Here Comes the Rain Again

The blue sky with fluffy clouds and lots of sun is but a memory. The sky is heavy and gray again.


The rain has returned, with a vengeance. While driving my youngest to school this morning, it was raining so heavily that visibility was limited


and no one was outside unless they were required to be


which makes driving across Michigan's notorious potholed roads extra dangerous because you think, "Oh, it's just a puddle, a little water on the road"


but the truth is that it's a massive crater just waiting to destroy your car and your day.

But wait until the today's rain turns into today's snow. Forecasts are predicting up to 9 inches (almost 23 centimeters) of snow by tomorrow morning.

This has been your weather report from Michigan. Have the best day that you can.

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Oh sorry about the rain, you could be writing about Scotland tho. I think you have just inspired me to write about the snow we have here in Scotland. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.

Thanks for reading my whining about the weather. And I'm happy to have inspired you.

I’m sure you inspire more than me ❤️

Yikes! My older sister just moved to MI with her fam. They are in the St Joe region, and the pictures of snow I've seen around their home are amazing.

(P.S. I hate the cold.)

It's snowing now. :( 0301181428.jpg

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