Europe- EFSA- improves scientific assessments.

in #health7 years ago

The European Food Security Authority (EFSA) Scientific Committee has created three main procedural structures to improve the consistency, quality and transparency of scientific evaluations conducted by the EFSA's 10 Divisional Scientific Panel.

And scientific methods of scientific evaluation.

Structures are:

  1. Weight of evidence - Three-step procedures for integration, shock and authentication based on its reliability, relevance and compatibility.

It considers qualitative and quantitative terms and provides easy reporting tools.

  1. Biological Relevance - A flexible structure that defines definitions and concepts and sets standards for determining the nature / degree of an extended effect and is shown to be adverse, beneficial or not (e.g., relevant to an evaluation).

  2. Uncertainty - Assessment and assessment of the limitations of our knowledge during evaluation and how to break the data (the uncertainty reduction) is required.

The first two columns of this integrated approach were recently published.

In comparison to last year, EFS has been directed towards internal uncertainty.

Based on the experience, it will be finalized and finalized at the end of 2018 at the end of 2017 to finish the series.

EFSA Scientific Committee President Professor Tony Hardy said, "These three documents together are building blocks that will make our assessments more powerful and transparent, which provides optimum quality information and can help decision-makers".

EFSA will gradually integrate these blueprint into the daily activities of all scientific panels and other scientific groups for the weight and biological relevance of the evidence.

However, three perspectives are interconnected and overlapped.Capture-1.JPG

Therefore, after the completion of the uncertainty guidelines and the renewal of the EFSA Scientific Committee, and following 10 scientific panels in July 2018, authorities will further speed up the process.

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