Christopher Alvarado - Fog Music 12 (Engulfed Landscape)

in #music7 years ago

Through the Fog 24:05

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Aural Films presents "Fog Music." A series of recordings inspired by the weather condition known as fog. Light and dark, wet and dry, this invasive event is a great source of inspiration for sound artists from around the world. This project seeks to publish 24 hours of these recordings as an on-going series for all to hear and enjoy.

released November 17, 2014

Dan Pound - Composition and recording.

Jack Hertz - Cover photo.

Dan Pound, Ambient electronic, shamanic space music composer. Mr. Pound creates Soundscapes and atmospheres both tranquil and electrifying. His music has been used in a variety of soundtracks and multi media platforms of various kinds. Also fitted for accompanying healing arts sources and activities including meditation, yoga, focused visualization, and achieving and delving into deeper layers of relaxation, sleep and dreaming. Find more information on Dan's work at

Inspired by the mystery of life. Jack Hertz manipulates sound to create intangible techno-organic impressions between music and noise. He has been composing and recording experimental music for more than 30 years. Read more about his work at

Aural Films is an online record label (netlabel) that releases high-quality soundtrack albums for movies that do not exist. We cover a wide range of music styles ranging from ambient to experimental to popular to soundtrack musics. Often on the same albums. You can find our complete catalog of releases online at

Aural Films Catalog No. AF0079

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