude or Thankfulness

Here you can be grateful or get to be thankful for any thing in life which might not basically God or Son , Jesus Christ our personal Lord and Saviour . On this one you can observe it at any given moments of the day , but , its best to get start in morning dawn .

* How does it help to do that ?


Here you need to be grateful to both natural things and man made things all of which as resonates to you. It just as been thankful to God the CREATOR it move Him to get to do more . TIPS on what to express our gratitude for so as to improve our quality of life :

• Grateful to how God fashioned flower's

• Grateful for the new day

• Grateful for our daily bread

• Grateful over life of our family members who are alive

• Grateful for our friends and things around us .

Because you do it ?

Yes , because I do it almost often : ° It help balancing my day

° It help instill more hope in me

° It providing me with the right spirit of nature

° It help me decerning things around me

° It enhance my intuition and instincts


The above TIPS can work magic in given good environments and area , just like the law of attraction . But , some witchcraft area or environments don't make things to hard , stress is that there are huge trial , test , storm and lesson . But I don't know what reason God has to often let the wicked live .


!zen 100

Really valuable tips that will help us to be more happy and feel better, thanks for sharing

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 2 years ago 

Greetings friend.

Of course we need to practique this action: Be grateful with God and the life that we are living now.

I like your post, very clever. Thanks for sharing with us. Keep it up my friend.

Thank so much I do appreciate .

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