Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/28/17> What is it with people now a days and their….

in #blog7 years ago

What is it with people now a days and their …(fill in the blank)? I have some pretty good words that I can plug into that blank spot that would make a pretty good question that we could discuss. But this daily dose column shouldn’t always be about me and my clan, so today I thought I would just set up the question, let you finish it and then we can discuss it in the comments.

So, what is it that we are going to discuss? Will it be obsessions that people have with other people or pets? How about their vanity, lots of pretty vane people running around this planet now a day’s don’t you think? My wife just came and asked me tonight’s topic, she said “fakeness” that could be interesting too, fake news ring any bells? Speaking of fake, political correctness would fit in that category. How is it that no matter what anyone says somebody else is going to be offended? Have we really come to the point in our existence that a few words can be such a big deal?

And why is political and correctness even used together? Here in the US we have come to believe that we shouldn’t say things that might hurt others, but we have no problem dropping bombs in several different countries over in the middle east, how in the hell does that make any sense? I guess killing is okay, as long as you don’t do it with words, bombs yes, words no.

“Stupidity” would be a good word to fill in the blank and complete the question. You and I both have seen programs like Jackass and other You Tube videos of people doing the stupidest stuff, things that are so stupid most people couldn’t even imagine doing the things, let alone doing them.

Clothes, hair styles and colors, and body piercings could be interesting too. Your purple hair says something about you that is for sure; but since I am in the US and I need to be PC, I’ll just say it makes you “interesting” and leave it at that. What exactly is that stainless steel ball thing you have on your tongue for anyway?

Politics, people and politics, could be the question. That discussion could be a long one, in the interest of brevity I’ll cut it short for you, your vote for your party or candidate doesn’t mean jack shit here in the USA. The people who run this country decide who you can select from and that is all you need to know. The candidates are bought and paid for before you ever cast a vote; our political system is meant to be a distraction so you won’t start looking for the truth. If it weren’t meant to be a distraction do you think we would still be hearing about “Russian collusion”?

Feelings, yes feelings, that could be the question as well. Should we really discuss other people’s feelings? I really don’t believe we should; let the people who own their feelings discuss them. I would probably just end up hurting their feelings anyway, then I would be the bad guy.

Religious beliefs, now there is a subject that could stir up a hornet’s nest in a heartbeat. Everyone knows that the religion they subscribe to is the only true religion; why else would they believe in it? Religious discussions usually end in disaster, there are no winners in religious wars or discussions, and history has proven that fact.

Conspiracy theories, oh yea, now we have a topic that might work. What is it with these, 911, Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon bombing, and several others? Not every shooting or bombing is an inside job or a false flag or are they? People love to discuss conspiracy theories; will this be your fill in the blank to finish the question?

While you think about how you will complete the question and start the discussion I’ll just take a moment to update you on a couple things that I have going on right now. I am no longer flying the “unmentionables banner” on my posts. I have decided to move on with some others from the group to a newly formed organization, The Steem Engine, is the name of this new group. I also got an invite and accepted it to another group on discord known as Steemit Ramble, seem like nice folks over there too. Don’t tell my wife but I might just start doing a little pimping on Thursday nights, you know maybe bring in a little extra steem from pimping. The wife knows I play poker on Thursdays, so if you don’t tell her any different she probably won’t ever know that I might be pimping, she will just assume I’m playing poker.

Okay, the ball is in your court, I made the serve…. hit it back and let’s have a discussion on your completion of the question.



I know I'm off topic... but this post reminded me of Andy Rooney... I miss watching him...

yes, maybe a tad like something old Andy would do, there is nothing wrong with being off, I spend quite about of time in the "off topic" area.

I say what is it with the ppl now a days and their obsession with money! Now that is a subject worth looking into. Greed is if I am not mistaken the source of all wrongdoings. It is something about money and power that people seem to get hooked on. It is never enough doesn’t matter how much you have. DC was just telling me earlier about how Apple is slowing down the software for old Iphones so that they could sell the new ones! Really? Really Apple?! Dont you make enough? Isn’t free labour and 52 billion in revenue enough?? Well I guess it is not..now back @ you sultnpapper..let’s see your take on this..hehe

Money is a good one. The problem is that there is no money, and people have yet to come to grips with that. What we call money, is not money, it is legal tender. There is a difference, but the education system does not teach the history of our country and the fiat currency we carry around pretending to be money.
As far Apple goes, I would think that the owners of older I-Phones would have a basis for a good class action law suit, what gives Apple the right to screw with something that they no longer own? The customer owns the phone not Apple, I would think that would be a slam dunk suit.
So as far this topic of money I am with you on the Apple piece. I find it rather funny though that people are obsessed with something that really doesn't have true value, only perceived value.

Regarding the law suits against Apple that is already happening as far as I have learned about it..the thing that bothers me is greed..as far as peoples obsession with money is concerned I agree it does not have true value but if your system of values in general is dictated by what you own and how much you own then what is truly important in life becomes 💰 and you transform into this corporate monster filled with greed and pride in what you think you have..rather than just enjoying life’s little pleasures..

I imagine you being a good debate moderator in real life. These are some good questions you have brought up, any one of them would be a good one to discuss. Political correctness and wars is a very interesting one. Conspiracy theories would be good too for a nut like me.

My question is: what is it with people now a days and their obsession with open mindedness. It seems to be only meant for certain topics (Race, gender, sexuality, religion ..) where disagreement is considered bad. How about I keep my opinion and you keep yours?
well, this might also fall under PC

Thank you for your compliment, I could argue both sides of coin if I had too.
Your question is a good one for sure, open mindedness is in my opinion code for "we'll tell you how you should think". Then they take topics like you mentioned and push them everywhere you look. The key is to make people start questioning themselves. I believe our human nature is geared to being able to get along with each other, even when we might hold different opinions. The "open mindedness crowd" preys on the weak who would rather concede their believes in topics such as race, religion etc. in order to just get along. If they can make you believe you are in the minority rather than the majority in your believes then people are easily changed, I liken it to "herd mentality", if most of the herd is lock step the others will end up joining in, except for people like you and me.
The term "sheeple" or "Sheeople" is an accurate description of people who follow the herd. I like being the "black sheep", of the family and herd. I suspect you might be that way as well.
Open mindedness should be a two way street but the people who are laying out the roads only have "one way" signs to put up and direct traffic flow.
Their obsession is with power and control, not so much the subject matter at hand, that subject matter is just the tool to accomplish the task.

The obsession with power and control is a sure thing, but I’m not able to understand which is the tool and which is the task. They just seem intertwined. We either simplify it with the obvious or complicate it with conspiracies.
I guess it doesn’t matter as long as we don’t conform

and yes "black sheep" would suit me better than being a sheeple

My thought process puts any of their subjects, religion, sex, etc. as the "tool" they use it to manipulate people and accomplish the task through the manipulation process.

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