First Sale after only TWO days on Homesteaderscoop, by Sunscape

Hyacinthe 4.jpg

I took the advice of @allyinspirit and applied to the #homesteaderscoop to open a storefront. It was such an easy process thanks to @sagescrub that I had the store up and running in less than two days. What even surprised me the most was receiving my first sale on day three from @melinda010100 who has been a faithful friend and follower since we began this journey on Steemit over two years ago. I am sure she is going to love the Hyacinthe scented soap she ordered.

I just wanted to encourage other crafters, artists, and homemakers out there to consider joining us in this up and coming community of vendors. I am so happy to be a part of the Homesteaderscoop and I know you will be too. Come on in and join the fun.

Here are a few other items that I have to offer:

Avocado Soap

AVOCADO 3 (2).jpg

Children's "Smelly" Combo Pack
kids combo 3.jpg

Castille Soap
castille 7.png

Goldenrod and Raw Honey
Goldenrod and Honey 2.jpg

These are just a few items in the store, be sure to stop on by Sunscapes Soap Shop and have a look, there just might be something perfect just for you.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Homesteaderscoop Store - Sunscapes Soap Shop
Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Etsy Store - Sunscapes Soap Shop


That's marvelous! Congratulations, and I hope your store does really well! It makes me happy to see a peer-to-peer market developing in our community.


Thank you curatorcat, I am so glad to be partaking in the community.

I hope your store is a success.

I'm watching the mail box! I can't wait for my soap to arrive. I'm betting it will smell like springtime!

I am sure you will be reminded of Spring. I made an emulsified sugar scrub yesterday with the same fragrance and it is wonderful. Enjoy your soap. It arrived on Valentines Day.

It is quite wonderful, and thanks so much for all the surprises! The snow is too deep for me to safely get out to the mailbox on my scooter, so my daughter just stopped by and brought my mail-in yesterday afternoon! I hope you have tons of sales!

Thank you Melinda, what is up with the scooter, I had no idea! I know how hard it is, as I have back issues and hips too. I have to go for surgery in three days for the back. I am believing for more mobility after 2 years of struggling to walk and bend. I wish you well and thank you so much for being my first customer.... You're always so supportive of your Steemit friends. I see it all the time. love and light to you. xoxoxo

I was diagnosed with MS in 2001. 4 years ago my ability to walk was affected. I had been using a scooter to get around areas that required a lot of walking but it became obvious from all the falls that I was having that I needed to start using it in the house also. Now that I live alone it is simply safer for me. Good luck with the surgery. I hope it brings you the results you are hoping for!

Wow, Melinda that is a tuff diagnosis and I know it must be very difficult for you sometimes. I have a hard time walking in my house and have not done much shopping or outings at all. Had to take out a lot of my gardens too, I just was not able to do it all last year. Now, I am believing for relief with the surgery. I wish you the best mobility that you can muster. much love to you. ♥

Awesome soaps.
Resteemed :-)

Thank you so much lichtblick for the RS as it helps to get the word out about the co-op. Have a wonderful day my friend.

This is so great @sunscape :) I am glad to see your initial success. Keep up the great work! The soaps are so beautiful.

Thank you, dear I will continue to promote and add new items.

Wow great news @sunscape your products look great im sure many more will follow 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

That is so sweet of you to say, I will always be adding new products, as my mind never stops creating.

They all look nice. Do any clean you like Dove? Thanks for resteem with "exploding sky". :-)

hahaha, even better than Dove, that was my mother's favorite soap. Your Welcome Mike on the re-steem

Oooo! Ill have to check it out once I earn some more steem! (I spent it all on seeds... )
Those soaps look lovely!! ♥

Hi Squishysquid, I don't blame you, there are a lot of great seeds available on the co-op. I hope to see you as a customer in the future and I will always be adding new items, as I never stop creating. ;-)

Fantastic! I will eventually, but I have to earn some more steem! Haha I am broke!

Thank you for listing all the ingredients! I am allergic to so many things, it's great to be able to check what I can and cannot try. There are some that are allergen-free, so when I've accumulated some liquid Steem, I will have to try one! 😄

Thank you Phoenixwren, it is important to list all the ingredients with so many people allergic to many things today. I look forward to seeing you in the future.

Your product is gorgeous. Very enticing. Congrats on your first sale.

Thank you so much owasco, I am happy to be on the co-op.

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